
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 29

Alpha followed what the mask said, and a new status showed up in his status screen

< mp: 0.2>

(mp) refers to mana purity, and just as the mask explained, it was between 0 and 0.5

Alpha got interested in this concept, after all, his intelligence have reached a very high level, Increasing it any further doesn't seem that important

yes he still regained some memories every time he increased it, but those memories were mainly consistent of other worldly knowledge

What Alpha was hoping to remember, was his previous life, his family, his friends, he's loved one, and more importantly, how did he come to this world and how to go back

But unfortunately, everything he remembered so far was about science, biology, physics, and for some reason.... Anime and video games

He must have been a shut in Otaku in his previous life

That's why he abandoned the idea of increasing his intelligence to remember them

If he is meant to go back to his previous world, then sooner or later he will

Until then, he must make sure to live a safe and happy lifestyle

But to do that, he needs to leave this dungeon first, and since he is all alone in this world, he also needs to get stronger

How much stronger? Just as strong as he can. Then he can push himself a little bit further if he needed more power

After checking his status screen, the mana purity status was not the only change

He also gained three more levels becoming LV 37, and gained 9 SP

Usually he would invest them all in intelligence or dexterity, but his intelligence have become so high, that adding SP to it will be a waste, and his dexterity is already high enough for him to aim properly

And since he doesn't use physical attacks that much, increasing his strength will be useless, especially when he can use body strengthening

That only leaves him with vitality to increase, after all he doesn't want to be hurt when he's already this strong

Yes he can use mana zone and Mana coat, but being on guard all the time is a bit annoying

Increasing his vitality will increase his HP and defense, and if his defense increases high enough, then normal monster attacks won't be able to deal any damage to him, and he can just close his eyes and let them do whatever they want to him without being hurt

And even if he met strong monsters, that have high enough attack to penetrate his defense

He would have at this point, a high enough HP for him to not be killed instantly

Thus, he decided that from this point on, he will add all of his SP to his vitality

Right now it reached 122 which is pretty good, but given enough time, it might reach or even surpass that of a dragon!

But that's a story for another time

Now that he dealt with the excess SP, he shifted his attention back to the monster core and it description

(The mana can be absorbed to improve mana purity)

If it's Mana, and is meant to be absorbed, then he should be able to do it just like how he absorbs Mana from the air

He grabbed the core firmly in his hand, closed his eyes, then imagine all the Mana inside the core being sucked in

That gave him a warm feeling seeping into his hand, but it only lasted for a second

After it stopped, alpha opened his eyes and reappraised the core

(LV3 slime core): a lump of meat covered in a shell, the meat can be eaten to refill hunger)

The description has changed, apparently after absorbing the mana from it, it becomes nothing more than food

But it didn't really matter, since Alpha was keeping it for that same reason in the first place

After that, he ate it and threw the shell away, then he proceeded to absorb the pure Mana from all the ones he had

That was about 80 slime cores, it might sound like a lot, but it could only increase his Mana purity to 0.3

It can't be helped since they are all level 3, while he's well over level 30! 10 times higher!

After doing so, he ate the meat of the first few, and disposed of their shells, then stored the rest back in his DDB

Now that he took enough rest, and finished all his preparation, he stood up ready to conquer the fourth floor

But suddenly The mask stopped him "hold on Alpha! We are not done yet, did you forget that your intelligence have surpassed 1000? You don't think that making such a great achievement will be left unrewarded, do you? Check your titles"

After the mask said that, Alpha reached a realization, he have been gaining skills and titles extremely fast, and for the simplest or stupidest reasons

There's no way something as amazing as surpassing 1,000 intelligence won't give him anything

So he checked his titles... And he got a new one

Title [the millennial] : those who've reached the millennial level, are basically immortals, apart from having an immortal body, they don't need to eat sleep nor repeat, they can sleep whenever and wherever they want, but not sleeping won't cause them any harm, they can eat whatever and whenever they want, but not eating won't cause them any harm, their body will automatically consume Mana to fill its need for food, any wounds they gain, will heal automatically.

all stats +50% , skill [hyper regeneration]

Passive skill [hyper regeneration] : regenerate 50HP per second

Title [one who seeks the peak] :only those who seeks to stand on top of the world can reach this level,

[HP regeneration] , [MP regeneration] , all stats +10%

Passive skill [HP regeneration] : recovers your lost health by 1 HP per second

Passive skill [MP regeneration II] : recover your lost Mana by 2 MP per second