
Tokyo ghoul: One Eyed Prince

Reincarnation, no cheat, no system ........... Yorimitsu has a chance to live a second life which should be a good thing...an ass! Reborn in Tokyo Gould which 90% of characters are lunatics is as tired as hell, especially when he is a son of the one-eyed king in the 24th ward. By the way, should he consider running away from home? Because his old man will become a dragon and destroy the 24th ward soon.

Wana_Wongsatain · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

2. Three reasons.

One-eyed ghoul is very rare, and the ukaku type one-eyed ghoul in the 24th ward is even rarer. And it was mentioned in the original that Eto live and grew in the 24th ward. The physical appearance of this ghoul also look like that of a kid.

Although Yorimitsu cannot see the face under the hood, he is almost one hundred percent sure that the ghoul in front of him is Eto Yoshimura. The notorious One-Eyed Owl, leader of Aogiri Tree.

"That..." Eto was stunned after she saw his half-kagune and the same eye as her. "A one-eyed ghoul? That's quite rare. I have never seen it before."

"Shouldn't you see every time you look into the mirror?"

"I like that joke, Mr.Lancer." Eto chuckled.

"Enough chit-chat. Why did you attack me?"

"Oh, I suspect that you are a dove so I just try it out."

"Which part do I look like a dove?!" Yorimitsu glares at the girl. Not to mention his age, just the clothes made from a rag should be enough to tell that he's a ghoul!

"The part that you use Quinque."

"..." Yotimitsu almost spurted out blood. Discrimination! This naked discrimination! What's wrong with using weapon? Is there any rule written that a ghoul cannot use Quinque?

"Ha Ha, I'm just kidding." Eto laughed before speaking something that was more provoking than the previous words. "There's no particular reason. I just want to attack you. That's all."

"You are not cute at all." Yorimitsu shook his head, it seems like Eto has had a bad personality since she was a kid. Is it because of the environment?

He silent for a moment before speal while pointed at one direction. "How can you say that I look like the investigator? Look at that, he did not look like me at all."

"What?" Hearing this, Eto subsconciuosly follownig his finger, looking at...no one.

There is nothing where she looks, but there is something that shooting at her. At the moment she looks away from him, Yorimitsu launch a sneak attack without hesitation. Shoting his ukaku like a hail of bullet.

Eto tried to doudge this attack, but Yorimitsu aslo thinks about this. He deliberately using smaller kagune crystals for higher speed and larger number, making Eto unable to doudge all the attack, a couple of kagunes stuck inside her body, and one of the crystals aslo flew through her face, shredding her hood and reveals the girl's immature face.

"It's really Eto." Yorimitsu thinks after he sees her hair color. After crossing into this world, he discovered that most people have black or brown hair color which is normal for Japanese. And only the main characters will have hair colors like a power ranger.

"Why did you attack me? You damn lancer." Eto asks while roughly pulling his kagune out from her body. The blood dripping down from the wounds looks a little hideous, but the girl didn't show any painful feeling on her face, as if her nerve was made from steel.

"No particular reason. I just want to attack you. That's all." He speaks, did not have any psychological burden from shamelessly sneak attack the girl.

"I'll tear you apart." Eto speaks. Although her tone was clam, there is a killing intention that made these words much scarier than normal shouting.

"The ghouls that I just kill also said something like this too."

The two kids reach their tactic agreement. The trash-talking of both parties and the brutality of the ghoul has made their contradictions reach its peak. Maybe they could become friends in the future, but right now, punching the opponent till crippled is what they should do.

Yorimitsu is the first to make a move. He charged right at the girl at full speed. There is no solid research, but people say ukaku-type ghouls will have a bonus speed as their kagune grew stronger, for someone who experienced it himself, he thinks that this claim should have some truth in it.

It's true that he prefers to use weapons, but it doesn't mean he neglects his innate ability. His kagune has developed to the point that it almost evolved into kakuja. With this high amount of RC-Cell, he could close the gap between himself and Eto in an instant.

His speed far surpasses some S-rank ghouls, if it changes to a normal opponent they might not have time to react to it. However, the girl in front of him is someone who will become an SSS-rank ghoul in the future, and she also has ukaku-type kagune. Her eyes have long adapted to this level of speed and fight back without any timidity.

Eto at this point did not have kakuja that covers her body like a monster as it shows in the show yet. Now, she only has a white kagune that extends from her left arm which acts like a blade that can shoot high-destructive attacks. And her fighting style is still similar to a normal ghoul with ukaku. That is to overwhelm the opponent with speed.

Although they are only seven or eight years old, one of them is the reincarnator and the protagonist of the story, and the other one is a ghoul that will become SSS-rank in the future, so their fight is so fierce no different from when S-class ghouls are fighting.

Two of them moved at high speed, clashing here and there. Eto tried to kill him with her kagune that continue to shoot at him, but Yorimitsu can defend against these attacks with the spear in his hand, the only thing that she destroys is the floor around them.

The situation seems to fall into deadlock. However, Yorimitsu knows that this predicament won't last for long. Ghouls with ukaku have the highest speed, but they are also ranked last in terms of stamina. This is because every time they shoot their kagune, it will consume their RC-Cell.

In this fight, Eto uses her kagune unscrupulously. He won't believe that she can last for long.

The situation is exactly what he thinks. The girl's breath began to mess up as well as her movement. It did not take him much effort to find the opportunity to land a decisive hit on her.

He mercilessly stabs Eto's shoulder and pinned her to the ground while stepping on her chest to prevent her from doing any further action.

"This is one of three reasons I start to use Quinque. To preserve my stamina." He spoke and then reach out his hand to grab the girl's face. "It's time to go to sleep."

In the next moment, his ukaku began to generate high voltage electricity, a rare ability that is only found in a few ghouls, that runs through his arm to Eto's face that he is grabbing.


The girls scream while her body is violently twitching. Although Yorimitsu did not intend to kill her, being electrocuted right in the face is still a very painful feeling. He keeps sending an electric current to her until there's smoke coming out of her frizzy hair.

"Shit, I didn't gone too far, did I?" The boy thinks after he saw Eto's face which is full of snot and tears. Her eyes turned white because she went unconscious while her body is twitching lightly. With the ghoul's strong body, that amount of electricity cannot kill her at all. But now he began to concerns whether he just fried up her brain or not.

It will be too bad if One-Eyed Owl becomes insane because of him, so Yorimitsu does first aid and try to wake her up.

"Hey, you're still okay, right?" He asked after she opens her eyes.

"I will definitely kill you," Eto said with a bone-chilling tone.

"What a relief." Yorimitsu smile. Look like this girl is still normal.

After confirming that she is all right, he did not speak any nonsense, clenching his fist and punching right at the girl's face without any pity or tenderness, sending the dignified One-Eyed Owl back to sleep again.

"Ha ha ha. What a relief." Yorimitsu smiled proudly that he could win against the SSS-class ghoul (although now she's just a kid). And did not have any guilty at all.

At the same time, with Eto's age, he can also roughly determine the time he is in.

In the original, Eto is already twenty three years old when Kaneki became a ghoul. Now, judging from her physique, her age should be around eight or nine years old, which means that there is more than ten years before the start of the story.

Ten years is a long period of time, and one could do many things with this amount of time.

But that is what will happen in the future. Now he has to do the most important thing, sleep.

This sounds very silly but he is very serious about this. After arriving at his home, Yorimitsu tidied up himself a bit then lay down and close his eyes, sleeping like a good boy that needs to sleep in the nursery.

To explain this absurd action, we should talk about the reasons why Yorimitsu chooses to use Quinque in the first place.

As he has said before, the first reason is that he could prolong his fighting time and did not encounter the situation where he ran out of power like a normal ghoul with ukaku would have to face. And the previous fight with Eto was the best confirmation.

The next reason is because of the fear of his own kagune. Yorimitsu fears that if he develops his kagune too far, it might become the overly mutated kagune and turn him into the Dragon.

His concern is not groundless. In the manga, it shows that two people have become the Dragon, Ken Kaneki and the Underground King. Although he did not fully understand the specific reasons. There should have something to do with having a kagune from Washuu clan, being one-eyed ghoul, or both. It just happens that Yorimitsu is both.

This concern became his scruples, resulting in him not daring to fully develop his kagune. He thinks that he will just develop until it becomes kakuja and then stop it. Eating human meat only enough for maintaining strength but not enough to make progress. Or else, it will be a lot of fun if he really becomes a Dragon and being treated as a boss map by CCG.

And the last reason is because of his cheat code. It is already common sense that the transmigrator must have their own cheat tool. Although Yorimitsu did not have any obvious helper like a system or a grandpa in the ring, he also has a passive ability, which is fast learner.

Maybe it is because he was reborn as a baby and made his body's brain develop more than normal people's. And the result is it makes him a fast learner.

This does not mean that he has become smarter and can be like Einstein, but it makes his brain digest the things he encounters more efficiently when he is asleep.

This ability especially applies to fighting. Other people spend weeks or months learning a skill, but he can use it after learning and sleeping once. And it is the same case in fighting the enemy. He can say that he will become used to the enemy's movement after fighting only once.

This time as well. After waking up he will get used to Eto's movement as if they have fought each other many times. This means that the next time they meet, if Eto did not come up with anything new, then it is almost certain that she will lose again.

One of the most powerful characters in this world is Kishou Arima. He uses his half-human body, honing his skills to the peak, and becomes White Reaper that every ghoul is afraid. Yorimitsu's body is stronger than Arima's, and he also has this special talent that makes him a fighting genius. He won't believe that he cannot become stronger than that four eyes reaper!