
The Rapist

It was 6am when I woke up, Joshua was still sleeping but I stayed in bed trying to remember what had happened last night since I had woken up naked and lying in Josh's bed next to him, he was naked too. I remembered kissing eathother and him stripping me but after that it felt like a blur. I slowly and silently crawled out of bed so that I wouldn't disturb Josh and then I went to my room to change. After changing, I decided to wake up Josh so I crawled into his bed and played with his hair making a small braid in it and then I unintentionally kissed him on his forehead which resulted to waking him up. He changed into his uniform while I made breakfast for him.

We were walking to school when we saw something unusual. His friends and my friends were all walking together... Solaris next to Adrien, Valerie with Olias and Arianna with Aria. Me and Josh ran up to them and asked what was happening. After they explained, Arianna, Adrien and Olias announced they were dating. Solaris and the rest of my friends nodded but they were worried that I wouldn't approve so they were a bit quiet until I told them that I approved and that I would never keep them from loving who they chose. Josh was chatting with the boys about who knows what when Josh asked if everyone was free tomorrow night since it was Saturday tomorrow, everyone replied with Yes. He told us that he was planning to have a sleepover on the weekend and that everyone in our friend group was invited. They would start Tomorrow morning and end Sunday at the afternoon. We all agreed and just in time, for we made it to school just after everyone answered.

As we entered the school, the bell rang and weirdly, everyone else had PE but me and Josh were left alone again to go to dancing.

On the way there, I asked Josh what happened last night.

"Well... We kinda Gryffindor your Hufflepuff if you know what that means." He answered.

The rest of the way was silent but when we got there, an announcement over the speaker told us to go back to our houses if they were close. Of course, me and Josh raced across the road and ran inside.

I immediately got Jianka and Harvey and we snuggled up together while Josh locked all the doors and windows and closed all the curtains, he packed 6 backpacks, one for him, one for me, 2, one for each of Jianka and Harvey, essentials and food. I thanked him as he got clothes for me to wear if we had to evacuate and run, we both changed and came out as we heard screaming from our school but it didn't sound like anyone we knew. I started to cry but luckily, Josh comforted me and kissed me on the lips which calmed me down as he gave me his jacket and we leaned on eachother whilst Harvey and Jianka were guarding and calming eachother too.

BANG! CRASH! "It's f***ing locked!!" "THEN KICK IT YOU DUMBA**" Me and Josh immediately stood up, carrying 3 bags each as we heard voices outside our door. Jianka and Harvey were close to barking and growling but we stopped them just before they did. We were about to walk out through the back window when... " Dianka~~ my babygirl~~ I know you're in there~~ you want me back don't chu~~? We can have fun tonight if you come with me~ leave your trashy bf for this hotness~ " By that time Jianka and Harvey were outside and I was about to climb out but froze as I heard his voice... ' my ex... ' I thought.