
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Artifact Holder - [ Chapter - 14 ]

As soon as her blood hit the page of the book, it started glowing a read color and it started consuming her magic while creating a map and some letters and Nari was captivated by this and watched as it happened.

Then after it finished creating the map, Nari read the words that were now written in the page and it said, "This artifact is the one you most need but if you don't find it, you may never recieve another divination.".

After Nari read that she could find multiple artifacts with this book, she was really excited but first she needed to get the artifact that she most needed right now and she didn't want to go alone so she went to Kameko.

So after going into his room, Nari asked Kameko, "Hey Kameko, do you want to join me on searching for a artifact?", while she was saying that Kameko was eating some fruits and after hearing that he jumped in excitement.

Then he quickly said, "Of course! Let's Go! Now!" and he immediately got of the couch they made and left the bowl of fruits then both of them went out of the house and Nari used the book as the map to find the location of the artifact.

The map was filled with Nari's mana and it looked like Kameko couldn't see that map and since the map was created with magic, there were magic functions such as ot showed where Nari and Kameko were now.

Nari and Kameko were really far from the location and Nari thought it might take a day or two but then Kameko asked, "Why can't we just run and you enhance us with your magic?", after Nari heard that she thought that might actually be good.

So then Nari and Kameko's speed in travelling increased by a lot and they might reached the location by the end of the day and while they were running they also killed some monsters for food and for Nari to replenish her mana.

After all that running they were able to reach the location of the artifact and when they got there, they saw a huge temple and Nari saw that a lot of mana energy was inside of it and it had a lot of it as well.

So then Nari told Kameko, "We should be careful, I sense a strong energy of mana coming from the temple, I'm not sure if that's the temple itself or something inside but either way, we should be careful.".

Kameko nodded his head as he carefully checked the doors of the temple seeing that there was nothing but broken statues inside so then he signalled Nari that it was safe to go now and so she went inside after Kameko.

After getting inside they were carefully moving inside to make sure there wasn't anything like traps and so Nari used on of the new advance spells that she learned, "Trap Eye" it was a spell mostly used by assasins and guides.

It would allows a person to see any traps that have been laid out but when Nari activated it she saw that there were no traps at all in the entire hallway they were in and so Nari told Kameko this and so he ran to check if it was true.

And it was right, there was no traps in the hallway and so they were able to be lessed worried about traps now but then Nari heard a woman's voice, "Young One... You are near..." and Nari was surprised by this.

So then Nari asked Kameko, "Did you hear that as well?", Kameko didn't hear anything so he was a bit confused when Nari asked that and he said, "No." so Nari ignored it for now but she knows that she definitely heard a voice.

Nari and Kameko explored the temple for a while since it was as big as it was on the outside so it might take a while to find the place where the artifact was and so they explored the place for over a couple of hours.

Until Nari entered a room with a little fountain but then suddenly the doors closed shut and it couldn't be opened and so Nari shouted to Kameko, "Kameko! Kameko! Can you hear me?".

Kameko heard the door shut and he immediately checked it out akd heard Nari shouting and he shouted as well saying, "I can hear you but I can't open the door!", Nari was going to answer but then she heard the voice again.

And now she was worried the person who was talking was the one who closed the doors and they were going to attack him but then from the littke fountain a blue smoke appeared and it slowly leaked out.

Then it started forming a body and after a while of waiting a white and grey panda appeared and then it was quite cute and it was a bit small for the pandas she knew but then it started talking.

"Hello! It's your first time here right? My name is Jeri, nice to meet you!", Nari didn't expect her personality to be that up beat and so Nari asked, "Are you the one who trapped me here?" she said politely since she saw that Jeri didn't have any ill intents.

Then Jeri looked surprised and said, "No no, I wasn't me, it was the temple and it seems you have been chosen to inherit the artifact that I hold but I'm not sure how would it be useful to you.".

So then Nari asked, "What does the artifact you hold do?", Jeri looked excited to explain and said, "Well it's an artifact that will change a person's body into a monster and vice versa so it will change you into a human!".

She continued saying, "But you lived the whole life with thay frog body of yours, you will have to learn how to walk, eat and do anything that you would normally do all over again, so I don't see any gains to that.".

When she said all of that Nari's eyes started to shimmer and she said, "Please give it to me!", Jeri saw the enthusiasm from Nari and so she did give it to her but she still didn't see how it would be useful to her.

Then suddenly a shiny crystal appeared and then Jeri floated it down to Nari and said, "Here you go! The way to use it is to absorb it with your mana and bond with it!" so then Nari did just that and absorbed the crystal.

After absorbing it nothing happened but then Nari felt that the crystal was now inside of her and so she tried putting mana into it and it started glowing inside of her and her body started to change as well.