
TomxTord Chapter 1



I know I shouldn't be mad at him for what he did but he shouldn't have gone into my room In the first place.




Me, Edd and Matt arrived at our new home.

We started setting everything up when we hear a knocking sound at the door

"I'll get it"said Edd as he opens the door a man in a red hoodie comes in "Hey Edd long time no see". "Yeah, hey Tord, are you our new roommate because that would be cool"

"Yeah I am, and who are the others"-Tord

"Oh this is Matt, the one with the purple and green jacket"-Edd

"And who's the one on the couch"-Tord

"Oh that's Thomas but we call him Tom"- Edd

I look at him and and mumble "h-hey Commie".

"He seems to be in a bad mood"-Tord

"Oh he's always in a bad mood, anyway want to help us move more stuff"-Edd





"That took forever", "Tom didn't help either"-Matt

"I wonder what he's doing"-Tord

"Who cares lets just get some pizza"-Edd

"Yay pizza"-Matt

"Wait I'll stay here with Tom"-Tord

"Ok, we'll see you later"Edd




POV Tord

I shouldn't have gone in is room but he doesn't need to be angry about it, although he has some weird stuff in his room.

He kicked me out and it's been half an hour.

The others went to a friends house for the night.

"Tom, can I come in"-Tord

"I-it depends who is it?"-Tom

"It's me Commie"


I hear him move some stuff then open his room "by the way it's just us tonight"

He nods and quickly shoved something square under the bed

"Tom~, whatcha hiding"

"N-nothing anyway what should we do"-Tom

"Well we are the only ones here tonight"

"Mm maybe pizza and a movie or I'll just go to sleep"-Tom

"You should go check if we have any pizza left"


He leaves the room and as soon as he does I grab the square object and see it's a diary

"What the hell why would he have this"

So I start reading it and it says stuff about his crush "ooooo~, I wonder who it is"l

I read the next page and blush, i-it's m-me

As I was about to put the diary away Tom walks in.

"Wh-what are y-" he stares at what I'm holding it and immediately turns Red....



This chapter was a bit long but it should be quite ok because it's the first chapter.

Welp see you guys next chapter
