
Tokisaki Kurumi Traveling Other Worlds

A man of culture wants to be reincarnated as his favorite waifu World that might be visited Overlord (current) Date a Live Nasuverse [fate] Re:zero Gate Jojo [Stardust Crusaders] More~ All characters belong to their respective authors The cover is not mine as it is from the anime

nathan_playzz · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Spirit States

Chapter 47

Momonga: Tokisaki Kurumi. We need to have long talk after this

Kurumi: Mm~ what is it about?

Momonga: Your power. To be precise, the authority over time and fact.

Kurumi: You are welcome to talk to me at any time~ I will be in Nazarick most of the time anyways~ though right now, I have matters to attend to in the church of Nia~

Momonga: Oh… Fair enough. You are the only one here that has a life outside of Nazarick

Reminiscing about his life before Nazarick was transported to the new world, Momonga remembered that over time, his guildmates started to say that they had other matters to attend

Kurumi: Here's a suggestion~ people won't have life outside of Nazarick if everything is Nararick~

Realizing the hidden message behind the hidden message in what Kurumi said, Momonga grew even more wary of Kurumi

Momonga: How do you know!

Kurumi: It's a fact isn't it~!

As always, Kurumi made her dramatic exit from the scene using white hands to drag her down into her shadow

[Perspective change]

In the colosseum, two tired elves made their way to the stands

Antilene: Silver, where is mother?

Silver: Aren't I also your mother~?

Unable to argue back, Antilene gave no response

Silver: Fufufu~ I know who you are referring to~ my original is currently back at the former Elf Kingdom. She is checking up on the progression of some things~

Antilene: I see, take me to the shadow realm, I want to get to where my mother is

Silver: But why~? Us clones and the original think that you should make some friends. Stay in Nazarick for a while~ treat it as a playdate

Antilene: Mm…

Silver: Bukubukuchagama-san! Can I borrow your children for a moment?

Bukubukuchagama: Sure! You can borrow my children for a while. Aura, Mare, I trust that you won't cause Silv-nee any problems. Alright?

Aura: Alright! Mare, let's go!

Mare: W-wait Aura!... Your injuries are not healed yet

Silver: Let's have some quality family bonding~

[Perspective change]

Over the past two months, the whole world was aware of the suspicious activities that the church of Nia was doing in the former elven capital. Countries all over the world ranging from Slane to the Dragon Kingdom send in spies in order to obtain information, but they all die from the effects of {City of Devouring Time}

In the center of the dome, stood a magnificent statue of Kurumi in the {Kyrios} Astral Dress, and out of the shadow of that statue, Kurumi appeared

Kurumi: How is the operation going?

Asking a clone that came to greet her, Kurumi wanted to know how far the development of technology was

Kurumi clone: Not good. We need more Maryoku compatible metals. Currently we are using mythril and adamantite, but we are running out.

Kurumi: Guess I really need to go to the Dwarf Kingdom~ Jircniv already knows right?

Kurumi clone: Yes~ he knows. If you need to go to the Dwarf Kingdom, Jircniv is ready to set up a caravan at any time. Also he wrote a letter of gratitude for the {Realizers} we sent him, knowing him, he probably is trying to mass produce it on his own

Kurumi: Mm~

[Perspective change]

In the imperial throne room, Jircniv was recounting his documents with his ministers, he was looking closely at the performance of the {Realizers} and seeing if they can be used in different industries, as the church only gave them {Realizers} that are capable of affecting soil and plant growth, but nothing else

Minister of food and potions: That would conclude my report in these {Realizers}

Jircniv (thinking): Fascinating… The power to turn an agriculturally dependent Empire into the biggest agricultural exporter in the world… This technology is terrifying!

Jircniv: As we can see, these units of {Realizers} are solely focused on farming. It is so good that it boosted our industry's output by 20 fold. This is very concerning news, as what if the church starts to sell these to other states and countries? It would upend the entire global balance

Hearing this, the ministers showed worried looks on their faces. As they all were taught to observe the political landscape of the world in order to make the best decisions, so if that global balance were to be thrown into chaos, then they would become useless. But before they could even speak, Jircniv spoke first

Jircniv: I got news that the Goddess needs a lot of metals for her future projects. We can use this opportunity to acquire more variants of the {Realizer} and maybe be the exclusive buyer for this technology

Minister of development and magical growth: Is it possible for us to acquire one of these {Realizers} for analysis? I am confident in our ability to reverse engineer it

Jircniv: As much as I want to do that, there is no way the Empire would survive the Goddess's wrath. Just look at the former Elven Kingdom, I want to avoid provoking her as much as possible, even if it means letting an opportunity like being able to manufacture {Realizers} slip by

Watching from a distance, Kurumi had to applaud Jircniv's political intellect, as he could instantly think of the consequences of going against her, a {Grand Catastrophe} directly in the capital

Deciding to show herself, Kurumi appeared like how she did in the movie, basically a very dramatic appearance

Kurumi: Gokigen'yo. Anata wa totemo~ yoi sentaku o shimashita~!

(translation: How do you do? You made a very~ good decision~!)

A minister *quiet*: She is speaking the language of the gods!

Jircniv: Um… Good day, how may this humble emperor help you?

Kurumi (thinking): Time to shock them!

Kurumi: As you have probably seen, the technology that we possess is leaps and bounds beyond the comprehension of this world, and with this technology. I think it is appropriate to create a… Country! As I have deemed that the church of Nia should no longer be an organization, but become a country! The Spirit States!

Kurumi (thinking): Well the real reason is because I need access to the Dwarven Kingdom without going through Baharuth, but I am sure that Jircniv will never know

This declaration shocked everyone in the room, as declaring an intent to form a country right in front of an emperor is a death wish. But not any normal person was declaring it, as the person who declared it was a Goddess

Jircniv (thinking): I see… I know what to do

Jircniv: I would like to declare the Baharuth Empire as a vassal state to the Spirit States!

Jircniv (thinking): So we can get exclusive access to {Realizer} technology!

Kurumi (thinking): Wut? You were not supposed to do that! Is it fated for the Empire to become a vassal state!? I was just going to ask for recognition as a country

Kurumi: S-splendid! I will leave the rest of the politics to the pope. I need to go to the Dwarven Kingdom now

Jircniv: Of course. I will order the preparation for your departure immediately

Kurumi: Good

[Perspective change]

[A week later]

News headlines popped up all over the civilized world. The news states that the church of Nia is forming a country called the Spirit States, The Baharuth Empire becoming a vassal state to the Spirit States, and Nazarick annexing both Carne Village and E-Rantel from the Re:Estize Kingdom

The gossips were everywhere, some people say the Goddess was behind everything, other say the church of Nia formed a country to fight against Nazarick, but no one suspected that they secretly worked together

The place with the most gossip happened to be the capital of the former Empire, Arwintar. As it was the place that was experiencing the most change. Politically, the pope and the emperor are now of the same political rank, the regional managers though rank higher than the pope, rank lower than the emperor causing a lot of confusion in the court

There were many changes to the political rank name too, the emperor was now called the spiritual emperor, and the imperial court was now called the heavenly court and everything that once had the word imperial, was replaced by spirit

(Author: XIANXIA!!!)

While the people in the former Empire were adjusting to the new changes implemented upon them, the people in Nazarick were plotting

Demiurge: The Spirit States… Since this was a country created by the forty second Supreme Being, we should have permission to use it to our advantage… Or maybe Kurumi-sama was planning this all along, for the benefit of Nazarick… Sasuga Kurumi-sama

Albedo: The perception of Nazarick right now is that of an evil Empire. While the public opinion of the Spirit States is that of a heavenly kingdom. Since the Goddess is the forty second Supreme Being, Nazarick can now play good guy vs bad guy in our upcoming plans… What do you think, Momonga-sama?

Momonga (thinking): WHAT GOING ON!

(Author: I am announcing a 3 DAY hiatus! Because...

My teachers decided to use their Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Home Works against me!!! I literally hear them chanting it from my dorm!

Author's teachers:

I am the bane of my students

Tests are my body, and homework is my blood

I have given over a thousand Fs

Unknown to A+

But known for giving Fs

Have withstood student tears to create many grades

Yet these student tears will never mean anything

So as I lower their GPA, Unlimited Home Works!!!)

(Author: Was that good? I spent an hour working on that~)

Nooooooo!!! I don't have Gate of Babylon!!! I can't deal with Unlimited Home Works!!!

nathan_playzzcreators' thoughts