

Radva's life begins in tragedy. As a baby, she miraculously survives an accident that claims her parents, thanks to the timely intervention of Adam, an 18-year-old fisherman. Adam, who has had his own share of hardships and struggles, decides to raise Radva as his own in their small, isolated village. He names her Radva, meaning "Harder Mountain," symbolizing strength and resilience. Over the years, Adam transforms from a reckless youth into a responsible guardian, driven by his deep love and commitment to Radva. He protects her fiercely, shaping her upbringing with care and devotion. However, as Radva grows into a beautiful and intelligent young woman, her curiosity about the world beyond their village intensifies. She dreams of exploring the city and experiencing life outside the confines of her sheltered existence. On her 18th birthday, despite Adam's fears and protective nature, Radva decides to leave the village to chase her dreams. She sneaks away to the city, leaving Adam heartbroken and anxious. In the bustling urban environment, Radva meets Elias, a charming and worldly young man who helps her navigate the complexities of city life. Their bond grows, and Radva is torn between her newfound freedom and her lingering connection to Adam. Adam, realizing his profound love for Radva, sets out to find her, determined to bring her back. He struggles with his feelings, torn between seeing Radva as his daughter and acknowledging his deeper, romantic love for her. Meanwhile, Radva enjoys the excitement of city life but often feels a pang of homesickness and confusion about her true desires. Elias, sensing Radva's inner turmoil, steps back from their budding relationship. He encourages her to confront her feelings for Adam and understand what truly makes her happy. This act of selflessness helps Radva realize the depth of her bond with Adam and her need to reconcile her dreams with her past. Adam and Radva eventually reunite in the city, leading to an emotional confrontation where they both confess their love for each other. They decide to marry and start a new chapter in their lives, combining Radva's desire for education and exploration with their deep, enduring love. The couple returns to their village after Radva completes her higher studies. They build a life filled with love, respect, and mutual growth. Adam overcomes his fears and becomes more supportive of Radva's independence, while Radva brings her knowledge and experiences back to improve their community. "Too Far to Be Close" is a heartfelt tale of love, resilience, and the transformative power of personal growth. It explores the complexities of relationships, the journey of self-discovery, and the ultimate realization that true love can bridge even the widest gaps, bringing two souls closer than ever.

Marwa_Tahir · Teen
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Radva, the girl most kind and brave, had endured immense suffering in her childhood. Her life took a drastic turn after a tragic accident. When she was born, her parents, overcome with despair, attempted suicide. They jumped from a bridge, taking their newborn daughter with them. Miraculously, Radva survived, thanks to a fisherman named Adam who was coincidentally passing by the river in his boat. She became entangled in his net, saving her life.

Adam, a young man of just 18, was startled when he found the unconscious baby girl in his net. His initial fear quickly gave way to calm determination as he pulled her from the river and rushed her to the hospital for emergency care. By the grace of God, she was only unconscious and soon regained consciousness, needing warmth and care.

Adam, however, was unsure of how to provide the comfort and security she needed. His priority became the baby's health and safety, as well as finding a safe place for her to grow. Despite his lack of financial resources and his humble lifestyle in a small village where he lived alone, Adam made a life-changing decision. He resolved that he would become her family, taking on the responsibility of raising her and ensuring she had a bright future.

As the years passed, Adam worked tirelessly to provide for Radva. He taught her to be strong and kind, instilling in her the values of courage and compassion. They faced many challenges together, but their bond grew stronger with each obstacle they overcame.

One day, when Radva was ten years old, a dark cloud loomed over their village. A dragon, fierce and terrifying, descended from the mountains, threatening their home and the people they loved. Radva, having inherited her parents' bravery, stood alongside Adam, determined to protect their village.

Adam, now a skilled fisherman and a loving father figure, had also become a wise and resourceful man. He crafted a plan to defeat the dragon, utilizing the knowledge he had gained from years of navigating the treacherous waters and living in harmony with nature.

With Radva by his side, Adam confronted the dragon. They used their wits and courage, leading the beast into a trap they had carefully prepared. The battle was fierce, but their unwavering determination and strong bond helped them prevail.

In the aftermath of the battle, the villagers hailed Radva and Adam as heroes. They had not only saved their village but had also shown the true meaning of family and sacrifice. Radva, the girl who had once been saved by a young fisherman, had grown into a beacon of hope and bravery, inspiring everyone around her.

From that day forward, Adam and Radva continued to live together, their hearts filled with love and gratitude. They faced every challenge with the same bravery and kindness that had defined their journey from the very beginning, proving that even in the darkest of times, there is always a light that can guide us home.