
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Job interview?

Back in anteiku, after a while of the last question, Kaneki turns to the manager and asks another one.


-Yes kaneki.

Sighs Yoshimura.

- Which are the strongest ghoul organizations?

Yoshimura turns to kaneki, visibly surprised by the question.

- Why kaneki?

He sighs.

-After yesterday, I realized how weak I am.....I, I need to get stronger, at least not to be a burden.....

He whispers the last part with a faraway look.

-...and the first step would be, at least for me, to inform myself better about things.

Yoshimura nods in confirmation and starts to respond.

- Well kaneki, first, there aren't many "organizations" for us in the literal sense, ghouls mostly stay alone or in small gangs.....

-And by force among organizations, it is not measured by its members in general, but by someone in it being purely stronger than others.....

-Fights between ghouls regardless of the reason tend to be quite bloody and unnecessarily complicated, after all, we regenerate, and quite complicated a fight to the death.

Yoshimura pauses.

-But for which they exist, it would be the anteiku, in this case we...

-And others that already existed in the past like V....

Yoshimura pauses again as if remembering something unpleasant.

-Some more mysterious like the clowns...

Yoshimura faces kaneki.

-And pay attention kaneki, this last one is the most dangerous currently being a giant headache even for the CCG.

Kaneki listens intently.

-The aogiri tree, or just aogiri, can be called a terrorist organization, it has numerous ghouls as members and not only that I know that some of them are quite strong.....

-Kaneki, don't get involved with them.


He nods his head in affirmation and yoshimura breathes a sigh of relief.

Both go back to work.


- Eeee then....

I look at the room full of ghouls and at least two with active kagunes, but I keep my attention more on the three more flashy ones who are visibly the strongest here.

-I think I came to the wrong place...

I walk slowly towards the hole of what was once a wall.


-Where do you think you're going?

Shouts one of the masked ghouls who had the kagune active running towards me.

"A koukaku...."

The ghoul that runs into has a dark green koukaku that wraps around his entire left arm, making a kind of hammer.

He comes towards me raising his hammer with the intention of crushing me in one blow.

I stand there waiting for the blow to arrive and before hitting me I take a step to the side making the hammer fall and crack the floor where I was standing.

- You know that the general anatomy of a ghoul is very similar to that of a human...

I quickly pull a long needle out of my pocket.

-....the human skull is basically hollow, you know, the holes of the eyes, of the ears always arrive in the same place....

I quickly direct the needle straight into what I'm hoping was the masked ghoul's ear.

-.....in the brain.....

The needle is fine, but also very resistant.

"It's made of a kagune after all"

It enters the ghoul's ear quite easily.

I shove the needle completely into your head.

And I spin her inside her head.

The ghul's body begins to convulse and go limp.

I take the needle out of her head, it's a little red smeared and tipped with some sort of grayish material.

I clean the needle on the ghoul's clothing, which now falls limp to the ground.


-....after all, as far as I know, you cannot regenerate the brain...


-....isn't he the one who controls the regeneration?

I turn to see the reactions of those present, the other three ghouls seem ready to attack with their kagunes already active.

"Another koukaku...."

This one is a metallic blue color and has formed a spear in his right arm.

"And two bikakus...."

The other two masks release two slender tails from their backs of yellowish and black color respectively.

The other members of the room only one had a visible reaction, after all he looked at me with irritation, contempt and slight respect, the little mummy looked excited but nothing that could be confirmed.

And lastly the giant who didn't move at all.

"I can't even think of who would be the strongest among them...."

Abruptly the other koukaku lunges towards me, making a lunge with the spear which I easily dodge and lower me, tripping the ghoul.

He falls to the ground and I take another kick smashing his head to the ground disorienting him for a while.

I start towards the two bikaku, who attack me with their kagunes which I catch one with the fake claws I'm using and roll on the ground to avoid the other.

With that I get closer than the black colored kagune and I pierce his neck with claws in my hand, I feel the ghoul through the mask start to suffocate, I keep my hands on his throat preventing his regeneration.

I feel the ghoul's struggle start to weaken with my grip, but he controls his kagune back and tries to pierce me with it again, which I dodge again, right at the last moment causing him to pierce himself with his own kagune.

Still tearing his throat out but now leaning on his back I feel his fight stop and he starts to fall to the ground.

Quickly I pull my needle and pierce the eye hole of his mask, which goes in easily and I do the same as before.

- Double kill!!!

I exclaim, rolling across the floor quickly to avoid the kagune blow that came angrily from the other bikaku.

I walk away and quickly look at the others in the room, the koukaku is still stunned on the floor, the three flashy ghouls are still standing there, like they're watching a show, by the way and in the case of the little mummy cheering.

"But to whom?"

With that I turn my attention to the bikaku, who is getting ready to attack me again, than this time he wraps his kagune around his leg.

"This is going to be deadly for me...."

I pull the bottle of alcohol out of hiding and take the cap off.

I start running towards the ghoul that starts coming towards me also getting ready to give a final kick.

The moment he has enough distance to kick, he attacks.

I drop to the ground and toss the bottle of alcohol up.

He kicks the bottle, slicing it and causing alcohol to splash all over it.

I get up quickly giving a kick to his head disorienting him, quickly and another kick in the belly that knocks him to the ground.

I take a lighter out of my pocket.

I light it up and throw it at the fallen ghoul, which starts to catch on fire.

The ghoul starts screaming in pain at being burned alive.

"Coming to think, for a ghoul this must be really nasty, like they constantly regenerate and maybe...."

I think as I walk towards the koukaku I killed which still has its kagune active.

I approach and lift his body dragging him to the other koukaku that is recovering on the ground.

- Wow this is heavier than it looks...

I mumble, even feeling the confused gaze of some of the ghouls still alive.

I lift the hammer from the corpse's arm and tap it on the fallen ghoul's head.

It breaks easily like a watermelon.

- Wow ! This was indeed a good show!

I did the female voice that claps her hands lightly.

- Calm down !

I answer her and take the hammer koukaku's body close to the burned ghoul and smash his head like the other.


I sigh and pretend to wipe sweat off my forehead, overall this fight lasted seven minutes.

I turn to face the remaining ghouls in the room, the white haired one seems ready to step forward and kill me and the mummy appears to be in amused shock.

The masked giant remains the same.

- So...would you believe that this is all a misunderstanding?

I get a look of extreme irritation from the hairy one who activates his kakugan and starts to activate his kagune.

The mummy looks amused, but I can't see anything relevant after all, nor do I see her face.

And the giant cocked his head to the side, slightly visibly confused but no less threatening.

- Not.

And the mummy's answer.

- And I imagined....


- Look, now at least, I really didn't want to cause any problems...

I pause and look at the four dead ghouls on the ground.

- Thinking well...

I smile at the mummy.

- Is there any way I can get out alive?

- Not !

growls the white-haired one already preparing to attack me.

Only to be stopped by the mummy who seems to have a small argument with him which I only hear certain fragments.

.....he is a threat....

....but he's just a human....

....who can.....4 ghouls....


...my prey...

And with that his eyes turn to me.

-So Ryo-chan...

The mummy starts by surprising me slightly, but soon the situation comes to me and I smile at her.

- What was it sen takatsuki-san?

With that the hall was completely silent, taking out the noise of the fire burning behind me.

Which is broken by a laugh from the mummy, sen takatsuki.

- How did you know ryo-chan~?

She asks removing her bandages from her face, which lets green hair burst out of there and reveal the writer's face, who has a kakugan and a normal one in her left eye, which surprises me slightly and a sadistic hunger smile in your face that makes me gulp.

- Didn't I say I was going to investigate you? I just went to solve some problems before and then I started investigating you...

I take a break.


I scream and with that I get a real look of shock from her and the white haired man and even the masked man seems to nod in confirmation.


I gasp and catch my breath.


I stop screaming.

-Sorry to get carried away, but I needed to get this out of my system.

I say and see a sen takatsuki looking embarrassed being stared at by the white haired man who mutters something like a careless woman.

- But the door was locked when I got back! You were refuted!

She points at me with a pout.

Like a child.

- I locked the door.

I say staring at her, she stares at me and clears her throat.

- So how useful can your life be for us?

And with that, the atmosphere becomes tense again.

-Well, I know how to fight well...

I point to the bodies on the floor.

- Does not matter.

The white-haired man speaks.

- All of us could do the same and better, what different can you offer us?

He finishes and I stop to think.

An idea comes to me.

- I can join the CCG.

"Ok, I might want to explain better"

I think when I see that three ghouls in front of me are ready to attack me, even the masked kagune looks really troublesome, a big worm with teeth.


- Calm calm!

- I don't even know your real goals, but no matter what having someone infiltrated inside the biggest ghoul hunting organization can be useful....

They are no longer violent, their hair is white and they feel takatsuki, they look thoughtful and the masked man is back to being a statue.

-...whether it's to get information about work in progress, weapons, tactics, or even to foil your investigations!

I finish smiling and realize that white hair and takatsuki are thoughtful.

-this is indeed useful...

Starts white hair.

- but why?

Ends sen takatsuki.

- Simple sen takatsu....

- Eto, call me Eto.

She interrupts me.

- All right, simple Eto-san....

I smile brightly.

- I love my life! But also because it can be fun!

With that I get an excited laugh from eto and a confused white-haired look.

- would it be fun to work for unknown ghouls and also at ccg?

- Yes!

I answer and he mumbles something about crazy people.

- This will be an interesting alliance!

he exclaims and starts walking towards me licking his lips.

-But I will need proof of loyalty...

She whispers as she comes very close to me, a foot away.

- What would it be....?

-Her body .....

She whispers with a hungry look.

- in what sense?

I provoke.

-Well, you took my lunch from my apartment ..... nothing more fair that you pay for it .....

He leans his breasts against my chest, I'm a little bigger than her, about half a head more.

- I understand.....

I whisper to her and shift my shirt so that it reveals an area of ​​my collarbone and push it toward her.

- Then help yourself!

-This really will be a great alliance ..... and you will be mine ...

Eto laughs sadistically and bites a piece of flesh between my collarbone and my neck.

"It really hurts, in the future this might be a bad idea....

...but it doesn't matter anymore "

She eats a piece of my meat.