
Together With You (Book 2 of 'Being Together Forever')

The Class 3-E's top snipers are now high school students. Then, they enter college. Going to different schools, what challenges and developments are in store for them?

LindyGale · Anime & Comics
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(II) Back to Partners Arc - Episode 17




- MARCH 14 -

𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥



Chiba had asked to meet in their 'second home' although they had already been there two days ago. And so, Hayami was currently trekking up the slope of the mountain, wondering what his intentions were. Why he wanted to come here.

When she reached the top, she paused before the lone tree dwelling right outside their old classroom. Cherry blossoms hovered above her, lulling her back to that morning of their graduation day after Korosensei's...

Her thoughts were cut short when she had felt someone's gaze on her. She turned to the paneled windows where she saw a tall silhouette. With one last look at the blooming flowers, she stepped back and went inside towards the room of Class 3-E.

Leaning on what was once her desk was Chiba, the edge of his mouth curved up. He straightened up when she had begun walking closer, before transferring to his former designated seat.

Hayami sat down, her body fronting towards him and her arm resting across the chair. "Why are we here?" she asked.

"Under your desk," he said as he arched forward, crossing his arms on the desk. His left leg was slanted out since it couldn't fit anymore underneath the desk.

She eyed him for a second, somehow having a clue on what this was about, before peering down. Within the gap – where she had been previously placing her books and notebooks – was a baby blue box with a white ribbon. It has a note, which said in Latin alphabet 'RESPECT', and a drawing of a rifle gun below.

It was similar to what she had done on Valentine's.

"Thank you," she said with a smile before facing him again, back to her deadpan look.

"You could have given your White Day gift without coming here," she noted. A fair amount of time and money for bus fare had been spent especially on his part since he lived farther away.

"It's more appropriate this way," he briefly reasoned. For both of them, this classroom, even the building and the mountain, held a special place in their hearts. So he thought that it would make it meaningful if he answered her feelings here where they had grown so much together for a year.

Then he got up, pulling out with him an air gun from beneath the desk. "Besides, I want to do some shooting here," he added.

She nodded as she rose on her feet, understanding his rationale. "I see. Just like old times."

"But let's erase first those writings on the board," she said further, cocking her head to the front of the room.

During their annual cleanup, everyone wrote a message on the board addressed to Korosensei and Aguri Yukimura. There were also random doodles and artistic designs made by Sugaya and some others.

They walked up the podium and gawped across the writings until they arrived at the message on the left of the upper side that Chiba had written in his and her stead:


Korosensei and Yukimura-sensei,

We are doing well, so don't worry.

- Chiba + Hayami


After cleaning up the board, Chiba was about to leave when Hayami clutched his shirt, tugging him back. As soon as he turned around, both of her hands cupped his cheeks and pulled his face towards her, his lips crashing into hers.

His chest started pounding frantically, his eyes widening, as it registered to him what just happened. He glanced at her closed eyelids and flushed cheeks before breaking into a smile. He shut his own eyes as he parted his mouth. Then his hands cradled her back, bending down to deepen the kiss while her arms snaked around his neck.

As a result of Irina's English lessons, which involved kissing her students as both their punishment and reward, it wasn't awkward for them to be this intimate. They already knew what it felt like to touch lips with someone and so doing this was not unexplored territory for them.

But still, they found kissing each other – whom they actually liked – considerably amazing and remarkable compared to Irina's forced lip-locking. Both hearts going wild, they would've never thought that they could experience a lot of mixed emotions at once.

Hayami slowly opened her eyes as she tore away from his mouth. She inhaled then exhaled before looking up at him, who was still gasping for air.

When he had finally eased off, he stared back at her. Locking their gazes at each other, a pleased expression slipped on both of their faces. Then Chiba extended his hand, which she took without a word before they exited the door.