
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Aquatic Ruins - [ Chapter - 34 ]

So then they asked, "How did it go with Fin?", Nari then showed his dead body and then said, "He has been taken care of." and Lia sighed in relief and then told the variants that they would go back to the mermaid's city.

Then they brought the body with them without Nari using the dimensional fracture because it would be a disgrace to use magic that is not melody magic or water magic in the mermaid's city.

After getting into the city, they were then guided back to the throne room and when they went inside the avatar then started glowing and then asked, "So have you done what I asked for?" as Lia then showed the dead body to him.

The avatar then smiled and said, "I will mend the treaty with the sirens and add an extra clause because there are variants among any creature and they may be unpredictable." and so a new contract was created.

A old piece of paper appeared and then words started writing on it and the extra clause was that if a variant that is considered unstable breaks the treaty the party will have to hunt down and kill the variant.

Lia saw the treaty as now even more fair and even sturdier and stronger than before and so she signed it and then the contract started burning white flames and disappeared and then they left.

They then started heading back to the siren's city and while they were going back Lia then said, "Thank you Kameko and Nari for helping us, I don't know how we can ever repay you.".

Kameko then chuckled and said, "Don't worry Lia, your our friend it's a given that we would give our friend some help." and Nari agreed to this Lia chuckled and then remembered a report she got before.

So she then said, "Ok, to repay you I will give you the location to a ruin that we newly found." and then Lia then snapped her fingers then one of variants gave her map and then she gave it to Nari.

Then she smiled and said, "Here, we'll head back, take care of Kameko and the twins, Nari!" when she said that Nari started laughing and Kameko was now whining that he isn't a child that he needed to be taken care of.

After that they then followed the map that Lia gave them and then they found glowing ruins, it had a light blue glowing writings on the wall and even with the multi language spell Nari couldn't read it.

But then the twins ran off quickly into the ruins and so Nari started chasing after them and Kameko continued to look around since he knew that Nari could take care of the twins and he found a few drawings.

Nari then came back holding the twins and saw Kameko looking at the drawings on the wall and then he said to Nari, "Doesn't that look like they are controlling water like magic?" when Nari looked closer it did look like that.

Kameko then said, "Maybe be this is a magic ruin for water magic!", Nari laughed at his thoughts but she also thought of it as well and after a while of wandering though the ruins they went deeper into it.

Suddenly Nari felt another type of mana, it was similar to water mana but it was more violent and powerful and it was darker in color and so she wanted to see what it was and so she activated a new spell she learned.

The spell is called "Night Vision" so when she activated the spell her eyes turned into a dark black and now the whole place looked perfectly lit up but Kameko and the twins still had a hard time and so Pru used light magic.

And then Nari said, "Kameko watch the twins, I want to check something out." she said before running into the darkness and then Kameko was surprised but he did watch the twins and Nari headed off.

So then after a while of exploring by herself she found the new source of mana she was feeling from before it was a huge seaweed forest and there was something inside of it that was releasing the new mana she felt.

She then headed into the forest of seawead and saw that the saw that there was a weird plant that was a dark color and it was generating the huge amounts of new mana and she thought of what to name it.

"Deep Dark Mana" since it was so dark and violent she thought it was the perfect name for the mana and then she went to the plant and appraised it and it was just called "Dark Blue" and it said to hold a lot of mana.

Then Nari started eating it and then she started absorbing the mana the mana was a huge amount of it and so it was nearly half of the amount she needed to create another ring around her mana heart.

After that she tried using water magic with the deep dark mana since she definitely felt that both manas had a lot of similarities and then suddenly she started controlling water but the color of it was incredibly dark.

Although it looked very powerful it was actually really hard for Nari to control since it kept violently moving while she was moving the spell but then she decided to shoot it at one of the huge rocks.

When she did the bullet moved at an incredible speed faster than any magic bullets she casted before and when it hit the huge rock it created a huge water black hole and crushed any part of the rock that was left.

She then smiled because now she had a new type of mana and was now really powerful, them exploring the siren's seas were a really good idea since she got three new types of magic and she got even more powerful.

But she wanted to train her control more since even though she can control multiple spells at once now contrlling the deep dark magic was incredibly tough and was putting a toll to her mental energy.