
Tokyo Ghoul: Aberration

A guy dies in an accident and was lucky to get reincarnated in a world of his choice with some wishes. Honestly never thought anyone would ever read this.

Alatreon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


After coming back from china, and listening to Touka for aboout 2 hours about leaving her and stuff, he reported to Eto and also met Arima again with Eto.

"So you are the one they sent after Akira. Aren't you afraid that I will capture you?" Arima said aftere he saw Soma coming to Eto and his direction.

"Why should I be afraid about that. Yeah you are stronger than probably all of us, but after thinking long enough I came to the conclusion you two made a deal. Also you making a deal with Eto means that, either she has something important for you or you have a little secret and she knows it." Soma replied with a sly smirk.

Eto was shocked at what she heard, as they made sure to never say anything about that. Arima didn't say anything nor did he had a change of emotions in his face.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I don't need that shit right now." Soma said as he left leaving the Eto in daze.

"Are you sure you didn't tell anyone about that?" She asked Arima to which Arima just nodded.


"Hey you! Where is Jason with that kaneki kid?" Soma asked a member of the aogiri.

"He is in the big room with the chess like floor, sir." the man answered.

Though he already knew where Kaneki was he still asked as it would seem qiute suspiciuos if he knew that.

'I wonder if Kaneki is still going to join the aogiri. Will Touka still try to save him? Will the ambush on the hideout still happen? Well guess there's no other way to find out than to wait and see. Maybe I will go to the anteiku after I'm done here.' Soma thought as he proceed to walk to the big room kaneki was getting tortured in.

Not long after he out the thoughts away he arrived at the room.

Yaomori was still torturing Kaneki as Soma is going into the room.

Those who knew who it was immediately bowed with respect and fear.

As Yaomori noticed he was being watched he turned and after he saw who it was, his face paled with fear.

"S..Soma w..what are you doing here?" Yaomori asked as he was to piss his pants due to the sheer pressure Soma is releasing.

"I want to talk alone with that guy. Take your guys with you and don't you dare to even come in here without my permission." he said calmely but he was emitting a extreme pressure, but it was only directed at Yaomori as the other persons in the room already left.

------Flash back------

"Huh? SO you're telling me that Soma guy is the second strongest in the aogiri? Hah that guy looks like a extremely thin skeletton. He basically just consist of bones. Hahahahahaaha!" Yaomori laughed as someone said that Soma is the second strongest in the aogiri.

"Where is that guy? I'm gonna teach that brat a lesson." he said as he began walking towards the direction.

"I don't think this is a goog idea Yaomori-sama." a subordinate of Yaomaori said as he walked with him.

Yaomori just ignored the comment and continued to walk.

As he finally reached the room, he saw Soma alone in a room meditating.

Soma feeling being watched opened his eyes and looked to the direction of Yaomori and his troup.

"Waht do you want, Yaomori?" Soma asked as he looked back and resume his meditating.

"I want to see if you really back up what the others say!" he shouted as he runned towards Soma.


Soma stood up with his eyes closed and easily dodged the attack from Yaomori.

"hoh. Guess you are not only talk." Yaomori said at which Soma just looked at him in confusion.

'What is this guy talking about? Well wathever.' he thought as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Come on get over with this already, I have something to do."

"Make me!" Yaomori shouted as he again charged at Soma.

Soma just sighed and decided to end this quickly.

As Yaomori was about to hit Soma, he suddendly felt a extreme sharp pain in his stomach.

As he looked down he saw Soma's hand going in his stomach.

Yaomori grunzed in pain and fell on the floor.

"Did you have enough?" Soma asked as he poured out some killing intend.

Yaomori didn't even dare to look up at the monster in front of him.

---------Flash back end----------

Yaomori quickly got up and ran towards the exit in fear.

Looking at the blinded Kaneki now he walked towards him.

"Yo Kaneki." he greeted

"That voice.... Is that you Soma?" Kaneki asked

Soma took off Kaneki's 'mask' which is just a piece of textile clothe.

Kaneki is looking terrified but was happy when he saw Soma.

"Did you came to get me out of here?" Kaneki asked hopefully.

"..." Soma didn't say anything.

"Just wait. Touka and the others will come and rescue you. If I help them I'm gonna end up like you. I'm sorry." Soma said as he put Kaneki his blinder on.

Soma them left and went to the anteiku.


As Soma was in front of the anteiku seeing the shop is closed.

"Well no wonder it is 9pm right now." he muttered

"Well lets apologize Touka." he said.

Having the replacement key he easily got inside the building an went upstairs to the rooms.

Not having the key to Touka's apartment Soma decided to knock very slowly but still hearable.

*knock* *knock*

Soma heard light footsteps which came to the door very slow.

As Touka asked who was there he gave no response.

She slowly opened the door as she was ready to fight but as she didn't saw anyone she became anxious and wanted to close the door, but before she could do so someone picked her over their shoulder closed the door and left with TOuka on his shoulder outside on a high roof.

After enduring Touka's screaming he put her down and looked at the sky.

"What the f*ck Soma?!" Toukaof course surprisedbut also pissed looked at Soma.

"Well, I wanted to apologize to you, for all the things I've done." he said still looking at the sky.

"What do you mean?"

Soma now looking at her. To hersurprise Soma had tears in his eyes.

After spending a lot time at the anteiku he started having emotions.

"I'm sorry for leaving you and going to China. I'm sorry for not being able to stop the aogiri from taking Kaneki away. I'm sorry for the countless times I've annoyed you and harassed you. I hope you can still forgive me." Soma cried for the first time.

Touka completely overwhelmed with the situation not knowing what to do just hugged Soma.

"You idiot. As if ever I could hate you." Touka replied with a smile.

Soma looked at Touka as if you would gave a homeless guy a home.

"Really?" Soma asked with tears still in his eys.

Instead of answering Touka just did something which would shock every one.

Touka just kissed Soma on the lips and didn't say anything an just looked at Soma with a heartwarming smile.

Now Soma took it a step further and kissed her back and it was a long kiss.

After seperating they looked at each other for a moment.

Soma then took Touka in a princess carry back to her home.

"Do you want to stay?" Touka asked a bit shy, to which Soma just nodded while taking his phone out and typing something.

The next day Soma woke up and saw Touka in nothing but an apron.

Then Touka woke him up and he realized it was a dream and Touka never wore an apron.

"Don't you have to go to school" Soma asked as he saw that it has already 9am.

"No. I'm staying here. I'm just gonna say I'm ill." she said as she started going to another room to change."

Time passed as it has afternoon now.

Someine knocked at the door, so Touka got up and opened and sawa her friend from school who had a pot in her hands.

"Here Touka, some food for you." she said as she gave Touka the pot.

Soma curious what's happening, dicided to go towards the door.

As her friend wanted to say something she noticed Soma behind her.

"Good kuck with your boyfriend." she said with a thumbs and left.

Touka then confused turned her head to see Soma standing there.

"Eh... Sorry." Soma said.

(A/N:Here is your chapter. Sorry about not updating recently. I got problems with my old computer so I had to buy another one. Also this might be again the last chapter for now as I'm gonna move. I hope your satisfied with Touka in the romance, if not, well shit.)