
Chapter 1: The Discovery

Tommy was just an ordinary kid living in a small town. He was always fascinated by superheroes and their abilities to fly and move objects with their minds. Little did he know that he had his own special ability, which he discovered one day while playing in the park.

Tommy was playing with his friends on the swings when suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his body. He felt like he was being pulled towards the ground. He tried to get off the swing, but he couldn't move his legs. It was like something was holding him down.

At first, Tommy was scared. He didn't know what was happening to him. But then he started to experiment with his new power. He tried to lift his friend's ball with his mind, and to his surprise, it worked! The ball started to float in the air, and Tommy felt a rush of excitement and wonder.

Tommy couldn't wait to tell his parents about his new power. He was sure they would be amazed. But when he got home and tried to show them what he could do, they didn't believe him. They thought he was making it up or just trying to get attention.