
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


It seems our operation was an absolute success.

The board really didn't expect it to be a success.

The only question that remained was whether the success was due to my presence or Shiona's presence.

But still the project went ahead and Shiona is considered a rank 2 investigator just like me.

But it's important to point out that Shiona was still a kind of glorified prisoner, she could only leave the CCG if she went with my company, inside the CCG she should always have RC suppressors and she had a special room to sleep in a place close to the headquarters .

I just didn't get promoted again because the board didn't want to promote me so quickly.

Climbing two ranks in less than a week would draw a lot of attention.

Things at CGG were interesting.

Not interesting.

Wonderfully fun.

Shiona was an incredibly popular investigator among the people.

People were curious about her, after all I was one of the best investigators and she was my partner and on top of that nobody remembers having seen her here before.

The CGG has an internal transparency of operations and with the addition of the video we had to do because of the new policies... well everyone was horrifiedly fascinated so what became known as "Operation Massacre of the New Sons" was known to have only two investigators present everyone was curious, especially when they found out that she was my partner.

And added the fact that she was a beautiful woman everyone always tried to talk to her, whether casually or flirting.

And absolutely every time she gets uncomfortable and would always beg me to help her.

I always cried with laughter in these situations.

The times that helped her out of a situation was Shinohara.

Shinohara still felt awkward with her but he didn't ignore her anymore, he understood that she was an ally and tried to maintain a cordial relationship.

One day I asked Shiona what she thought of Shinohara and her answer was a simple one.


And she refused to explain further.

The day after our mission was when Shiona met Juuzou.

We were in the office and I found out that Shiona had to obey my orders.

So I had her do all the paperwork.

Shinohara intervened saying that besides Shiona not knowing what to do, I shouldn't throw all the work on her.

I had never felt so betrayed in my life before and Shiona's laughter didn't really help.

And at the time of this discussion I felt the slightest noise of something sharp cutting the air behind me.

I throw myself to the side and dodge a knife cut.

-Goood day~ Senpai!!!

Juuzou excitedly comments while still trying to stab me.

-Good morning Juuzou!

I respond dodging his blows, only Shiona looks strangely at the scene the rest just ignore.

Shinohara sighs.

-If you finished your morning greeting...Juuzou, we have to work.

Juuzou pouts and puts down his knife, before reaching Shinohara's desk and looking at Shiona.

And he stares at her.

And face it.

Shiona shifts extremely uncomfortably.

And then Juuzou again steps forward, knife in hand in an attempt to cut Shiona.

Shiona looks surprised and backs off but before Juuzou can cut her I grab her shirt and throw it back.

-Don't attack my partner! Bad Juuzou.

Juzzou pouts.

-That's what I expected when I accepted to work here, that's what I expected...

She comments pointing to Juuzou.

-...I'm a ghoul after all.

-You and a ghoul?

Question he judged surprised.


-Wait what?

Shiona asks in surprise.

- You didn't attack me for being a ghoul?

-How would I know you're a ghoul...

Juuzou responds by glaring at her and then claps his hands.

-...you and the one that senpai won at the restaurant!

Shiona looks very confused.

-Wait... why did you attack me?

Now Juuzou looks confused.

-I need a reason?

And then we have a moment that is Shinohara sighs, Shiona and Juuzou staring at each other in confusion and I laughing hysterically.

After that Shiona and Juuzou got along incredibly well, Juuzou didn't mind her being a ghoul and as he always wanted to fight and she liked that instead of being me every day Juuzou fought against her.

But these fights weren't even bloody anymore, after all Shiona didn't care much about defending herself, people started to find her strange but nothing too big.

Shiona in general was friendly to everyone, she was easier to get along with than I was myself.

Seidou, Amon, Akira and other investigators always chatted amiably with her.

Sometimes Amon made his hate speech which she used to agree in parts.

It was Hilary.

One day I asked her why she wasn't offended by this and she just said she understands, she knows that some ghouls are monsters, she considers herself one, she said in fact the world would be better without some of them.

What  was really surprising was the nose of Shiona and Akira being really friends.

It was important to point out that they thought Shiona was just a friend of mine, who I begged to join the CCG.

And so far only those present at the previous meeting knew who she was.

And Mado distrusted her and it was really funny to see their interactions.

I knew Mado at least distrusted Shiona, since she took his quinque.

Whenever he looked at her it was a look of doubt and after his gaze it flickered in several different feelings like hate, fear, disgust and worry.

Yes, worry.

Shiona was one of the few friends her daughter had.

I think he's afraid she'll do something bad.

"I have to know the true source of her hatred for ghouls'

In the middle of work I also talked a lot with Shinoa and in one of the conversations I asked again why she controls her kakuja.

She said she had a method.

Then she started to explain.

She said she realized that the act of losing and losing your sanity when wearing a Kakuja is more psychological than physical, psychological in the sense that being the ghoul believes you lose your thoughts and therefore loses it.

She told me that at first she used to hear the ghouls she ate talking to her, forcing her to eat more and more.

So there was a revelation, it was her mind, the ghouls she ate were that, food, just that, they weren't alive to haunt her anymore.

So these "voices" in her head were made by some kind of guilty conscience.

So she developed a species and meditation / trance to deal with her awareness.

In this trance she dealt in her own way, which involved breaking the "ghouls" in her head until they didn't cause any more problems.

That method of hers got me thinking.

It makes some sense for a ghoul's lack of control to come from a guilty conscience so to speak.

Shiona's method is basically an introspection, even if she doesn't know it herself.

But my thinking is about Eto actually.

"I control my kakuja..."

This is not due to her half-ghoul nature but due to her complete disregard for the lives of others.

Just the thought makes me shiver.

"Eto is really a dangerous monster..."

I smile at the thought.

And it's also funny to think that the very act of losing a kakuja's sanity is a guilty conscience.

Whenever I think about it I start to laugh and when I'm asked why I just answer.

- You would not understand.

In one day I decided to take Shiona na anteiku mai to introduce her and also know if Kaneki is alive or not.

I may have forgotten to check him out.

Shiona already knew that anteiku was a ghoul group, they weren't discreet about hiding her organization from the other ghouls.

In fact Shiona was surprised to learn that the CCG doesn't know anything about them.

And she was no less surprised to learn that I'm connected to them.

She says I'm weird this way.

I'm actually quite honest with Shiona, everything she asks I answer, I just haven't commented to her about my relationship with Aogiri and Eto.

I haven't had time to visit Eto since I slept there, but every day I called and talked to her, mainly about how the CCG and the cochlea work.

She also hit a lot on the key of Real reason for Shiona to be my partner.

"Actually she was too insistent on knowing my relationship with Shiona..."

And I responded to the idea I had.

Eto will deal with the destruction of the CCG  and I will deal with the public.

As I explained to Eto, her way will be to simply kill whoever goes against her, and that won't work for several reasons.

We had many, many discussions about violence versus manipulation.

And we ended up reaching a consensus, she would do the violence and I would deal with its consequences.

Yes, an extremely unfair deal, but it will be fun.

Now the reason why I want Shiona on the CCG, besides her actually being helpful.

And basically planting the seeds of doubt in the researchers themselves.

Everyone treats her like a normal person, talks together, spends time together and still struggles together.

After all that there will be trust and when the truths are revealed first there will be actual hate, but then the doubt will come "She helped us..." "Are all ghouls really that bad?" And even more later.

Eto doesn't have much faith in this plan but has decided to let me continue as long as I don't get in the way.

So we got to today where I'm going to the anteiku with Shiona.

-Are you sure it's okay to do this?

Shiona asks while I was picking the lock at the back of the anteiku at night.

-Oh relax, that's normal...

-Of course you consider it normal.

She whispers and then completes.

-but you know...I'm an unknown ghoul...and the anteiku controls this area for a reason...

The door unlocks.

- Are you afraid?

She looks offended.

-Hey! If the Owl is supposed to be there I'm right to be scared.


I open the door and go inside.

-Really you don't know? What do you keep researching all day about ghouls at CCG.

-I keep researching other questions...

Matasaka Kamishiro.

SS class ghoul a bikaku.

He is an excellent martial arts fighter which makes him even more dangerous.

"But I couldn't find any connection with Rize..."

-Let's just go...this Owl must be Yoshimura who is the strong hand here, and he wouldn't just attack you...I think.

- You really have a lot of faith...

And so we both entered the anteiku.

We're walking to the main room and I think it's weird.

"Touka hasn't attacked me until now... did something happen?"

When I get to where I already hear movement I see it in the main area of ​​the cafeteria.

It has a bloody and tired Kaneki, bloody and tired Touka, bloody and tired Ryouko, Hinami with a blank look on her face, Yoshimura making coffee and Irimi helping them clean up.

They were so focused on their own stuff that even us didn't even notice.

-This is the second time I've come here in a situation like this.

I say to Shinoa getting everyone's attention.

-Then? Who will start telling what happened?

Then the main culprit Kaneki starts talking.

He had met and talked to a certain Shuu Tsukiyama, Touka had warned him that this was Gourmet, and Kaneki didn't listen, apparently this Tsukiyama was the one who took him to the ghoul restaurant that day, Kaneki became famous among ghouls for having defeated an investigator and this Tsukiyama wanted to devour him for it.

And due to the invasion in the restaurant he couldn't and so because Kaneki didn't trust him anymore he decided to kidnap Hinami.

By that time I had already sat down at a table and Shiona beside me, I squeezed the table so hard it almost cracked.

After that they Kaneki and Touka went to a church to try to rescue Hinami but they failed, not because they were weak, but by the time he realized he was going to lose he used Hinami as a hostage and if not for Ryouko  arriving she would probably have been killed.

Shiona remained silent the entire time she realized the seriousness of the situation.

After a moment of silence I say.

-Can I torture he to a insanity?

I ask smiling with a smile that doesn't reach my eyes making it slightly menacing.

The ghouls present, meaning they all start to sweat a little.

Yoshimura coughs.

-From what they told me Ryo he shouldn't be alive with the amount of injuries he received...

Irimi interrupts Yoshimura.

-But it doesn't matter anymore... who is this?

She points to Shiona.

I smile excitedly.

-She's my new partner!


-She...she's a ghoul...

mutters Touka weakly.

-I know! And a Kakuja in addition!

Silence again, Shiona seems to want to hit me.

Irimi, Touka and Ryouko look surprised and slightly afraid.

Yoshimura looks interested.

Hinami and Kaneki look confused.

-What is a kakuja?

-Oh and when a ghoul sings...

I'm interrupted by a punch from Shiona that knocks me off my chair and throws me away.

-Wait! She was there at the restaurant!

exclaims Kaneki and now everyone faces Shiona.

-A gourmet kakuja...

Comments Yoshimura looking at Shiona dangerously.

Shiona visibly starts to sweat.

-She manages to control her old kakuja.

I said getting up from the floor.

I only called Yoshimura Elder after a while.

Yoshimura nods in understanding.

"That old man is also a Kakuja"

I think staring at him.

-She's my new partner, I'll have her straight from the cochlea...

-...that you were the one who put me there.

Ends Shiona dryly.


Ryouko speaks.

-Explain better.

-It's quite simple, I went on my field mission, broke into a ghoul restaurant and killed some...

Ryouko covers Hinami's ears, who pouts.

The rest of those present look thoughtful and then seem to acknowledge my mission.

-...I fought against Shiona, beat her, arrested her, asked the director and Arima for her permission to be my partner and she's here.

Everyone listens to the story intently and has varying expressions of surprise and shock.

At the end of the story there was only one question from Shinoa.

-Was the reaper at your meeting?

-Yeah, I'm just on the CCG because of him.

Shiona looks surprised.

-He knows...

Irimi comments.

-...to a rumor among the ghouls of an investigator in black nicknamed "Crow" who used needles...he was first seen alone breaking into a restaurant...

She stares at me.

-...and then seen with a giant and carrying out a real massacre on the New Sons...

Everyone stares at me again.

-...do you know anything about this?

At that moment my phone rings.

[Cute Writer]

"Thank you Eto"

-I have to answer...

I answer to Eto.


Yoshimura frowns at me.


Eto starts by talking seriously.

-...I'll be direct, tomorrow we will meet Aogiri to discuss the cochlear invasion...

I pale.

-...and you should be present and help us to discuss.


I scream and everyone looks at me curiously.

-Exactly what I said, this is not a negotiation, I'll pick you up tomorrow.

And then she hangs up.

I lower the cell phone with a sigh.

"Fucking Eto"