
Tom Clancy's The Division: Wildpack

Gordon Amherst created the Green Poison, also known as the Dollar Flu, and unleashed it on Black Friday in New York. A pandemic began and the country has suffered from the chaos and illness. Seven months have passed and now a distress signal has gone out from Washington D.C. Division Agents from around the country rush to the nation's capitol to find out what must be done to restore the Strategic Homeland Division to full strength and to rebuild the country. Agent Roman Hunter (Callsign: Spartan) will be one of the key players in the continuing struggle to rebuild and recover. Luckily, he will have help. With other agents working to fix things and to discover the truth, he will form the Division team known as the Wildpack.

AgentTerry75 · Video Games
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14 Chs

0004: The Grand Washington Hotel

Roman spotted a group of Hyenas a couple of blocks away from the hotel. He was about to engage them when he spotted another Division agent in cover behind them. The purple haired woman nodded to him. Roman nodded back to her.

Roman pointed to the three closest Hyenas then at himself. He held up 2 fingers and pointed at her. She nodded and shifted position. Roman popped up and fired as one of the Hyenas moved into range. The Hyenas opened fire in his direction until the other agent attacked.

"Shit! There's another one," one of the Hyenas shouted before a shotgun blast ripped into her back.

Roman dashed behind a parked car. One of the remaining Hyenas moved towards him firing a submachine gun. Roman blind fired over the hood of the car and clipped the Hyena in the side. A scream from the farther Hyena distracted Roman's attacker. The Hyena glanced back to see their comrade sprawled on the ground. The next sound he heard was a shotgun being pumped behind him. Roman fired as the Hyena turned to face him.

"Damn, you're hardcore," the purple haired Agent said as she offered her hand. "I'm Kim. Kim Rollins."

"Nice to meet you, Agent Rollins. I'm Roman Hunter. What were you getting into?"

"Manny sent me to help you and Agent Kelso. He said that it was a priority rescue mission."

"Sounds good. The more the merrier. Seems like there's plenty of these fuckers to go around. I think Kelso's already on site so let's get moving," Roman said as he started to jog.

"You're right next to the Grand Washington Hotel," Manny said as they entered the intersection.

"Okay. Here we go," Agent Kelso said before a large explosion ripped through one of the upper floors. "That should get their attention. Head to the service entrance on the east side of the building."

"Affirmative," Roman said as he led the way.

Roman sprinted and rolled into cover behind stacks of boxes next to a flatbed truck. Kim ducked behind a red sportscar. Three Hyenas rushed outside. They moved around wildly looking for anyone that could've been responsible for the explosion or an attack.

"What the fuck was that," one of the Hyenas asked.

"It came from inside the building," the second one responded.

"No shit! But what caused it," the first one asked.

"How the hell should I know. Assume the worst," the final Hyena said.

Roman motioned for Kim to initiate the attack. She left cover and opened fire with her Burst Fire MP-5. The first Hyena staggered back from multiple shots before crumpling into a heap. Roman caught the second one with a shot from his KSG shotgun. The final Hyena took cover behind a forklift at the back of the flatbed.

"Fuck you guys," the Hyena shouted.

Roman fired his shotgun as the Hyena tried to stick his head up to shoot. Kim moved to flank him. The Hyena tried to make a move, but another shotgun blast kept him rooted behind the forklift. Kim saw an opportunity and shot him in the knee. The Hyena fell out of cover clutching his knee and Roman casually finished him with a headshot from the KSG.

"Time to get in here and see what's up," Roman said as he reloaded his shotgun.

"Once you're inside, find a way to the atrium,' Kelso said over comms.

"I guess we know where we're heading," Kim said.

The pair of agents went through some double doors then down some stairs. As they proceeded through the corridor, they spotted a group of Hyenas in a large laundry room. Roman hugged the wall and went down towards the door on the far end. Kim peeked around the edge of the near door.


"We're under attack! It might be a diversion, so be ready," a gruff sounding voice said.

"Did he say it might be the Division? Fuck," a Hyena said in the laundry room.

Roman looked at Kim. He held up two fingers, pointed to her and then to the left side of the room. He held up three fingers, pointed to himself and the right side of the room. She nodded. He held up five fingers and began to count down. When he got to zero, they both made their moves.

Roman quickly finished off the two closest Hyenas with nearly point blank shotgun blasts as he swept into the room. Kim used several bursts to put down her first target. Her second one went into cover behind one of the metal tables. Roman fired blindly around the row of washing machines he was using for cover. Several doors opened at the back and more Hyenas filed into the room.

"Kill the Division!"

Roman slid out of cover in a low kneeling stance and fired repeatedly taking down 4 Hyenas. Kim shot a pouch on the hip of one of the charging Hyenas. Several vials exploded causing a green gas cloud to briefly surround a pair of Hyenas. They became disoriented and Kim unloaded on both of them. As they hit the ground, Roman finished off the last Hyena with a vicious knife strike into the base of his skull.

"I'm heading upstairs to the hostage. Everybody get to the atrium," the gruff sounding voice said over the intercepted broadcast.

"Shit the Saint's here," Agent Kelso said over comms.

"The who now," Manny asked.

"Hyena big shot. Real unpleasant. We need to kill this asshole," Agent Kelso responded.

"I'm down with that plan," Roman said as he cleaned his knife on the dead Hyena. "Are you good?"

"Yeah. I'm not used to this much combat," Kim answered.

"Some of us haven't had a choice, but don't worry I got your back."

Roman and Kim went through some double doors following ISAC's digital prompts. They saw the words drug kitchen painted on a wall near some stairs. The two agents walked up the stairs and entered the kitchen area. They crouched as they moved through it.

"Nobody gets through. Nobody," Saint shouted.

Roman and Kim were crouching behind a low wall connecting the kitchen to the atrium. Roman caught a glimpse of a large figure that he assumed had to be the Saint getting on the elevator on the second floor. He spotted a minigun set up near the elevator. There were at least 4 Hyenas on the ground floor and several near the elevator.

"This is gonna get chaotic fast. You try to work from the left flank and I'll try to deal with the right flank. I'm going to head for the stairs and try to get position on these assholes."

"What about the minigun," Kim asked.

"I'll try to take it out of the equation quick," Roman replied.

Kim moved behind a wall to the left. Roman snuck to a position behind a column in the center. He activated his Striker Drone. It popped off of his backpack and hovered overhead. He tossed a grenade between the minigun and a Hyena on the second floor landing. With a tap on his watch, the Striker Drone took off for a target in the center of the floor. The grenade exploded flipping the Hyena through the air and launching the minigun over the bannister.

Kim opened fire killing the upstairs Hyena that was closest to her. She then picked off another one trying to hide near her position. Roman's Striker Drone had finished off a pair of Hyenas on the ground floor. Roman's shotgun ended the last Hyena on the floor as he reached the stairs.

Kim vaulted over her cover and headed for the central stairs leading towards the elevator. Another wave of Hyenas emerged from several doors. "Shit," Kim shouted as she ducked into the nearest cover.

"Fall back. I'll cover you," Roman said as he began to engage the Hyenas.

Kim fired blindly to create an opening. Roman's Striker Drone flew towards one of the Hyenas over her. A Hyena screamed and rushed at Kim with a police riot baton. Kim shot her in the leg and then finished her with a burst to the head. Gunfire and screams filled the atrium for several minutes.

"Is that all of them," Kim asked.

"I doubt it, but I think we've cleared this level."

Agent Kelso's voice came over comms, "He went all the way to the top floor. Take the stairs to the right of the elevator and work your way up."

"Copy that, Kelso," Roman said as he waited for Kim to join him by the double doors.