
The first time I saw him

There he stood so tall amongst all the students in the class.

He was around 6 feet 5 inches tall and fairly handsome man.

He was always surrounded by his friends, I never saw him with any female.

It relaxed my consious, but who am I kidding. (My consious spoke to myself)

He dressed decently well and had an aura of richness around him.

Immediately I knew he wasn't my type or honestly I would never be his type.

There were two batches and we both were in a different one.

I was crying my heart out when my IT subject application was rejected by my college.

I had worked so hard on it, scored 93% percent yet I just missed it by 1% mark.

So instead of IT, I had to choose another language subject.

It was there I met the Tall man again, sitting in the first row with his best friend Evan.

I wasn't attracted to him at all, it was just his presence that used to catch my attention.

My first day in the evening batch of my classes, was of students who opted the other language 'French'

There were hardly 15 students in the batch. Our french professor gave us his introduction in French, as I believed the man loved French and we all were supposed to interact only in French during his class.

French for me was an easy subject, honestly I had been studying french since my school days so the first lecture had been quite easy for me.

I answered all the questions, almost as soon as the sir finished the question, within a milli second my hand rose up to answer.

I almost felt like Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her generation for that moment. The class felt like a Hogwarts room, and Professor Ranick quite resembled to Professor Flitwick.

Professor Ranick was short heighted and he appreciated me in front of the class, just as the way Professor Flitwick appreciated Hermione for her "Wingadium Leviso " spell.

Being a crazy Harry Potter, this was quite entralling to me.

I made a new friend Susan. She spoke quite less at first, very contrast to me as I spoke alot and too fast.

During the lecture I became a very good friend to Susan, we even shared our other classes together.

French lecture of all, was my favorite. Everyday Professor Flitwick used to come with some new challenge and I was amongst the first three people who take the initiative.

It would be safe to say that I was very competitive when it came to challenges.

Rave, one of my classmate was so far a good competitior. He was very techno slavvy and a hard core videogamer. He was the most knowledgeable person in the entire class.

Second, was Evan. Tall man's best friend who was also smart and had a good amount of knowledge. But he was filled with annoyance, that pissed me off.

And of course, Susan was very intelligent and knew most of the answers, she simply remained quite and when specifically asked by Professor would only then answer. (correctly of course!)

The tall man was a different case. He hardly spoke, honestly he hardly uttered even one word.

But at that moment my heart felt nothing as close to attraction....

For love is a poignant feeling, where love does not develop all of a sudden...

Love takes its own time and it's own course..
