
TOG:Water God

Our mc finds himself waking up in an unknown tower and the only way to leave is to climb or waste away. So he did the only logical thing...he climbed. But maybe he was sent to this tower for a reason not even he knew. Follow the Mc as he goes through tests, meet pretty ladies and makes new friends and enimeis on the way.

Omnipotent_Being1 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Meeting Headon

Damp...cold...sick, that's what I felt while waking up.

" Ughhhhh, dame that's a killer headache. Did I overdrink last night? I don't remember drinking that much though. Maybe I overdosed on ramen again...wait."

It was only then that he realised he wasn't in his room, but somewhere completely foreign to him.

He was in what seemed to be a dimly lit hall of sorts, with all types of ancient paintings and glyphs carved into the stone walls.

One mural had a man fighting creatures hundreds of times bigger than him. Another was of a king and it had a sword floating atop of the kings head near the crown. There also seemed to be an island as well.

On another mural, it depicted a beast-like creature. It looked almost demonic like yet its shape was also close to a lizards head, With a set of horns upon its head.

There was another of a creature similar to a moth but wasn't at the same time. Another depicted a woman in the middle of a stormy sea while another just showed a flower. 

There were many more but he couldn't see the correlation between any of the murals...maybe they were of different origins or perhaps told a different story.

' Just where the hell did I end up at. This clearly isn't my home. And another weird thing is I sense a weird energy in the air? Well sitting here isn't gonna help much so I might as well stand up and have a look around.

" Mhh, what an interesting turn of events."

A voice suddenly spoke right behind him, alarming him. And at speeds that would put most if not all athletes to shame he quickly disappeared from his sitting position and appears 30 meters away in a second.

" Hoho quite the reaction and speed. As expected of an irregular."

Looking closely he was surprised to find a bunny looking creature where he last was. It had a human-like shape but had animalistic like features, for example.

The long ears were reminiscent of a rabbit. But the strange thing was he couldn't see any mouth only the creatures cold white calculating eyes.

What made him stand on edge though was the fact that it had been right beside him yet he didn't even sense it. Well if it had any malicious intentions he would have felt it..or maybe not. He was just really confused and needed answers.

" Who are you and where am I." He asked still on guard for anything the creature might throw at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you irregular. I am headon, administrator and caretaker of the tower of god. You may call me Headon...and by that confused look on your face, you most likely don't know how you got here.

Well, this is the tower of god. A place where the higher you climb the stronger you become. And the closer you will be to your ultimate desire.

Money. Glory. Absolute Power. If you seek abilities and answers which are like magic, head to the top. All of the universe's wisdom, glory, and happiness, has been placed at the top of this Tower. This Tower is such a place."

'Tower? Tower of God? Just where the hell did I get myself stuck into...but this seems interesting.' He couldn't help but have a slight grin on his face and Headon easily saw it making the old thing chuckle in amusement.

" So what now, I'm guessing the only way to leave this tower is to probably climb to the top. So how do I do that? Do I just climb up some stairs, maybe fly up. Or do I need to complete some sort of trial?

" No no, and yes. To go up a floor you must first complete the test given to you on that floors testing grounds or complete the administrator's test to go up.

Here is the first floor of the tower. If you want to climb you'll first have to go through my assessment. So mister irregular are you up for the challenge."

Closing my eyes I think for a second. I absorb all the knowledge I've been given so far and save it in the back of my mind for now. I look at Headon and smirk wolfishly.

" I'll do it, Old man ill take part in this test of yours to climb up higher."

" Very well...and old man.?" Headon asked about the new nickname. Interested in why the irregular called it an old man though it teckqniqly was very ancient.

" Well I don't know how old you really are..but your eyes reminded me of those old foxes back at home, they had the same eyes you did. Eyes that Have seen more than most could see in their lifetime. Plus that scheming twinkle they had. Hence old Man.

" Hoho is that so." Headon chuckled at the irregulars assessment. If any of the regulars or even rankers saw this scene they would probably shit their pants or just look on in shock.

That was because Headon was seen as someone very important. Some even thought of him as a god. Yet this person actually called one of if not the second most powerful beings in this tower an "old man" so casually.

But what was even more surprising was that Headon didn't say anything about it. It even seemed he didn't mind.

" So what's this test then. What do I need to do to pass."

" Mhhh, my test is usually simple but I want to make a bet with you irregular. If you can pass 3 of my trials I'll give you an extra reward. It will definitely be worth it."

" If I take these trials and can't complete it what will happen." He asks giving the old rabbit a dude glance.

"Simple...you'll die."




" Well, I guess I expected as much. But I'll take you on that bet. Without risk, there's no reward."

" Very well said, child. Then let's get things started." Headon smiles through his eye slit and taps his staff down on the ground creating a rumbling sound.

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