
Tondo Boss Diary

Jericho was born and raised in the slums of Tondo, a gritty neighborhood in the Philippines known for its poverty and crime. Despite the odds against him, Jericho was determined to make something of himself. He worked hard and soon rose through the ranks of the local street gangs, using his cunning and charisma to gain the respect of those around him. As he gained more power and influence, Jericho saw a chance to take control of the criminal underworld of Tondo. He formed a network of loyal followers and began to expand his reach, using his street smarts and brutal tactics to eliminate anyone who stood in his way. Before long, Jericho had become the most feared man in Tondo. He ruled the streets with an iron fist and his word was law. But despite his newfound power, Jericho was still haunted by the poverty and hardship of his childhood. He knew that he could never forget where he came from, and he used his newfound wealth to help those in need in his community. However, with great power came great danger. Jericho was constantly wary of those who would betray him, and he was forced to make difficult decisions to protect himself and his empire. He surrounded himself with trusted lieutenants, but he also knew that even they could not be trusted completely. One day, Jericho's worst fears were realized. One of his closest allies betrayed him, teaming up with a rival gang to take down the Tondo Mafia once and for all. Jericho was caught off guard and was forced to flee for his life. But Jericho was not a man to be underestimated. He regrouped and mounted a counterattack, using all of his resources and cunning to reclaim his power and defeat his enemies. In the end, Jericho emerged as the undisputed ruler of Tondo, with a reputation that was feared by all. Despite his success, Jericho remained a man of contradictions. He was both a ruthless criminal and a compassionate leader, a man who had risen from the slums to rule the city, but who was still haunted by his past. In the end, he was a reminder that in the world of power, poverty, and betrayal, anything is possible.

Nad_Castillo · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: The Captain and The Boss

The sun was just starting to rise as the team prepared to set sail towards their next destination, a nearby island in Palawan. The ship was state-of-the-art, with the latest technology inside, but it looked like an ordinary shipping vessel on the outside. Every crew member was well-trained and experienced in their respective fields.

As they boarded the ship, they were greeted by the captain, Sam. The moment he saw Jericho, he immediately kneeled down in respect.

"Sir Jericho, it's an honor to have you onboard my ship," he said, bowing his head.

The scene then flashes back to a time when Captain Sam was just a fish vendor in Divisoria Market. He was a skinny man with a brown complexion, and he was often bullied at the fish port while trying to buy fish to sell in the morning. One day, a group of con men took his money and nearly beat him to death. Desperate and with nowhere else to turn, his family sought Jericho's help. In a show of honor, Jericho avenged Mr. Sam and gave him enough money to feed his family.

"I will do my best to repay you for what you've done for me and my family, sir," Mr. Sam said, as he swore to protect and serve Jericho for the rest of his life.

"Mr. Sam, please stand up. I don't need any repayment from you," Jericho said, trying to comfort the captain.

"But sir, I owe you everything. My family and I would not have made it if it weren't for you," Captain Sam replied, still kneeling.

Jericho then asked about Mr. Sam's family. "How are Jen and Glyn? I remember them being so beautiful, often mistaken for actresses."

Tears welled up in Mr. Sam's eyes once again. "They still are, sir. But their beauty also makes them targets for bullies. I want to repay you for everything you've done for us, for protecting them."

Jericho placed a hand on Mr. Sam's shoulder. "There's no need for repayment, Captain. Just continue to take care of your family and protect them. That's all I ask."

And with that, Captain Sam stood up, wiping away his tears, and promised to do just that. He was grateful for Jericho and would do anything for him and the team of medical assassins.

But Jericho just shrugged it off and told him not to worry about it. He didn't want anything in return, he just wanted to do what was right.

And so, Captain Sam dedicated himself to serving Jericho and his team, always ready to do whatever it takes to help them on their mission.

As the ship set sail towards the island, the team couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a dedicated and loyal captain. They were ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that they had Captain Sam by their side.

Jericho asks Captain Sam to show him around the ship. Captain Sam happily showed him the equipment they use for hacking from various satellites globally without being detected. While they are talking a familiar face came rushing towards them. She is wearing a wetsuit at hugs the curves of her body. Her hair is dripping wet and her angelic face shines brightly seeing them. Then she kneels down in front of them.

"Good day sir," she said, looking up at them. "I am Glyn, the marine biologist of the ship. I've been working with my father on this vessel for the past few years."

Captain Sam proudly introduced his daughter to Jericho. "Glyn is my youngest daughter, sir. She's a brilliant marine biologist, one of the best in the country. I'm so proud of her."

It was Glyn, Captain Sam's daughter. She was now a part of the crew, working as a marine biologist for the ship. She was studying the sea creatures and their behaviors for research purposes. Glyn was thrilled to see Jericho again and greeted him warmly.

"Mr. Jericho, it's been so long! How have you been?" she exclaimed.

"I've been well, Glyn. How about you?" Jericho replied.

"The ocean is full of mysteries and wonders," Glyn said. "I feel so lucky to be able to study and protect these creatures."

Captain Sam chuckled, "Glyn here, she's one of the best marine biologists we have on the team. She's been doing great work and I'm proud of her."

Glyn blushed, "Thank you, Daddy. But I couldn't have done it without the support of the team."

Jericho smiled, "It's great to see that you're doing well, Glyn. Your father has been taking good care of you and your sister."

Captain Sam nodded, "Jen and Glyn, they're my pride and joy. I'm grateful to you, Mr. Jericho, for giving me a chance to start anew."

Jericho patted Captain Sam's shoulder, "You've done well, Sam. You've repaid me a hundredfold. Keep up the good work."

As they continued their tour of the ship, Jericho couldn't help but think that Glyn was the perfect example of the kind of person he wanted to help. He was inspired by her dedication to preserving the ocean and the creatures that called it home.

"I'm glad to have met you, Glyn," Jericho said, smiling. "I'm sure our paths will cross again."

Captain Sam beamed with pride, knowing that his daughter had made a great impression on Jericho. He was grateful for the opportunity to repay the debt he owed, and was determined to continue doing his best for Jericho and his team.

The trio continued their tour of the ship as the rest of the team went about their tasks, setting up for their journey to the next island. Despite the mission at hand, Jericho couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in seeing how far Captain Sam and his family have come.

Glyn felt a rush of gratitude towards Jericho. She had always looked up to him and was grateful for what he did for her family. The memories of her childhood flooded back as she stood there, but she quickly shook them off, not wanting to be too obvious.

Captain Sam led the way, and the three of them continued their tour of the ship. As they walked, Glyn couldn't help but steal glimpses of Jericho, still in awe of the man he had become.

She had always admired Jericho since the day their family sought his help. She was just a little girl then, but now she was a grown woman, a marine biologist, and very competitive in her field.