
A world full of curiosities

Old city is a place shunned by locals and travellers alike, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by thick jungles, a well-hidden place for crooks and criminals to occupy but indeed they won't dare come near this place.

I can spot a young human child or a scrawny little urchin depending on how you look. Curled up in a corner under the majestic archway of the decrepit castle. His body looked weaker than twigs and his lack of any clothing made it more apparent. His face best described as a pot of gruel made of fear, confusion, desperation and much of his free-flowing tears.

In this picturesque scene of the dilapidated red walls of the castle in contrast with the rich green of the forest, he is nothing but the stain that should not be there but is hard to remove. As if someone has forced him into this place, in obvious disagreement with the laws of the universe.

The little thing was so jumpy, he would shiver at the sound of a stupid squirrel passing by. What would he do if one of the beasts from the jungle decides to visit him?

Oh! how I thank the Almighty Father that the beasts are perceptive enough to not tread in the proximity of Old city, although the castle is the only sign of its existence now. I would much rather appreciate a painting marred by stains than to clean any blood spots.

Whimpering and shivering at noises coming from the forest, he kept at it for all morning. It bothered me and I was ready to leave Old city earlier than planned. Then out of nowhere his soft murmurings fell into my ears, which I had overlooked for all this time. He kept repeating something over and over and I couldn't hear it properly.

Concentrating on his weak murmurings, I went near him but still didn't understand what he was speaking. I was very excited. A strange language! At least what appears to be an unfamiliar language; if it's not a kid's odd ramblings. He was saying words that sounded like, okasaan, kūfuku, gohan... but I was not sure.

It has been a long time since I researched something this exciting and new; I was yearning to just walk up to him and demand for the sweet melody of something undiscovered. Alas! I wouldn't do that, I'll lose any chance of finding unknown things forever. It is what it is. So I postponed my exploratory travels and decided to follow this kid, to find more about this language and his background.

Surprising me to no end, this kid kept at his sobbing and murmurings throughout the afternoon. I couldn't take it anymore, hence left to observe how the nearby creatures had evolved. After all, I am visiting after centuries. Hence my evening was well spent, blissfully measuring Draco horns, Wyvern wings, flood dragon lengths and counting porcupine quills. When I came around, he had fallen asleep cuddled up as he was sitting without even moving an inch. So I chose a magnificent Ceiba tree to settle down for the night.

I lost all the lovely comments after I edited and updated the chapters. ???

Sed lyf!

Why webnovel why?

Please leave some more beautiful comments to sooth my broken heart.

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