
The recommendations test S1

A/N: Soo uhhh 1st person is hard sooo know its uhhhhh 3rd person view now so enjoy

It was 10 years ago since every thing happened. She couldn't forget everything she was like it happened yesterday. The Todoroki house felt like a prison, with all the pain Emioku felt from that old man he was a bastard.

The door bell rang, Shoto then opened the door only to see a letter from U.A. Shoto then said "It says that we're recommend to go to U.A" with being said she then hugged with joy but only so she can grab the letter away from him. Looking at it she cried tears of joy, this was my chance to become a hero to save others. Shoto then looked at me like she had four heads say "Why did you do that?" Answering his question I said with happy look in my eyes with tears of joy " Because I can finally be the hero I wanted to be"

But Shoto only sighed in annoyance " Okay, but you didn't have to snack it away from me" yet Emioku only walked off smiling. She didn't care what was going to happen Emioku was going to be a hero.

It was two days later and now we had the test. Walking in to U.A with my brother, Emioku was nervous she didn't want to fail it. Shoto looked like he didn't want to be here. He looked mad, soon she was going to talk to him to cheer him up a kid the same age as us yelled "HEY, LET TRY OUR BEST". I only giggle saying while putting my hand in the air "Yeah, let's do our-" Shoto grabbed her saying "let's not waist are time with him" Not knowing what to say I bowed to the guy a said sorry while Shoto urged me not to talk to him.

As Emioku wall in the building of U.A she saw a girl with black hair and with her hair up. The girl with black hair then turned around to find the two hair girl. Emioku then said with a smile waving "Hello, I'm Emioku" To respond back the the girl said "I'm Momo Yoyazozu" as she smile but then the bell rang. It was time to take the test, deep down she was nervous but she couldn't let that take over.

When they got to the testing area she saw the same guy from early. " WERE GOING TO BEGANG WITH A RACE YEEEEAAAAAAHHH" The look at the man only to see the pro hero present mic. Soon the gun shot fired, Emioku then flicked her left side to activate her quirk. Soon she was able to use a fire rocket from her feet leaving her to be in 3rd place. As she tried to catch her breath she saw the same guy from earlier again yelling "HEY THAT WAS GREAT, DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS" before she could say anything her brother said in a cold tone "no, stop wasting our time " he then grabbed her hand walking away.

He then stoped in front of the school before he could say anything she yelled "Hey, that was rude" replying back he said "Sorry" she then stick her tongue out. He smiled, the two then walked home. Emioku felt bad for the guy, she wanted a friend but her bother wouldn't let her. What made him think this way?

A/N: And Wow I was going to do do tomorrow but I had

Next time Emioku meet bakugou for le first time.