
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Starts the game

In a normal coffee pot were two young people talking, or more accurately, one talking and the other listening.

- So kaneki, when will this mysterious beauty appear?

Asked an energetic young man with yellow hair with black tufts in the middle, brown eyes and a teasing smile to the other young man sitting in front of him.

- Na....it's not quite like that hide.....

Answers the other young man, kaneki, who has black hair and gray eyes.

-She just always comes here reading sen takatsuki's books!

Kaneki almost shouts the last part visibly excited.

- Hmm... so you and a stalker?

Hide asks curiously.

- Who is a stalker?

asks another voice that has just arrived and sits down next to kaneki.

- I'm not a stalker!!!

yells kaneki kicking hide under the table.

- That's what a stalker would say...

- don't even start ryo.

Kaneki replies while casting an indifferent look at the newcomer.

Ryo Konton is also young although he looks a little younger than Hide and Kaneki, he has long, straight black hair that's darker than the Kaneki's that just extends past his neck, a pale skin tone that's one step away from being sickly, but what draws the most attention, his appearance is his glowing red eyes that hold two rubies in a look of constant amusement with a slight teasing smile on his face, overall he is a very handsome young man.

- Can I have your order?

At that moment, the waitress from the coffeemaker arrives, another beautiful young woman with eyes and hair in a light shade of purple.

- I'll have a cappuccino.

Answer ryo calmly.

- I will that...

Kaneki starts to speak but is soon interrupted by a scream from hide.

- I'll want your name beauty!

With that the young woman takes a slight step back and her eyes flutter a little and she responds with a slight stutter.

-Kiri...kirishima touka.

She answers.

- And you would have dated kirishima-san?


kaneki yells almost at the same time hide asks.

-Sorry, my friend has been needy for a while...

- Very much actually.

Adds ryo to kaneki's response, which gets a glare from hide.

- It's not okay, what's your order again?

Asks back touka, while hide and kaneki ask, ryo takes a deeper look at touka his previous reaction may have been normal for a shy young woman, but ryo feels it was something more...

"Remains of another man's body are found in the takada building, suspected of a ghoul attack.

The CCG is already sending investigators to the area...."

-Um, this place is right near here.

says hide, stretching unconcernedly.

- you know, I've never seen a ghoul before.

Kaneki comments.

-to them it must look like this.

Says kaneki emguanto shows a drawing of a tall creature with large teeth and looks like a cross between an insect and a werewolf.

- Nah, ghouls are just people with a very specific diet.

Says ryo enguanto plays with a napkin from the table, not noticing the look of the old manager of the coffeemaker.

-And how would you know that?

Kaneki question.

- For two reasons, the first is a secret and the second is because it amuses me!

ryo answers with a smile of pure joy, and seeing that smile, kaneki and hide give a slight tremor.

-Ghouls amuse you?

She abruptly asks Touka, who has just arrived with orders from the table, and for some reason the question feels more personal than it should.

Looking directly at touka, ryo responds with the same beaming smile.

- Clear! I find them fun for a number of reasons...

- What would they be?

Ryo sends touka a wink and responds.

- Wow, wanting the secrets of a man like that! call me on a date first touka-chan~

ryo replies teasingly generating a laugh from hide, a lightly blushing kaneki kicking him across the table, and a blushed and slightly shaking touka, wait, shaking?

Ryo takes another look and touka is indeed shivering, he slightly raises his eyebrow at that and thinks.


A slight cough from the old manager snaps Touka out of her trance who gives an apology and leaves, leading to another thought from ryo.

"Did he hear us?"

While thinking, ryo is well aware of the looks that the old man, Touka and the other two employees gave him from time to time.

"Again, interesting....it looks like"

ryo's train of thought is interrupted as with the noise of a door opening and a sigh of "and she!" coming from kaneki, ryo looks at the door and sees one of the really beautiful bad women he has ever seen, delicate, with long purple hair, holding a book, Sen takatsuki's black goat's egg, a good book actually, is wearing a pair of glasses, his eyes convey an incredible innocence, too much actually.

She sits on the opposite side of ryo's table and friends of his, but upon her arrival ryo notices another interesting thing, touka seemed to become alert to her arrival.

"Why would she have to be careful with a woman like that?"

The woman starts to look around the cafeteria and when her glances at the kaneki, she gives a slight smile of pure malice and I'm looking innocent before changes to a look of sadism and...hungry?

"No, that can't be? Can it?"

-It's her !!! She sometimes exchanges a look with me and smiles.

Kaneki comments with a silly smile on his face, hide da look at the woman and frown slightly.

"Has he noticed something wrong with her too?"

-Nah kaneki, she's very perfect , sure she transforms when she takes off her glasses.

" or is it just hide being hide "

-I don't know kaneki she gives me weird vibes...

Says ryo with a serious tone she rarely uses, kaneki pouting but seems to take his word at least seriously.

- No, no, no, let's go ryo, our puppy has to learn from his own heartbreak!

says hide while pulling ryo out of the coffeepot by the arm.

- Just be careful Kaneki!

Says ryo before the door closes, and notices two things she considers important, the first and the mischievous look of the pretty woman who is back and the pitying look of the touka waitress.


Running through a Kaneki construction field can only think of ryo's warning to beware, why didn't he follow? Rarely does ryo do or say anything serious and look where he is now, almost getting devoured by ghoul, but on second thought ryo hasn't said that ghouls are people so far he's only seen one monster.


Speaking of the devil, Kaneki feels a high pain in his stomach just in time to see a tentacle piercing through him and then being thrown hard against the wall of the building.

With a aching body, coughing blood and feeling consciousness fading kaneki and hearing a noise and steel beams falling and hear a "Why" and before losing consciousness she had one last thought.

"She really transformed when she took off her glasses haha"

Then came darkness.


Far away Ryo looked at the sky through her window and house.

"I feel the world will change, I hope it's fun"

Ryo starts laughing as he looks up at the moon, a big strange looking needle in his hand with blood dripping.