
TOG: The blue demon of Yeon

Cant think of of one for now. I've finally gained some inspiration to write. Though I still struggle with coming up with arks but I think I've improved since then. This is my new fan fic. I've already thought about the plot for 70 or so chapters. but when it hits around 70 maybe 80 ill go on a hiatus and think of some more awesome things. Hint Hint: Gardians or administrators will have more of a background but will also become more mysterious.

Etiger789 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

On the edge of C City, there was an old complex that looked like it was about to crumble down and collapse at any minute.

Inside the building, there were only 2 people, a dog and a human. Well, it looks like it was only going to be the dog in a short while as the human himself seemed to be ready to end it all.

The teenage boy slowly but with shacky hands, puts one bullet in the chamber of the gun. As he does he contemplates if this was right, if he was doing the right thing. If ending it all was the only way to true peace.

But as he did not even for a second did he stop himself from cocking the gun.

He puts the barrel inside his mouth and closes his eyes. He remembers all the horrible days at the orphanage, worrying about if he would ever eat a full meal. He remembered when he made his first friend but was killed by a monster the next day. He remembered when he himself was attacked by a monster and cried out in pain, wishing for someone to save him. A hero.

But they never came. Only surviving, as the monster lost interest.

He remembered having what he thought was love, only to find out it was a lie.

He remembered a lot, and as he did his resolve to pull the trigger grew.

' This is it, this is the end. No more suffering, no more bad days. I'll finally be free..., I just wished I at least made one friend before I hit the bucket, I wish...I could have changed my destiny.'

He thought slowly closing the trigger...

(Whimper, whimper)

Only to stop when he heard the sound of a dogs whimper. He opened his eyes to see, the dog he had saved a few days ago, looking at him with sadness as if it knew what he was about to do. It looked at him as if pleading not to do it.

Its eyes shocked him awake.

' What am I doing, I, I still have hope...and he's been by my side, all this time, maybe even I can also be happy if he's by my side.' The mc thought as he pulled the gun away from his mouth the dog's eyes seemed to have brightened from his actions.

Sadly even if our mc found just one speckle of light at the end of the tunnel, he forgot one thing.

That was losining his finger.



'It's so dark and cold, where am I, who am I. What am I doing here.' As these thoughts cycle through his head, he suddenly hears a majestic and powerful voice.

" WHAT DOES THOU WISH FOR." The voice said before everything went quiet again.

The person was shocked for a good while but after called out to the voice, looking for answers. But sadly it didn't respond. That was until it sounded out again.


'It's here again!  Why is it asking me this? D-does it want me to wish for something. But I don't even know who I am. So how could I know what I want...What I want.

The person didn't know why but after a few seconds said.

" I wish, I wish to write my own destiny." The person said, not knowing why. And sadly he had no time to contemplate it either as a sudden burst of light illuminated the dark void.

" THOUS WISH HAS BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED." The voice said before it again disappeared.


The tower. A mysterious structure that has been for a very long time. No one knows who created it or how it came to be. All people know is that once you reach the top any wish will be granted.

On the first floor, a teen boy with dark blue hair and eyes could be seen looking at the walls.

???" Fascinating aren't they." A voice said while walking closer. Of course, that person was Headon, Guardian of the first floor.

???" They are, does each one represent a story of the past, or is it perhaps just fiction."

Headon" The past...the present...And the future."

???" I see. So may I ask for your name. You may call me Hagan. And may I ask where I am. "

Hedeon " Hoo, Welcome Hagan to the tower of god. My name is Headon, guardian of the first floor. The tower is a place where all you wish for is at The top.

Whether you're looking for wealth, immortality, absolute power, magical abilities, or mysteries just head up.

All the truth, glory, and happiness of the world are all up there. The tower is such a place. But it will be a hard and painful journey. Is it a journey your willing to go on."

Hagan was silent, looking like he was solving the secrets of life.

Hagan" Challenges are what make life interesting but Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Life will give you hundreds of reasons to cry, break down or give up but you just have to smile back and give a million reasons to smile, laugh and stay strong."

Headon opened his slit-like eyes and looked at Isaiah." You are very right about that Mr Hagan. I will take that answer as a yes. In that case, you have already passed my test."


The tower: 21st F

The Yeon Family is one of the 10 Great Families lead by Yeon Hana.

The Yeon family was one of the 10 great families of the tower. Not only were they powerful but they also specialised in flame abilities and producing flame ability users. It is said that members of the family are "flame" itself from the moment they are born

The Yeon family is lead by Yeon Hana. Interestingly enough, members of the family do not carry her blood as all of them are born from Ilarde, the "godmother" of the clan.

Like the Ha Family, the Yeon Family is thoroughly matriarchal, so males cannot take central roles in either the main house or the branch house of the Family. Thanks to this, the females of the Yeon Family, especially those of the main house, have a tendency to look down on men.

Yeon Ilarde is an old fellow family member of Yeon Hana and a main member of the Yeon Family.