
Chapter one ★ Beyond pissed

Alice Johnson had her lips pressed into a line. She was frustrated and angry. She watched the prinicipal blabber on and on.

Bastard she thought.

"Why?", she finally asked.

He began to tell her of the history of all basketball and how many games they had managed to win uptil now. Alice refrianed from rolling her dark brown eyes at him.

"Principal Walter I fail to understand how the school's past victories have anything to do with me not being on the team".

Principal Walter placed a hand on his desk and began to tap at it "Alice you can't join the team".

"Why?", she went on.

"Because you're a girl", he threw his hands up "maybe you're not fast enough, or quick enough".

Alice shut her eyes tightly "What's wrong with being a girl principal Walter", she kept her tone genteel.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing, its just that basketball was made specifically for men because women are weake-".

"Do!... Not! finish that sentence", Alice clutched the corner of the desk.

"I'm sorry Alice but no, I could organise a spot on the cheerleading team for you".

For a good five seconds her mouth hung open in indescribbable shock. Cheerleading.

She gathered her papers from his desk in silence and tucked them harphazardly into her plastic file.


Alice looked up at him "SEXIST!", she practically yelled then stormed out.

Viper was waiting for her outside the office.

"So how'd it go?", he grinned at her showing her his diamond teeth.

She looked Viper up and down "Does it seem like it went good!?".

"Alice I'm just asking", he threw his hands up.

"Alice I'm just asking", she tried her best to fake his british accent.

Viper was a year older than her, he was awesomely funny but had an agitating humor, he was handsome ,delicate cheek bones and grey eyes that could slice through butter, he dyed his hair white and grey, half his head like those cruella things so Alice thought, but his hair was that colour way before the movie came out. She simply thought he did it to bring out his eyes. He had dark lips almost black like he had sucked them way too much but everyone thought it was cute. Unlike the rest of her friends, Viper couldn't dress to save his life but the icy chains he wore compensated for it.

"I do not sound like that",he whined.

"Yeah yeah," Alice turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?".

"Home", she continued to walk.

Viper frowned "You can not leave us".

"Watch me!".


She kept walking knowing fully well he wasn't going to follow her, the basketball couch would have his head if he showed up late. What friends she had. She rolled her eyes.

Getting outside Alice unlocked the car and entered, speeding away from the school till she got home.

Alice snatched her bag from the passenger seat, and got out of the car, not forgetting to slam the door.

Had she taken this way too personal?.

Nope, she handled it just right.

She pulled the door open and her little brother stared back up at her a huge pink teddy bear in his hands.

"Mom says you shouldn't drive that fast, I could hear you before you even turned the corner", his huge eyes blinked back at her.

She stared at his teeth, the effect Viper had on the kid was mad crazy, a stupid kind of crazy, after viper had his teeth done, her stupid little brother went and put braces on instead of diamonds.

"Is it your car?", she snapped.

He frowned "My teacher says-".

"Brian, nobody wants to hear about your teachers stupid lessons".

Brian hugged the teddy bear close to his chest "I'm not going to listen to you".

"Stupid", Alice shoved him away from the door and began to walk towards the staircase.

She smiled when she heard him fall and scream an 'ouch'.

'Drama', she rolled her eyes.

Brian got up from the floor and dusted his cargo pants and lifted up the bear "BITCH!".

From the other room her father started laughing.

"Brian I'll wash that mouth of yours with soap", mom yelled.

Alice turned to him and smiled pulling her tongue out "Yea Brian don't swear", she mocked him.

"And you Alice, at your age you shouting at an eleven year old".

Alice frowned "He started".

"No you did", Brian pouted.

"And Alice you shouldn't drive that fast".

Alice rolled her eyes and glared at Brian but all he did was slyly pull his middle finger up, and scurried up the stairs before Alice could snitch. Damn right was she going to snitch. It was either snitch or get snitched on.

"Mom!!!, Brian pulled the middle finger at me".

Her dad continued laughing at her.

"Briannnnnnnnnnn!!!", mom yelled "how many times should I tell you to stop that".

"She's lying!".

Alice scoffed and ran up the stairs.

Burging into Brian's room for no apparent reason, she smiled at him.

"Alice get out!", he pointed at the door.

Alice smiled and knocked over a pile of books before heading to her room directly next to his.

She locked it straight after just incase he came in and did even worse.

Alice dunked her stuff on the floor and changed into an equally similar outift.

Sweat pants instead of cargos and an over sized shirt. One she could guarantee that both her and her father could fit in.

She grabbed the basketball from the corner of the room and put it under her arm and walked over to the mirror and looked at herself.

Unlike every other girl on this planet, Alice ranked on Tomboy, tomboy. She dressed like a boy, acted like a boy, hung around boys, sat like a boy and did everything boys did.

Never in Alice's life did she find herself wearing a dress.

Her hair was short and curly, her lips pink, her nose small but boy did she turn girls heads.

Alice sighed and ruffled her hair before opening her door and running down the stairs and to the back yard where the basketball court was.

She scored some hoops all to shame the principals irritating voice lingering in the back of her head.

After an hour she was ready to go back in, but she heard tires screeching and she knew her useless friends where doing donuts, infront of her house.

She walked to the front of the house and waved at them.

Dalvin, Justin, Keith and Viper walked out of their cars.

Alice noticed how their cars filled the driveway and chuckled.

"Go back to whenst you came from", Alice joked.

"It's supper time", Keith looked at his watch "You have room for five more".

Alice chuckled and gestured for her best friends to enter.
