
Tome of The Lost Dragon Empress: A Dragon Nations Prequel Story

Dear Diary, I am the one of many names, ages and faces. I take many forms and have been born in many Realms to many families. Gathering the many tales from Brakkon, Drakkar, Adarra, Susan, and even Dracora had me thinking about where I was during those times. These pages will chronicle those from my memory, in hopes that one day, my children of many Realms will better understand the truth behind their mother’s eyes of silver. Lady Ariana Dratianos, Empress-Guardian of the Dragon Nations

AdellaDratianos · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Courtship of Silver Moon

I met him at the Temple. He was talking to Ichaine, who was bowing her head. It was custom that our subjects bow their heads in the presence of royalty. Only when Ichaine played nursemaid and guide did she relax and speak her mind.

I sat on the concrete bench that surrounded the fountain and watched the scene in silence. Right away, he acted as if he belonged here. Perhaps my empathic vision was right; perhaps he was my true mate?

I took a deep breath and smiled at the thought, my heart skipping a beat. I usually was not this giddy about any male; instead, since I was their Lady Priestess-Heir, I was left alone, a sign they showed me respect.

Lord Draconis showed me respect as well, but it was that of a fellow royal. His eyes – oh, those twin pools of ember – were those of a strong, yet gentle Lord. That is what I needed in a Lord-Consort; respectful and loyal, a lover and best friend, protective of our people and myself.

I chuckled under my breath and immediately, my cheeks felt hot to the touch. I sighed, trying to regain my composure. Copper was right. Lord Draconis would make a perfect Lord Priest-Consort, should he so choose to mate with me.

He must have sensed me watching, for he turned to me and smiled.

I turned from his mesmerizing smile. He saw me! What was I to do?

Should I be a giddy schoolgirl and run to my quarters?

I had to remain calm. Should he see me excited, he would not take me seriously. I cleared my throat, facing forward and regaining my composure. To my surprise and delight, he was walking toward me with a smile.

Lord Draconis nodded his head in greeting as he sat down. "Greetings once again, Lady Silver."

"Greetings to you as well, Lord Draconis." My voice cracked as I stumbled over my words.

He only chuckled. "You have no reason to be nervous, Lady."

"There are plenty reasons." I argued, acting as my station called, back straight and head level.

"Oh, really?" He grinned.

"Hai. I know not how to explain it." I began, thinking of that vision. I was uncomfortable now, so I changed the subject. "I watched you with Ichaine."

"Aye. That nursemaid is very protective over you and your brattons – bad'ras?"

"Hai. She was Mame's escort and guardian from the Allunae. They came to Castle Illuminata to meet Pada." I explained in a rushed breath.

"She did not already know him?" He was confused. "How did their pairing come about?"

"It is part of the Treaty we signed with the Allunae." I told him. "Starting from the day the Goddess Silver Moon deemed us her people, our two Realms were in constant battle. No one knows what started it, only that it shaped us into who we are today. To ensure peace in both Realms of the Moon, the first-born children of the monarchs were prearranged into mating. They would never meet until the time they had to take the Throne."

"Very interesting, indeed." He remarked softly. "So theirs is not a mating of love?"

"Not at first, no." I told him, conversing with him as if I knew him all my life. "It took a few summers, but they did fall in love, despite Mame's actions of stubbornness."

"Sounds like someone I knew." Lord Draconis chuckled, eyes lowered to his hands.

I placed a hand on one of his and waited for him to continue.

"She was my missing Lady Empress." His voice was barely a whisper. "She was always stubborn when it came to family and our people. Always loyal, loving, kind to everyone she met, and a genuine sweetheart." He paused before saying. "She was everything to me."

I could not imagine what it would be like if I had a mate, only to have them disappear without a trace. Empathy told me his was a heavy heart.

"You miss her." I surmised.

"Very much so." He looked back up at me. "She was the light to my darkness."

I felt bad for him and wanted to do something. "I will do all that I can to help you find her."

He took my hand and kissed the top of it. "My thanks, Lady Silver."

"You are very welcome, Lord Draconis." I smiled, squeezing his hand. "It is the least I can do to welcome you to the Illunae."

I sensed his heart was lighter, as was his mood.

Elder-Sed'ra Helena, the eldest living at the Temple, came up to us from the garden.

"Pardon me sir, Lady Silver." Helena began, bowing. "It is time."

"Kaetta, Sister." Lord Draconis cleared this throat and stood. "I will be with you in a moment."

"Hai, sir." Helena simply nodded and waited.

"Will I see you in the morn?" He asked me.

I grinned. "I would hope you and your bad'ra would join us when we break the fast."

Lord Draconis bowed. "Count on it, Lady."

He took my hand once again and kissed it. "Pleasant journeys."

"To you as well, kind sir." I nodded back in respect.

Sed'ra Helena took him and his man to their rooms.

Sighing happily, I gave into the urge to run to my quarters like an exited schoolgirl.


The next morning, I was surprised to hear a soft knock on the door. Before I opened it, I knew who it was.

My heart thumped at the name, blood rushing to my cheeks in a happy blush.

I regained my Priestess-Heir composure and opened the door. "Good morning, Lord Draconis. Anen'ka, come in."

He bowed his head and entered. "Kaetta, Lady Silver."

I felt silly hearing my title coming from him.

"Drop the honorific, Lord Draconis." I smiled. "When not in court, I am just Silver."

"Thank you 'just Silver.'" Draconis smiled and I giggled. "If you don't mind, I would ask the same of you. Please, call me Draconis."

"If you would excuse me Draconis, I must dress for the morning meal." I told him. "You do not mind waiting, do you?"

"I would wait an eternity for you, Silver." His tone was so serious.

I blinked at the strange statement.

I hid a smile as I walked to my dressing room just off the bedroom. I changed into an old off-white dress that went down to my calves. It allowed me room to both breathe and move comfortably. I sat in front of the vanity, taking my hair out of its many braids and brushing it before putting it up in one lazy braid. I took a deep and confident breath before heading out the door.

I met his eyes. "My apologies if I took too long."

"Do not apologize, Silver," Draconis smiled, taking my hand and kissing the top of it. His eyes surveyed my body from head to toe. It was somewhat embarrassing. "You look radiant."

"My, are you quite the charmer?" I teased nervously.

He chuckled. "I do try." After another moment, he asked. "Would you happen to be named after your matron Goddess Silver Moon?"

He pointed to the stained-glass window that had the picture of the Goddess Silver Moon looking down at us with love in her eyes.

"Hai," I confirmed. We walked down the stairs to the Dining Hall. "I am next in line for the Throne and have been studying for the role since the age of seven."

"I take it you don't wish to rule your lands?" Draconis asked.

I felt his hand on my back as he led us forward. It was warm and relaxing.

"Not when I was a child of seven summers. I was forced to sit while my bad'ras played in the sun." I replied, pretending to pout so he would chuckle. "I am the Goddess' Voice, a special Priestess of the Moon whose magic and very soul is connected to her. I speak on the Goddess' behalf; rather, she speaks to me in my mind and I relate the information."

"Sounds interesting." He responded.

"Only to those who read and hear it." I told him. "There was only one Voice before me, and that was when the Goddess herself descended and took over Mame's unwilling body."

"How awful for her!" He laughed. "I would hate it if it happened to me."

"At the time, she hated it as well, since she was the defiant Princess of the Allunae who wanted nothing to do with the Illunae." I walked beside him as if it was a natural thing. Our gaits matched perfectly.

"I'll bet." Draconis smiled, leading me into the Dining Hall.

We ate the morning meal sitting next to each other. His bad'ra Dranus was on his other side and they were speaking in another language. It may have been Draconian.

The meal was pleasant, for once. Pada and Draconis spoke of business affairs, from what he did as Lord Emperor at Mal'estar, the capital city of the Dragon Nations, to how much had changed in the many summers since his previous visit to the Illunian Realm. He spoke warmly of his family; from his missing Empress mate, to his children, siblings and parents. He even told us stories of the capital city's beauty.

Copper talked his ear off asking questions on how he ruled his Empire. Zinc was more interested in hearing about Draconian Magic. Even Mame relaxed around him, managing a smile or two as we ate. It was a nice change from the tension-filled meals we usually have.

After the meal, I showed Draconis a spot in the field behind Illuminata. His bad'ra followed, promptly disappearing to the skies to keep watch.

"Where is he going?"

"Up in the tree, ready to take action should I need assistance."

"Oh, that makes sense." I smiled.

We sat under the large oak tree.

Once we settled on the grass, I told him. "That tree has been here for hundreds of summers. Elders call it 'Tra'lin.'"

"Tree of life." He grinned, running his hand up and down the trunk. I watched him close his eyes and tilt his head as if listening to something only he could hear. After a moment, he opened his eyes and smiled. "Very fitting."

"I am glad you like it." I could feel a blush rushing to my cheeks. "I do as well."

"Why did you choose this spot in particular?" His voice turned serious.

"Easy," I told him with a teasing grin. "It is one of my favorite places to hide when I wished to avoid my responsibilities."

"Sounds like me when I was a dragonet." Draconis empathized. "Instead of a beautiful tree, my place was behind the castle."

I tensed.

Na'to, I thought. Not now. Anen'ka Goddess, not now.

My protests were ignored, as usual. Once again, I became the Voice. My mind and eyesight were fuzzy as I felt the Goddess take over. "Your Mame's garden trail led to a gazebo surrounded by flowers and herbs of every kind."

I blinked once my mind and vision were my own.

Draconis stared at me, curious. "How did you know that?"

I shrugged, shaking my head. "The Goddess spoke through me."

"Goddess Silver Moon?"

I nodded. "I told you I was her Voice."

"That you did." He was still awed, clearing his throat. "Going on, when did your Mutyr and Dratyr finally mate?"

I loved this subject.

"It took them four years to fall in love." I explained with a romantic sigh. "According to Pada, I was conceived on their handfasting night. When I was three, my brother Copper was born, and two years later came Zinc."

Draconis laughed. "Precious metals, I take it?"

"You could say that, hai." I turned him and smiled once meeting his dark eyes. "Tell me more about yourself. After all, it is only fair."

"There is not much to tell that you do not already know." Draconis grinned, shrugging. "I am the terrible Lord Draconis, Emperor of the Dragon Nations." He supplied. "Your Lady Mame said so herself."

"I do not think you so terrible." I said softly. "You may be a dragon and have done terrible things to your people in your past, but I believe there is more to you than that."

Draconis laughed lightly. "Oh, really? Are you a Seer?"

"Hai, but I do not see you with the Sight." I told him, daring to place a hand to his chest. "I can feel it within you. You battle yourself as you search for answers." I searched his dark eyes for more, but his mind was closed off to mine. "Would you like me to tell you more of what I Feel?"

Draconis' smile faded, and his tone was serious once more. "Do tell me, Silver. Close your eyes and tell me what you feel."

The moment I closed my eyes, I saw something in my mind that confused me. It was an elder version of me, glowing brightest of white. I had my arm around the waist of a man of deepest and darkest shadows. Love for me radiated from his eyes dark as midnight. The vision of light and shadows disappeared, replaced by a vision of us together. I was in the birthing bed, holding a baby girl with black hair and golden eyes as a little boy looked on. His eyes were golden, and hair was brown.

As the vision grew clearer, I felt his lips upon mine. His arms wrapped around me like a warm, comforting blanket as the kiss deepened. The way my heartbeat fell in sync with his told me he really was the one. My truest-mate and Lord Priest-Consort. I did not want the kiss to end, but it did. I opened my eyes to meet his.

"Silver," Draconis whispered, kissing me again. He searched my eyes and pulled me closer to him. "I have found my lost Empress."

The statement startled me. "How can you be certain?" I managed to choke, eyes never leaving his. From the moment I met him, I was hooked. Now I knew why.

"I don't know, but I am positive I have found my Empress in you." Draconis stood and offered his hand. "We must tell your Lord Pada of your departure."

"I am not leaving this Realm." I shook my head when I took it. "I do not care what you say I am or who I may be to you, but I am Lady Priestess-Heir to the Illunian Throne. I cannot leave."

"You must take your rightful spot by my side, Silver." Draconis frowned, pulling me up. His hand did not release mine. "I read it in you; we are meant to be mates."

"Then we shall be mates here." I was adamant. "This is my home, not the Dragon Nations. I believe in my heart that you are right. I am your mate as you are mine, but we will rule the Illunae." I took a deep breath and softly kissed him before continuing. "I would never be happy in a Realm I knew nothing about."

Draconis took me in his arms again, gently kissing my temple. "Then it shall be. You will be my Empress from your home, for I wish only for your happiness."

"What about the Dragon Nations?"

"My heart would pine for thee something terrible." Draconis said quietly. "For you would not be there to share it with me."

I knew there was something more he was not telling me, but I left it alone for the moment. If he wished to tell me, he would do so in his own time.