
Tokisaki Kurumi Traveling Other Worlds

A man of culture wants to be reincarnated as his favorite waifu World that might be visited Overlord (current) Date a Live Nasuverse [fate] Re:zero Gate Jojo [Stardust Crusaders] More~ All characters belong to their respective authors The cover is not mine as it is from the anime

nathan_playzz · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

An Angel That Wasn't Signed

Chapter 45

Kurumi: Ara~ ara~ already dropping your overlord persona?

Momonga: If you can't trust your guildmates, who can you trust?

Kurumi: True~

Suddenly intruding upon the conversation, a slime like creature spoke up

Bukubukuchagama: First of all! Tokisaki-nee~ can you help me with something?

Kurumi: What is the matter~?

Bukubukuchagama: Please help me raise Aura and Mare!

Kurumi: Huh!? Sure, but I don't have experience with proper mothering

Bukubukuchagama: It is fine! Also you can take this as getting to know Nazarick! Come on, let's go to the 6th floor!

Teleporting to the 6th floor, Bukubukuchagama left everyone in the dust

Kurumi: Is there a ring that you can give me?

Momonga: We can't access the guild main menu anymore, so it is not possible to make another ring. Sorry

Kurumi: All is fine~ I guess I need to use shadow travel again~ Antilene follow me~

Both sinking into the shadows, Kurumi and Antilene left

Ulbert: What a cool ability! I want her to teach it to me!!!

[Perspective change]

Rising from the shadows, Kurumi and Antilene found themselves in a colosseum like structure, around the colosseum was a vast expanse of forest and planes, and a very night sky lays above everything

Kurumi: It is hard to believe, but this is all made by someone~

Kurumi (thinking): Should I commission him to make me a cat~?

While Kurumi was appreciating the surroundings, Antilene decided to wander around

Wandering around, Antilene found herself being confronted by a crossdressing elf

Mare: W-who are you? W-what are you d-doing here?

Antilene: Just wandering around… Mother!!! I think I found the people you are supposed to parent!

Immediately, Kurumi arrived next to Antilene

Kurumi: Ara~ Gokigen'yo I am Tokisaki Kurumi, and I will be helping your mothe-

Mare: Aura!!! T-the scary woman from two months ago is here!!!

Jumping down from the VIP viewing place, Aura landed in the colosseum with a bang. Running over the the place where Kurumi and Mare was, she prepared to attack, but was stopped by their creator

Bukubukuchagama: What are you doing?! Did you know that she is now the forty second Supreme Being!?

Mare: O-oh… S-sorry for my rudeness

Aura: Sorry! We thought you were hostile!

Kurumi: It's fine! To avoid this from happening in the future, can you inform the other denizens of Nazarick?

Mare: I-I will do my best!

Scurrying away, Mare made his way to the throne room

Bukubukuchagama: I didn't think Mare would end up being this timid

Kurumi: Mm… Well for starters, since both of our daughters are elves, why don't we have an ice breaker? Antilene, I know that you would very much like friends, and that you like to find people stronger than you

Antilene: Mm

Bukubukuchagama: You are right! Aura and Mare are the only elves in Nazarick! You should make friends with elves your age! Speaking of age, how old is Antilene?

Antilene: I have forgotten, but I remember being older than a century, but younger than two

Aura: You are in the same generation I am in! I am just 76 years old! I thought you were older!

Antilene: Oh, I didn't know that! Well it looks like I am your and Mare's onee-san

Bukubukuchagama: You taught her Japanese?

Kurumi: Maybe~

Aura: No no no! I am not giving up the title of older sister!

Antilene: Well~ let's see if you are worthy of that title!

Aura: Oh, we'll see alright!

Equipping her lasso, Aura got ready to fight, but before she could even get started, Bukubukuchagama interrupted, and tried to defuse the situation

Bukubukuchagama: Let's calm down, violence is not always the answer

Kurumi: But isn't it fine~? Aura is competitive, and Antilene wants to find people stronger than her~ we can treat this as an ice breaker~

Bukubukuchagama: If you say so…

Hearing that both of their mothers gave consent, both Antilene and Aura got ready to fight, but before they could start, Kurumi wanted to do something

Kurumi: Come out of the shadow, Silver

Rising from the shadows, Silver appeared

Silver: What's the matter~?

Kurumi: These two elves want to duke it out~ be the referee

Silver: Alright~

Kurumi: Antilene my dear~

Antilene: Yes mother?

Kurumi: Don't you think it is unfair for you to fight without a weapon~?

Antilene: Yes I totally agree… *getting quieter* Will you lend me your cryst-

Kurumi: No

Antilene: B-but-

Kurumi: No. But I will make one for you~

Antilene: ?!

Kurumi: Do you know what a Sephira Crystal is?

Antilene: No, but was that the crystal fragment that you gave me?

Kurumi: Seikai~!

Antilene: Then is the Sephira Crystal a weapon?

Kurumi: No no~ far from that~, the way I perceive Sephira Crystals is that they are the physical manifestation of the aspects that govern the universe and aspects of being human~. {Zafkiel} for time, {Rasiel} for fact, {Metatron} for faith, {Zadkiel} for matter, {Haniel} for imagination, {Sandalphon} for power, {Camael} for emotion, {Michael} for severance, {Raphael} for safety, and {Gabriel} for will~

(Author: Now let the questions and comments flow in!!! (If I write my reason for everything, then it would be a 1000 word essay!!!))

Kurumi: I am the Spirit of time and fact, and though you are my daughter and I love you~, I will not lend you my providence again. I want you to develop your own identity~. The weapon that I will be making, will be determined with your answer~. What is your identity!

Antilene: I… Don't know. I have only just started forming my identity. I can't give you an answer yet

Kurumi: I will take that as an answer~ {Rasiel}!!!

With the summoning of the Angel, Bukubukuchagama got nervous, as the gap between a World Item and a Divine class item is bigger than heaven and earth, she thought what the gap between a World Item and a World Enemy as an item be

Bukubukuchagama: Toki-nee. Can I call the guild members here? I just-

Kurumi: I know, I love my daughter too, I will intervene in case anything happens~ also call the rest of the guild here! I don't want anyone to miss this!

Aura: Yeah! I will cement my status as the onee-san infront of all the Supreme Beings!

Antilene: Mm

Bukubukuchagama: Alright! {Message: Ainz Ooal Gown} [Come down to the 6th floor colosseum! We want you guys to witness some things!]

Though right now most of the guild members were busy with their work, five people were able to join. Those five people were Momonga, Garnet, Ankoro, Ulbert, and Takemikazuchi

Teleporting into the sixth floor, the five people could clearly feel a massive gathering of an unknown energy

Ulbert: What grand spell is being casted here!? Is this a skill or something else!? As the greatest magician in the guild, I must know! I must know!! I must know!!!

While the arriving guildmates were speculating what was happening, Kurumi gave them an answer

Kurumi (thinking): I need to make this dramatic! This is the birth of another angel after all~

Kurumi: {Rasiel}!!! In my divine right as the Spirit of time and fact, I declare it fact that the [the] Unsigned [Unsigned] Angel [Angel] {Killing King} [{Killing King}] manifest [appear] itself!

In a flash of brilliant light, a pair of claws manifested itself on top of {Rasiel}. This greatly shocked everyone in the area, as just from feeling the aura that the object was radiating, they knew that it was above a Divine class item

Garnet: If I was the devs, and I was seeing this scene, I would have obliterated my computer!

Ankoro: World Items are considered balance breakers… Seeing this, I am convinced that Spirits are above breaking the balance. They are errors!

Ignoring the comments by the guild members, Kurumi wasn't done yet

Kurumi (thinking): This will probably make me lose most of my Reiryoku~... I will have to make it count!

Kurumi: With the full authority I hold as the Spirit of time and fact, I hereby make it fact that the Unsigned Angel {Killing King} [Unsigned Angel {Killing King}] change base form into a scythe! [change base form into that of Anitlene's old scythe]

Changing into its new form, the Unsigned Angle vibrated, as if it was brimming with Reiryoku

Kurumi: T-that is what you call… A great time to exit~

If not for her control over the shadows, Kurumi would have fallen face first into the cold sand, but since she had powers over the shadows, Kurumi went straight into the shadow realm. Leaving the scythe in the floor for Antilene to use

Picking up the scythe, Silver gave it to Antilene

Silver: This Unsigned Angel has no true identity, as it is all about copying others~ use this until you find your own identity one day~

Taking the Unsigned Angel, Antilene felt like she gained access to every weapon imaginable, and though the original Unsigned Angel couldn't ever dream of using an Angel's power to its full extent, because of the massive amount of Reiryoku imbued into it, it could manage to use at least three moves from an actual Angel

Doing a few test swings with her new weapon, Antilene faced an excited Aura

Antilene: Watshitachi no deto o hajimemashou!

I... Am... Tired!!! *snores*

nathan_playzzcreators' thoughts