
To the revelation of my power

A story of a girl who finds light in darkness and finding her TRUE SELF

wonder_fly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 7

As days pass by holidays came. Everyone is excited. sam and her friends gathered at a cafe discussing where to spend their holidays. At that moment sam remembered her aunt. She offered every one to spend holidays at her aunt's house. kristy asked "I don't remember you having an aunt". "Well I met her at the family party I wanted to tell you but I forgot" said sam. Every one decided to go there. sam called her aunt to inform their coming. she said to her aunt "Hi aunt, my friends and I have been planning to visit your house, I hope you won't frnd our visit inconvenient". Her aunt replied "You know dear I can't contain my excitement, your arrival gives me the energy and enthusiasm to quickly receive you".

After arrangements are done they set off to her aunt's house. on their way sam said "My aunt and uncle they had never left their little village to go anywhere. Even though my uncle was educated, his ideals made him choose agriculture as his profession and he settled down in the village to cultivate his land. Using children,cattle,etc...as excuses,they had always avoided moving out ". chris said "it must have been hard for them right ". All of them nodded their heads. They arrived at their destination.

They were received by their aunt and uncle. They had their meal. Her aunt took them to their rooms. They chatted for a while. "What's your daughter doing now ?" sam asked her aunt. "She's in her final year at school. If by god's grace she clears her exams, I am determined to send to college. Your uncle doesn't really like the idea of sending her to city and putting her in a hostel. But I don't like to keep a girl at home with out educating her " she said.

"In these times, if a women doesn't have a degree, she'll come to nothing. With out it, she will have to live under her husband's thumb, like a scorpion under a slipper," she said.

"Your mother always wanted to create herself a dignified position in this society. She wanted to put her education to good use and achieve something in life. she always wanted better for her and her surroundings".