

It wasn't long before we both reached a small clearing in the midst of the forest. There was no one in sight—we had both made sure of that by circling the clearing twice to make sure there was no one hiding amongst the shrubs or trees. I eased myself onto the forest floor and drew lazy circles in the pile of leaves, as Galina sat down beside me.

"What do you think?" Galina asked, laying her head gently on my shoulder.

"Of you or the forest?"

"The forest, goodness." A cheeky smile nudged the edges of Galina's lips upward.

"It's pretty. Beats the Gardens we have back at the palace by a mile. Why?" I asked, placing an arm around Galina's shoulders and hugged her close.

"Well… you love the forest ambience, yes?" Galina asked, to which I nodded. "And there's no one around, right?" I raised an eyebrow at that but I nodded once again.

Galina smiled and got up, before gently pushing my shoulders into the forest floor and straddling my belly. I stared at her with my eyes wide in surprise but didn't say a single word. I watched Galina remove her chestplate to reveal two beautiful pale orbs of flesh, before removing the armor piece that encircled her belly, leaving her lower body armor on. My fingers twitched but I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself under control.

It did not take long before my chestplate was unbuckled as well. A gust of wind blew past us then, making the hair on the back of our necks stand on end and our nipples erect. I did not even have the chance to shiver before Galina leaned over, her breasts dangling over me. Her plump red lips spread open slowly—sensually—and a wet tongue flicked out from between her teeth to lick her lips. I felt a tingle run down my spine as I locked eyes with hers, and watched her bend her head to clamp my right nipple lightly between her lips.

I undid her bun and let her hair flow out in slight curves onto my chest. I could feel her tongue going around my nipple in lazy circles, teasing me with each circle her tongue made. It did not take long before I lost my patience and pinched both of her nipples in return. As my fingers clamped together, a low moan escaped her throat and sent vibrations through my nipple in turn, making me let out a happy sigh in response. That felt so good… but let's see if I couldn't step that feeling up a notch—

I brushed the hair away from her face. "Bite my nipple, baby," I whispered, gathering up her hair in one hand and wrapped it once around my hands, pulling ever so slightly. I groaned in pleasure as Galina bit down hard on my nipple whilst my other hand wandered its way to my left nipple and pinched. My eyes rolled back into my head as Galina switched from biting my nipple to outright sucking on my breast. Oh, for the love of Slyev—this felt too good. I did not want it to stop. I wanted—no—needed more.

Right there and then, Galina pried my hand away from my left nipple and kneaded away at my breast as she suckled, leaving both my hands free. I let go of her hair and hurriedly unbuckled my hip armor, exposing my sex to the frigid cold air. Within seconds, my labia and my clit had become engorged with blood. My pussy twitched and I bit my lip to stifle a moan as I circled a finger around my nub.

To be fair, I had no idea why I was teasing myself, but this was fun… and it felt good. As Galina continued to keep my nipples rock-hard, I pressed the heel of my palm against my clit and ground away. Let me tell you, that was heavenly. Heavenly with a capital H. I grazed the tip of my thumb against my clit with gentle swipes, and let the pressure build up bit by bit. When I finally could take it no longer, I rubbed furiously away at my clit, panting as I felt the pressure build up faster and faster. I clenched my abdomen to try and keep it all in—until Galina's hand wandered from my breast all the way to my inner thighs, which she scratched at softly with her nails. My back arched as I felt the orgasm hit me like a battering ram.

"Oh, fuck—bitch—I'm—" The words tumbled out of my mouth as I fought to stay as quiet as I could even as I spasmed under Galina's body which still bent over me. She continued scratching my inner thighs all the way till the last spasms faded. When they did, I plunged my fingers into my gushing slit and fucked myself for a few mere seconds to avoid giving myself another orgasm all over again. I still had to get back to the palace, after all. When I slid my fingers out of my pussy, they were practically dripping with my cum. I glanced at Galina who stared at me with a longing look on her face, and I gave her a smirk of my own in return.

I reached over and wound her hair around my hand again. "Open your mouth for me, bitch. Wide open," I ordered sternly, pulling on her hair just enough to let her know who was in charge. Galina smirked and obliged, crawling over on all fours. I plunged my fingers into her mouth, but not deep enough to touch the back of her throat with my fingertips. Galina mock-pouted before she lunged her head forward, making my fingers touch the back of her throat. My nether regions pulsed away to the rhythm of my heartbeat as I felt Galina push against my fingers with a (sucking? choking?) noise. I could feel her tongue licking away at the cum that coated my fingers inside her mouth.

Not knowing what else to do, I wound her hair around my hand a second time and leaned forward to lick her cheek and her jaw, before whispering in her ear, "I'll please you when we get back—how does that sound?"

Galina's eyes were shut, her body down on all fours, and her breasts dangling right above my lap. She couldn't get any hotter than that, really. "Mm-hmm—" she murmured dreamily.

I snorted in amusement and rubbed her nipples between my fingers. "You like that?" I whispered.

Galina straddled my lap in reply and licked my jaw. "I do, milashka, but—"

"But we should go back first, or else they'll come looking for us and see us half-naked—I mean, we weren't gone long, right?" I gave a wry smile.

Galina chuckled. "Aye—although, we'll know how long we were gone when we get back, my love," she replied as she pecked my lips. I grinned wryly and planted a wet kiss on her cheeks.


When we both got back to where the rest of our group waited, Fetirganskir, who had been chatting heartily with Lada then, got up from where he sat under an evergreen tree. "All good?" He asked with a thumbs up.

I felt Galina's hand slip into mine. "All good, Fetirganskir," I smiled, the corners of my eyes crinkling. "We didn't go far so we didn't see much, but we both loved what we saw," Galina continued for me, her tone lighter and cheerier.

Fetirganskir chuckled. "The forests gives different persons different experiences, as always." A pause, and then he continued, "Will you be staying the night or will you head back into the cities?"

I smiled apologetically. "I do appreciate the offer very much, but we need to head back, Fetirganskir. My apologies."

He sighed sadly. "You will come again, then?"

I blinked in surprise. "What?"

Fetirganskir cleared his throat awkwardly. "I meant, you will visit us again, yes?"

I chuckled in relief. "Yes, we will. I'd love to see your circles the next time, sire." On second thoughts, I hurriedly added, "Farewell and good health to you, sire!"