
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 2:

In the darkness, a soft chewing sound permeated the air, echoing the eerie surroundings.

The young figure lay on an adult corpse, fiercely biting into its flesh. Underneath the dishevelled black hair, a pair of mesmerizing scarlet pupils gleamed with a strange combination of innocence and indifference.

Being just a child, the child lacked understanding and the ability to communicate.

The few simple words his parents had taught him years ago had faded into obscurity, lost in the harsh realities he faced. Concepts of morality eluded him, for his parents had perished before they could impart such teachings.

In many ways, the child resembled a wild beast, driven solely by the instinct for survival that consumed his young heart.

He knew little else and had no need for further understanding, as the cruel world he inhabited taught him one undeniable truth: survival was paramount.

Survival was the ultimate truth, the only truth he comprehended, at least.

The lifeless body of the ghoul slain by the investigators lay nearby, an opportunity too precious to waste.

The child voraciously tore into its flesh, devouring it with an insatiable hunger.

He dug out three bites of the kakuhou, the organ unique to ghouls, and consumed two of them, despite having recently eaten.

In the ninth district, the investigators of the Commission of Counter Ghoul (CCG) relentlessly hunted down countless ghouls each day.

Initially, they would bring the corpses back to their headquarters, extracting the kakuhou to fashion their weapons, known as Quinques.

But as time passed and the number of bodies overwhelmed them, they grew indifferent, neglecting to dispose of the remains.

This neglect provided the child with a constant source of sustenance, allowing him to survive against all odds. Most ghouls he encountered were adults, far beyond his feeble capabilities.

Humans, on the other hand, were not to be provoked, as the investigators possessed a keen sense of smell akin to that of a dog.

Once, in a moment of extreme hunger, the child couldn't resist attacking humans. The consequence was a relentless pursuit by two investigators that lasted a full day and night.

It was only due to the child's exceptional speed, surpassing that of a typical human, that he managed to elude them for so long. But in the end, hunger and exhaustion caught up to him, nearly sealing his fate.

Had it not been for the peculiar memories and guidance he received from the voice in his head, The child would have surely met his demise. The CCG showed no mercy, not even towards children.

A warm sensation coursed through his body, a comforting reminder of the ghoul's flesh within him.

The child had made a startling discovery a year ago when he first consumed the remains of a fellow ghoul. Unburdened by moral values, he didn't concern himself with the nature of devouring his kind.

Instead, he noticed that the act bestowed upon him a warm energy that tingled throughout his body, gradually enhancing his strength. Intuitively, he understood that feeding on the kakuhou made him stronger.

Though he couldn't fully comprehend the intricacies of this process, the child's instinct told him to consume as many ghoul corpses as possible, accelerating his growth.

Through numerous trials and shared experiences, he realized that the kakuhou held the most significant reservoir of energy, while the remaining flesh had minimal benefits.

Consequently, the child learned to extract the kakuhou and prioritize its consumption.

"Child... You must survive!"

Ignoring the voice echoing in his mind, the child scanned his surroundings with caution. He stood atop the ghoul's corpse, his scarlet eyes morphing into a cold, intense gaze. Despite his inability to see, his primal instincts warned him of imminent danger.


Applause and footsteps emanated from the darkness, drawing closer with each passing moment.

"Well, well, it seems we've caught ourselves a small fish. A clever-looking one, I must say."

The strange, sarcastic voice invaded the child's ears, stirring an uncomfortable sensation within him. He narrowed his eyes, fixating on the two figures who materialized before him.

Donning white trench coats and clutching white suitcases, the pair exuded an aura of menace. One, was tall and robust with piercing eyes, while the other spoke with a sneer, boasting long gray hair and a slightly hunched posture. Their gazes fixated on Dust, their intentions clear.

"Shinohara, since it's just a small fish, allow me to handle it," the white-haired man declared, his gaze cold and cruel.

"Amon, make it quick," Yuuki Shinohara hesitated before sighing and acquiescing.

Deep down, Shinohara knew that Koutara Amon, recently bereaved and tormented by the loss of his wife, had become unhinged.

His hatred for ghouls had reached unimaginable depths, and during their time together, Shinohara had witnessed Amon's sadistic methods of torturing and dispatching them.

He seemed determined to subject ghouls to excruciating pain before their final demise. Shinohara could overlook the cruelty inflicted upon other ghouls, as they fed on humans.

No matter how ruthlessly they were treated, he couldn't bring himself to feel remorse. But the child standing before him, so innocent and defenceless, stirred a different emotion within him—an unbearable empathy.

"Fear not, little fish. I'll take care of you. After all, once I return, Shinohara will be promoted to a special class, won't you? I must say, I envy you. I've only just reached the second class myself," Mato uttered, his tone laced with envy, though his expression betrayed none of it.

Positions and authority held no allure for Mato. His sole ambition was to eradicate ghouls, to exterminate them all, especially that damned one-eyed owl.

The mere thought of it caused his heart to ache, as his beloved and beautiful wife had been torn apart by that abomination. Forgiveness was not an option; his vengeance knew no bounds.

"Come, child! Let me see how long you can endure, howl as much as you like!" Amon's eyes burned with icy determination. He cracked his whip, the sound reverberating in the air, its sharp tip aimed at the child's head.

With instinct guiding him, the childs gracefully evaded the attack, skillfully maneuvering his small frame to avoid the lash. The whip missed its mark, creating a gust of wind that rustled his hair.

Unfazed, the child's gaze remained fixed upon Amon, his small hands instinctively poised to defend, fingers spread like sharp claws.

Fear was foreign to a child-like...child; it held no sway over him. He understood only one thing—to survive. And to achieve that, he had to escape the clutches of these two men.

His instincts told him that engaging them head-on would be folly; even in a one-on-one encounter, he would stand no chance against the white-haired man.

Understanding his limitations, the child refused to linger. Escaping became his priority, though he knew it wouldn't be easy to elude the relentless pursuit of CCG investigators.


Without hesitation, Amon swiftly launched his whip once again, aiming directly for the child's head, relishing the prospect of severing it from his body.

Reacting purely on instinct, the child evaded the attack, his body instinctively ducking and narrowly avoiding the whip's trajectory. The powerful gust of wind whipped his hair, but the child remained unaffected, his eyes still locked on Amon.

Unburdened by understanding, the child operated on intuition alone. His feral instincts had never led him astray, enabling him to evade countless threats and survive against all odds.

At this moment, his entire body quivered, alerting the child to the imminent danger that loomed over him.

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