
Tokapi Hell

The story revolves around the tragedy of an entire planet due to an unjust imperial rule. The hero, Zayan, seeks revenge and achieves justice by leading a secret organization, but things begin to go outside his plans and unexpected events emerge.

Iriss22 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

(secret code).

(Zayan) approached the leg of that giant tree and saw that symbol. It was a very strange symbol that it was written in letters that are not known letters in the planet. He began to feel an uncomfortable feeling, as if a strange energy was spinning around him. Saying: I have to find out everything, even if it costs me my life.

He returned home after he decided to search behind what that guard told him and revealed the secret of the strange symbol, but without making his family feel anything in order to preserve their safety, and because in front of them he is just a farmer who has a small mill that he works in for their daily sustenance only.

The next morning, Zayan woke up full of energy and preparation for the start of that journey and the hardships it would bring. He bade farewell to his mother and brother and told them that he would go on a trip into the city to contract with wheat grain merchants, and that this trip would take one week, and while he was preparing to leave the house, his mother watched him.

And she said: Take good care of yourself and don't miss your meals, okay?

Zayan replied to her and said: Well, mother, as you know, I am no longer a small child.

His brother Nayan said to him while joking: I know that you will miss me during your journey, but there is no trick. Look at the moon every night and you will see me. This will put out the flames of your longing for me a little bit.

His brother Nayan said to him while joking: I know that you will miss me during your journey, but there is no trick. Look at the moon every night and you will see me. This will put out the flames of your longing for me a little bit.

Zayan replied to him and said: Oh God, what is this confidence. Give me a little and I will be grateful to you.

Their mother shouted at them in a loud voice and said to them: Stop joking now, it is late, each of you should go to work.

Zayan left home to start his journey to uncover the truth He went to the headquarters of his secret organization, which is located at the end of the village where he lives, in an abandoned house decades ago, so that no one would see them or suspect them.

He summoned his three friends: Lucas: He is 26 years old, and he is the right hand of the commander. He always carries out dangerous missions and puts his life on the line in order to achieve justice, no matter how small he is. He is an expert in martial arts.

Daniel: He is 23 years old, and he is the ear that the organization hears, meaning that he always brings all the important news of the empire to the leader and monitors the movements of the army and the emperor, and he is constantly informed of the news of the planet due to the intensity of his many relationships within the empire.

Sai: He is 27 Autumn. He is the mastermind of the organization and puts ingenious plans. The leader always consults him on any mission he wants to undertake.

(Zayan) began to tell them with enthusiasm and astonishment about the miracle that took place, and that he wanted to verify everything and the symbol on the leg of that great tree and what it had to do with it.

Daniel replied, "Wow, I feel like I'm inside a fairy tale. Will this be true? I'm surprised and unable to even express my opinion."

Sai replied to him and said: If you draw us that symbol, we can help you explore something about it or collect information about it.

Lucas replied and said: Yes, what Sy says is correct. Draw that symbol for us to verify.

(Zayan) started drawing that symbol on a plank of wood and showed it to them and said: This is the symbol that I saw on the leg of that tree.

His friends seemed astonished by the shape of that strange symbol and its letters, which they see for the first time in their lives.

They started talking collectively and expressing their opinions about it. It was the first time they had seen something like this.

Daniel said: I have been to many cities in Topkapi since I was young, and I used to travel a lot, but I have never seen such letters before.

Sai replied and said: I feel that they are magic letters as our ancestors used to tell us in the past about myths, but I am not sure of that.

(Zayan) noticed Scott  Lucas absentmindedly

And he said to him: What is wrong with you,Lucas ? What are you thinking?

Lucas replied to him and said: I remembered seeing a symbol on the forehead of an old man with letters similar to the letters you drew for us.

Zayan  replied to him while he was excited and said: Really?? Where did you see that man? do you know him? .

Lucas answered him and said: No, I do not know him, but I saw him at the top of the mountain (Mayani), when I was following one of the mercenaries who were looting the farms of the peasants and fleeing. He told me that I am a brave man and offered me some food and water. I asked him about his name, but he did not answer me, and I saw that symbol.

They all answered him and said: But you did not tell us before about this man.

Lucas replied to them and said: I did not give the matter any attention because I thought he was just a priest from the ancient civilization and this is normal for them.

Zayan replied to him and said: Did you see anything else that was suspicious other than that symbol on his forehead?

Lucas answered him and said: Yes, it is suspicious to see a man of his age living in this mountain because it is a legendary mountain full of cursed magicians who practiced bloody black magic and were rejected and expelled from the local population to this mountain, and no one dares to come to it except for the mercenaries who deal with these magicians.

Sai and Daniel replied to him and said: Yes, we have heard many legends about that mountain and that it is teeming with legendary sorcerers who committed taboos in the past, but we do not know what the real story is, or that it is just meaningless myths launched by the mercenaries in order to keep the mountain for them and not to attack any of the residents.

Zayan replied to them and said: So let's prepare our equipment and enough food for us to start looking for that old man.

I am sure that he has the answer to that riddle and he has a lot of information that will benefit us, my friends, are you with me until the end? They replied to him and said: We have pledged to be one hand forever and whatever the cost.
