
Chapter One

Breanna's earliest memory is when her mother took her and her brother to Beaumont, Texas to see their grandmother. She was five years old and her brother was six. She was in the airport by her mother's side. Her mother pointed to two people and Breanna wasn't sure if she recognized them. Her Grandma Debbie and her biological father Jason stood patiently, waiting for the precious children. Bryce ran into their Grandma Debbie's arms and Breanna's mother told her to go to the man. She was hesitant at first, but she remembered that she had to be respectful. It was at this moment that Breanna developed the need to do what other people might want her to do. Afraid of hurting the man's feelings, she hugged him. He seemed happy to have the little girl in his arms. Breanna, Bryce, Tangela, Jason, and Grandma Debbie went to an amusement park later on, going on rides and eating food. While Tangela took her son on a swinging boat ride, Breanna went with her grandmother, grandfather (Papa Dee), and father to eat lunch. They had packed lunchables and Breanna chose one with chicken nuggets. Tangela and Bryce joined them soon after and everyone spoke except for Breanna. While she was known as a social butterfly, she was very shy and quiet. This didn't always bother her, but sometimes it made her feel invisible. Like she could walk away at any moment and no one would realize until it was too late. Breanna enjoyed this moment, though. She enjoyed going on rides with her family and giggling at times. These moments are captured forever in a photo album that their grandmother made for them and Breanna cherishes these pictures very much.

Breanna was a very photogenic person. She always looked serious and not on purpose. She was a very beautiful child even if she never saw it. She met her biological father's side of the family, but she only remembered Grandma Debbie, Jason, Papa Dee, and her uncle Matt. She saw a picture of someone fishing and decided that she liked it. Her favorite part of the house was the kitchen counter. Hanging from the ceiling were colorful, spiral, items. She enjoyed watching them spin and seeing the color change depending on where the light hit it. During that trip, she told her grandmother that she should stop smoking and wondered if she was being rude for saying so. She loved being with her grandparents. She found it peaceful, but even at a young age she knew that nothing good ever lasts.