
Chapter 1 The final day

A cold morning breeze came up to a man who was sleeping peacefully in a chair with his head resting on top of a table. He immediately woke up and looked around with his puffy blue eyes and messed up dark locks. He fished his phone out of his lab coat and looked at the time. He stood up from the chair and ran to a cemented room.

"Hey! Wake up!" The man knocked loudly at the door.

"What... let us sleep" a husky voice said from inside the room.

"It's finally the day! So wake up!" The man knocked again but even louder.

"What day?! It's still dark! Let us sleep!" Another voice shouted from the room.

"Check the calendar! Everybody is waiting inside the lab!" The man shouted.

"What do y- HEY! Wake up! It's the final day!" The husky voice shouted from inside the room.

"Wait what?! It's the day?!" The other man inside the room said.


The three walked together with messy hair crinkled clothes and puffed up faces.

They headed to a door, a door headed downwards. The three talked about some petty things while

walking down the staircase.

They finally reached the next door. It was a long process. Fingerprint, eyes, voice and identification card.

The door opened and the three men saw the other staffs also inside the room staring through a glass. The three of the walked in front and stared at the two figures across the glass.

A girl with shiny long black hair, scarlet eyes and pale skin and a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes with a slightly tanned skin. The two of them just wore a white shirt and white pants with no foot wear.

One of the three men dragged a chair, sat down and pushed a button in front of him and went towards a mic at the side.

"You two are finally going outside" he said, catching the attention of the two across the glass.

"Really?" Said the girl with black hair.

"Yes 12"

"This isn't some other kind of experiment right?" The boy with brown hair said.

"No it's not 10... well kind of? We'll just look a the results ok?"

10 and 12 looked at each other, stood up and walked towards the sealed door at the side of the room. A door who knows when it was last opened.

The man stared at the two figures walking up to the sealed door, he smirked and pushed a button. A button everyone always waited. The button to finally set everyone free.

As soon as 10 and 12 heard the slight clank on the door they held onto the door.

Few seconds later a loud CRANK was heard from the room and smoke filled up the entire room causing everyone to cough.

One of the three men slightly opened his eyes to see the cause of the noise.


Some of the smoke finally left because of the open door the other staffs left open as they ran outside due to fright from the test subjects.

"What are you doing 12?!"

The three men stared at the two test subjects and one of them seemed to be lifting the heavy metal door with some wall stuck on it.

"I just tried to open the door with 10... eh 10?!"

The girl was trying to explain but as soon as her eyes fell onto 10 her face was filled with horror.

10 was laying on the ground with one of his arm and leg twisted.

"What happened?!"


The three scientists and 12 huddled at 10 who was still laying on the floor calling out his name.

"It's okay, just a few broken bones"

10 stood up with one leg and used his remaining arm to twist his broken leg and his broken arm soon after.

12 and the three scientists stared at 10 who was now back in shape. Let's say they were surprised but not scared, because this was already expected.

"So 10 got the strength?"

"No no 12 broke that door just now..."

"Maybe the both of them?"

"Calm down everybody"

The three scientists stared at each other waiting for someone to step up and solve the problem. The scientist with messy dark hair and blue eyes stepped up.

"Bring those chair here"

The other two scientists grabbed the three chairs at the side of the room.

12 and 10 were sitting at a chair side by side with a man with blue eyes sitting in front of them facing the two with a serious expression.

"Let's have a test"

"A test?" 10 and 12 said in unison.