
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Deserved rest

Touka was back in anteiku after a very interesting moment.

As she made her way back she heard the sounds of flesh being torn apart and smelled the ghoul coming close at the time she thought it was Nishiki's idiot and headed towards the mess with the intention of shooing him out of this area once and for all.

And arriving at the scene she's in shock, first, there's a lot of blood all over the place, obviously ghouls fought, second, kaneki and ryo's friend.

"Hide....my guess"

I was passed out on an opposite wall and kaneki was...

Oh kaneki...

Kaneki had visibly been in a scuffle with torn clothing and blood spatters, right eye kakugan active, and four red tentacles on his back.

But the worst thing is that he was eating from a body on the ground.

Nishiki's body.


The body was totally destroyed and smeared with blood, half the skull was punctured, one leg was missing, and kaneki ate from his arm.

-What the fuck happened here....

Murmurs touka, which catches the attention of kaneki who stares at her without his usual shy look, now and a violent, hungry and sadistic look, very similar to the real rize.


He mutters, his voice hoarse and slightly confused.

He looks at the body he was devouring.

He freezes in shock and begins to pant in what appears to be a panic attack.

He starts to cry and ends up passing out.

Touka was still in shock from the look he gave her, it was something, dangerous she felt weak.

She was scared.

Fear of kaneki.

Touka regains his composure and begins carrying Kaneki's passed out body back to anteiku.

Now in the anteiku she enters through the back door and then calls for the manager.

Who upon appearing at first looks confused after seeing kaneki asks worried.

-What happened?

Touka explains the situation she saw and each time yoshimura seems to get more worried.

-un, he's just needing rest, it must have been a big shock for him...

-But why ? Is he not feeding?

Touka question.

-It's not just hunger that makes people lose control touka...

Whisper yoshimura.

-I'll take care of him touka.....you can leave....

Yoshimura holds Kaneki and takes him to some room to rest.

Touka sighs and before he can do anything else she smells the sweet scent of blood approaching.

She hears a knock on the door I just walked in with kaneki.

She unlocks it and I open the door slowly.

- Oh! good night touka, could you give me a hand again.

She says a cheerful voice that is visibly weak and tired.

Touka looks over and sees it's Ryo who has that smile all the time on his face, but he's visibly paler than before, his shirt is torn and smeared with blood, he's all smeared with blood  actually however much it is from ghoul blood between his collarbone and neck to a deep bite wound and the lack of flesh in the area visible, is he stopping the bleeding from that wound with his Red claw hand?

Overall he seems to be on the verge of passing out from lack of blood and fatigue.

- Me.....

Before he can say anything else he falls face down on the floor in a faint.


Shouts touka again which after a while yoshimura appears slightly annoyed.

-What is touka now? I'm....

He is interrupted by seeing touka pointing to ryo lying on the ground.

He pauses.

-What did you do?

Touka looks offended.


I start to regain consciousness little by little, the last thing I remember is seeing touka's face and then just darkness.

The first thing I notice is that I'm in a bed, shirtless, the bandages wrapped around my body, and the bleeding from eto's bite has stopped.

"-Could you give me some bandages?

I ask eto after she bites me.

-you know you have many...

I murmur ignoring pain.


-Consider it a punishment for stalking me~

She responds still chewing my meat.

- You are delicious, you know~

She laughs sadistically, which no longer frightens me, after all, I'm still here.

Alive and whole.

Not whole.

But it does not matter.


She claps her hands excitedly.

-See you later ryo-chan~

She walks towards the mask and the white hair who turns to me.

-We will contact you about our agreement, tell someone and well...

It activates your kakugan.

-...to worse things than just being devoured.....

He threatens me and everyone leaves, leaving me alone.

- I think I may die of hemorrhage before...

I mumble as I head towards the exit, stopping my wound as much as I can"

I remember a sweet memory.

-Well, we can say that at least I didn't die from lack of blood.

I exclaim positively.

I look at the bandage that wraps around my body, it covers many of my earlier scars.

All over my chest the scars from cuts, perforations and finally some burns.


"It will be one more for the account"

I think while trying to look at my shoulder.

At that moment the door opens and Yoshimura enters with touka.

- Good Morning! Or good afternoon ? I don't know how long I was out....

I tell them both, yoshimura looks amused and touka is curious.

-Good afternoon konton-san, you were out for a few hours.

Answers yoshimura.

- How did you get hurt anyway?

Touka question.

I stop and think about whether it's worth talking or not and decide to play a game.

- Ok, I know you're curious and that even yoshimura-san must have your doubts so let's do it like this...

I lift my hand and show them two fingers.

-Each of you has two questions that I will answer with complete honesty...without partiality or anything, just the absolute truth.

I say and they both look thoughtful for a while, yoshimura thinks longer as touka asks his question right away.

- How did you get hurt?

-Sen takatsuki is a ghoul and he ate a piece of me.

Simply put back to the shock of touka and yoshimura just looks surprised, but not that takatsuki, no, eto, wow it's going to be confusing, being a ghoul, but that I'm alive.

"That sounds interesting"

My curiosity was piqued.

After all, everything worked out the last time.

It's not like I was life-threatening.


- How are you alive?!

Exclaims a surprised touka spending his last question.

- We entered into an agreement, together with a proof of carnal loyalty...

I reply and touka starts to blush slightly and yoshimura is incredibly silent.....

"Riled up?"

Why do I feel life-threatening again?

I clear my throat.

- Yes, we made a useful agreement for both parties and sealed it with her eating a piece of me...

I point to the bandage.

-which you may have already seen...

I look at yoshimura who seems to have calmed down.

"Even if he doesn't react well but it just makes it scarier"

-Your turn yoshimura-san.

Only then does Touka realize that she has already asked her questions and is slightly sulky.

- Where did you get those scars.

"And here's a question made straight to the point, with the answer I'll have to reveal a little bit of my past and therefore a little bit of my abilities"

-In a ghoul restaurant....

I whisper and feel Touka catch her breath.

-I was once a Scrapper after all....

I reply with a dry laugh and again just silence, touka seems to be in shock and yoshimura nods in acknowledgment, you can even feel a slight pity coming from him.

-That's really shocking, and because you're here it means you still managed to get away...

He speaks and I pout.

"Apparently he's not going to fool around and ask an unnecessary question like touka"

He seems to understand my intention and smiles in amusement.

-I think I still have another konton-san.

He claims.


I grumble.

-How did you make your weapons?

He asks and points to a table that has several needles and fake claws on top.

-after all they smell like kagune, and after a quick test they proved themselves to be...

He pauses and stares at me.

-....but how? After all, only CCG can do something like this....

He takes a menacing pause and touka recovers and looks ready to attack me.

"I wouldn't even fucking get out of this one, I'm glad that just the truth is going to get me out of it this time"

-I made them.....


-After several twists and turns I realized that the kagune remains active after the death of a ghoul....

They nod in acknowledgment.

- So after realizing that there are kagunes that are different from each other, some softer, others hard, cutting, piercing, I just collected them and carved...

I aim for the needles.

- They are made of bikaku, which is easier to sculpt with delicacy and as it is only used for small holes, it becomes useful after all bikakus are not that resistant....

Now I point to the claw.

-koukaku, and tougher better for slashing weapons or armor...


-I have no connection with the CCG


-my weapons are made from pieces of kagunes that I took and made.

Yoshimura looks truly unheard of.

-I must admit konton-san that they are a great job...

he says taking one of the fake claws and analyzing and even touka seems to have gained a level of respect for me.

I get out of bed and bow to them.

-Thanks for taking care of me...

"And don't eat me"

-....but could someone lend me a blouse? haha

I ask laughing shyly.

Touka huffs but with a sign from the manager she leaves to get some clothes.


Yoshimura calls me softly.

-You came into contact with someone dangerous and I think that at that moment there is no turning back...

He stares at me.

-What will you do?

I sigh.

- I know, I've bitten down more than I can chew, wow that sounds funny now, hahaha, but I'll still do everything possible to save the one that's important to me....no matter the cost!

I exclaim resolutely.

-....but until the end let's see how much fun it will be!

I end up laughing happily and get an exasperated sigh from the manager.

-I'll give you that vote of confidence, that you'll know what to do when the time comes...

At that moment Touka arrives and throws me a men's antieiku uniform.

Picked up and seen.

I start to leave in a hurry.

-Well, it was a great chat but I'm really tired and I want to sleep at home...

With an abrupt thought, I walk over and give touka a tight hug and run away leaving an angry touka and a fun yoshimura.





-Shouldn't we have warned him about the kaneki or vice versa?

-No, both are very tired of their own recent ordeals.

A moment of silence.

-He left his weapons....

Murmurs touka.

Yoshimura sighs.

-I think he forgot...



I scream when I get home and notice the lack of my equipment.

- Oh, no, and as if they were going to rob me...

I head to my room.

-it is not?

I lie down on the bed and fall asleep quickly.

A soft night's sleep.

A night without nightmares.

The next morning I wake up to a knock at my door.

"But who would it be at this hour"

I get up sleepily and go to open the door.

- Good morning ryo-chan~!

The moment I open the door I'm embraced by an animated, messy blur of green.

Sen takats....no

Eto just hugged me this morning.

At home.

She knows where I live.

I do the only thing my sleepy mind thinks of.

I scream.