
Together With You (Book 2 of 'Being Together Forever')

The Class 3-E's top snipers are now high school students. Then, they enter college. Going to different schools, what challenges and developments are in store for them?

LindyGale · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

(II) Back to Partners Arc - Episode 19





𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥



Other than the old building of Kunugigaoka Junior High, Chiba also made a promise to himself that he would do a yearly inspection on the nursery with its expansion designed by him.

On his third visit, he saw to it to bring only Hayami as this would be a perfect chance to spend time together. Seeing each other has been seldom because of her approaching college entrance exam.

"Rin-nee-san, please read this book to me," a young girl named Fumiko pleaded as she hefted a hard-bound book towards Hayami.

Hayami threw a hesitant look at Chiba, who was repairing the roundabout plaything in the indoor amusement center. It would be rude if she were to leave him working alone.

Waving the hammer in his hand, he told her, "Go ahead. I'll be fine."

With a bob of her head, she allowed Fumiko to pull her hand towards the library. There, she sat on a pillow as Fumiko enthusiastically bounced from her seat. Slipping on a smile, she opened the book and started reading the story aloud,

"Once upon a time..."

As the story dragged on, more children joined in to listen to her. This made her feel sheepish and flustered, but she steeled herself as she continued the storytelling.

When the nursery teacher had come in to announce that it was lunchtime, all of the children surrounding Hayami on the floor voiced out their protests.

"We can continue later if you eat your lunch properly," Hayami assured the frowning children.

With this, their faces lit up and they scurried their way out the door.


Hayami carried their bento boxes to the tree outside where Chiba was sitting underneath. After plopping down across him, she placed a blanket on the grass and, on top of it, their lunch that she prepared this morning.

He, then, opened his bento, which contained hard-boiled eggs and beef stroganoff. Their favorite dishes in one meal.

After expressing their 'thanks' for the food, Chiba began to eat, while Hayami merely stared at him. She said, "We just had our career consultation in my school."

He hummed, prompting her to continue.

"And I have decided to go to Sanno University."

His chopsticks stopped midway to his mouth as he glanced at her. That school was one of the nearest universities from TokyoTech. Knowing that, in addition to the lunch she had made, has made him greatly...

"Are you going to move in the area?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's why I've been saving up my earnings," she replied before proceeding to her meal.

"Shall we go look for a place together?"

The corners of her mouth quirked up as she met his gaze. She said, "I'd like that."

... happy.


When they had gone back inside, Fumiko and two other kids approached them with a book each in their hands.

"Rin-nee-san, read this book for us!" Fumiko yapped as she hopped up-and-down like a bunny.

"And this one next!" another kid exclaimed, holding a book up to Hayami, followed by the third kid.

Now, three children were enclosing around her as they pressed on their requests. Beside her, Chiba simply watched the scene in amusement.

"They seem to take a liking on you," he pointed out.

Hayami averted her gaze from Fumiko, who was embracing her legs, and towards Chiba. "They said that they like listening to my voice when I read a story," she said.

"I like the sound of your voice too. It's pleasant and soothing."

Dumbstruck at his compliment, she looked back at Fumiko, who had been eyeing the two of them the whole time. "Ah! Rin-nee-san is blushing!" the young girl proclaimed, her finger pointing at Hayami's face.

This caught the attention of the other two kids, making Hayami's cheeks go redder.

"Is it because of Ryuu-nii-san?" Fumiko asked as she gawped at her, eyes brimming with curiosity.

"Yes," Hayami replied with a straight face, wondering where the child was going on with this.

Fumiko gave Chiba a peek. "Does this mean that you like him?"

Biting on her lip, Hayami stared at the children who all looked eager for her answer. She, then, shared a glance with him. He only shrugged, also clueless as she was.

After heaving out a sigh, she crouched down before them and said, "I do."

The children were thrilled to hear that. Fumiko clasped both Chiba and Hayami's hands with each of her own and dragged them to the playroom. The other two skipped before them while singing alternatively,

"Rin-nee-san likes Ryuu-nii-san!"

"Ryuu-nii-san loves Rin-nee-san's soothing voice!"

And upon hearing that, Chiba and Hayami were now dying from both embarrassment and regret. They probably shouldn't have told the kids those things.