
Toilet Reincarnation

Rei, is the usual college graduate, with a crappy job, and an abusive boss, with nothing going as he planned after graduating from college, suddenly dies in an accident, Just when he thinks life will be better in another world, where he can finally find happiness, he gets reincarnated as a toilet, Not surprised by his luck, he aims to live the best laid-back life he can this time around, even if he stays as a toilet.

Draxmn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Meeting the Professor

[Eca kingdom, Ralswa Royal palace]

In the middle of the night, a brightly lit room, an old man with white hair, sitting behind a big pile of paper, and a butler standing beside him.

'Sigh... I think I'm done for tonight, I can't focus anymore.'

'Your majesty Edmund, would you like me to brew you some tea, to relax.'

After thinking about it Edmund responds 'Not today, Is there anything else of concern before I go to bed.'

'Yes, your majesty, A letter was sent from Duke Harold, informing us that his son will be accompanying the hero that was discovered in his fiefdom. They will be attending the academy starting next month.'

Edmund facepalms, and lets out a long sigh 'I just hope that they aren't going to make any trouble, the duke has always been at odds with our family.'

'Cyril, make sure the academy supports them with everything they need until they set out to the frontier. I will be going to sleep now.'

Cyril bows down 'Yes, your majesty. Have a good night.'

[Eca Kingdom, Calum's Mansion]

In a big bedroom, a toilet on the bed with a sheet covering it.

Rei wakes up and gets overly excited when he realizes that he fell asleep 'YES! I can at least sleep, the best thing to do to end shitty days, I guess I passed out while contemplating life.'

A young maid approaches the door to the room and knocks 'Sir Rei, It's morning already, may I come in to get you ready for breakfast.'

'Yes, you can come in.'

As she walks in, she finds the room empty, with a toilet on the bed?

'Uhm Sir Rei, where did you go?'

'I'm right here on the bed, You can just carry me to the…..'


The maid's scream could be heard in the entire mansion, the guards and the head maid Yuka rushed to the room, to find the maid on the floor, passed out.

Yuka starts apologizing to Rei 'I'm extremely sorry, She was on leave yesterday, and wasn't aware of your situation.'

Rei getting tired of the same scenario 'It's fine, may I just meet with lord Calum? he told me that we will go meet his friend today.'

'Lord Calum is currently eating breakfast, you can join him in the dining room.'

Rei gets carried to a big dining room, with a long table filled with all kinds of food, They sit him next to Calum.

'Good morning Lord Calum.'

'Aah Good morning Rei, I hope you were able to sleep well.'

Rei responds in a satisfied voice 'Yes, actually somehow I was able to fall asleep.'

'Huhuhu, Excellent, at least you can still enjoy sleeping. We will be going to the academy to visit my friend Professor PP, he might have some insight on this curse.'

'I can't thank you enough Lord Calum for all your help.'

Calum stands up 'Haha don't mention it, Let's leave for the academy now. Yuka is the carriage ready?'

'Yes, lord Calum, Sven is waiting for you outside.'

Rei and Calum ride the carriage to the academy, they enter the academy through a large gate.

'Woah, It's huge, this feels more like an entire city, not just a school.'

Calum responds with a smug look 'Yes, indeed The academy was established over 350 years ago by our ancestors, and it slowly grew bigger until it reached this level, students from all over the continent come to study here.'

'It's very weird, it's like a ghost town, why is there no one around?'

'Ah, it's because the semester didn't start yet, so no one comes here, they start next month.'

After some time traveling through the academy, they get to the main building and go inside to where Philip's office is, with Rei being carried by Sven, Calum knocks on the office door.

A weak voice comes from the inside 'Yes? Come in'

Calum opens the door to a big messy office filled with stuff 'Good morning Philip, it's been a long time.'

Philip stands up and goes to hug Calum, 'haha, Calum my friend I've been well, what is the most urgent matter that u wrote for me.'

Philip looks at Sven carrying a toilet 'Ah you brought me a gift? well, I didn't need a new toilet but tha—'

Calum nervously starts laughing 'haha, no..no, that's what I'm here for actually, you see this young man here is Rei, he has a curse that transformed him to this.'

Philp's expression changes from confused to sinister smile. 'Hehe, a curse you say.. Interesting… Interesting… My name is Professor Philip Powel, you can call me Prof. PP, nice to meet you Mr. Toilet.'

Rei gets a bit suspicious from PP's smile and thinks to himself "This guy looks like a small old lunatic, his hair is a mess like his office, oh well..."

'Yes… nice to meet you, professor, my name is Rei, and as lord Calum said, I was cursed and became this, ah yes "cough..cough" I also lost my memory.'

PP's smile gets wider with every word as if he found a new toy 'Interesting…. Indeed very interesting... Alright first let see your status.'

PP brings out a sphere, from one of the cabinets, and places it in front of Rei 'This is a status sphere, which can project the status of the person who's touching it.'

After an awkward silence, Calum speaks up, 'Uhm, PP I don't think that would work, he doesn't have any hands.'

PP looks at Calum 'YOu dOn't sAy? I know he doesn't have hands, I just wanted to see what he would do.'

PP picks up the ball and drops it in Rei 'Right, that should do it. Now just shout STATUS and it should work… I guess…'

As Rei shouts 'Status!' a bright light shines from the ball blinding everyone, with all of them frozen in awe.

Rei gets really nervous about what saw 'What happened? What's wrong with my status?'

After the bright light slowly fades away, PP responds to Rei 'Nope, it was just the reflection blinding us, your status is maybe just a bit above average I guess.'

Rei mutters 'I thought it was supposed to be amazing, those fucking gods.…'

PP explains that Rei's skills are good, and with training, he can do great things 'Growth Assist can allow you to become the strongest toilet man in the world, you can even defeat the demon kin-'

Rei interrupts PP 'No thanks, I rather just live a normal life, you can find a hero for that, besides I don't "remember" how to use skills.'

'Well you can be cool and call out the skill name and it activates, or u can just think of it.'

'Is that it? Alright, stand back let me try Float skill.'

Rei shouts Float, and slowly starts floating up…Everyone in the room stares at Rei floating upward slowly towards the ceiling.

Rei starts yelling excitedly 'I'm floating, I'm floating, it actually works.'

Calum looks at PP smiling, knowing that Rei will hit the ceiling, So he speaks out 'Watch out! you are floating too fa—'

Rei hits the ceiling, falls, and starts yelling 'What the fuck, Why didn't anyone tell me sooner that I was going to hit the ceiling!!'

PP starts laughing 'Well to be honest I was curious to see how far can you go, also if you would break or something, it seems this is some type of new material that we have never seen not clay, and also the design of this toilet is a bit weird.'

'I would like to experiment more, I mean study your curse more. I think you should enroll in the academy, that way I can help you.'

Rei gets school flashbacks and screams 'Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!, please I don't want to go back to school, I already suffered enough.'

PP shrugs off 'Well, I guess if he's not willing to join the academy, there's nothing I can do to help.'

Rei exhales loudly 'Fineeeeeeeeeee I accept.'

'Hehehehe Excellent!! The semester starts next month, I will do some research regarding this, but in the meantime, you should train so you might be able to move around by yourself.'

As thanks, Calum asks PP to join them for dinner to which PP excitedly accepts 'Alright let's go.'

After they reach the mansion, Rei gets carried over to the dining room for dinner, with Calum Nora and PP.

'So you will join the academy next month Rei, that's excellent news, I think you will have a lot of fun.'

Rei responds to Nora in a sarcastic tone 'Yes, School, all the good times I will be having there... Can't wait.'

While They are talking, PP and Calum start whispering, and then Calum calls in some maids, they come and surround Rei.

Rei starts to panic 'Hol up, what's going around, what are you going to do to me.'

PP speaks calmly. 'I think it's time now to experiment, What would you like to eat first? I think you should try the steak.'

Rei starts yelling 'FLOAT! FLOAT!' to try and run away but the maids pin him down, and shove a steak in his bowl, he stops floating.

With everyone in the room curious, waiting in anticipation to see what will happen
