

I was on my phone chatting with Jake, a guy I met few months ago.

Actually we never met face to face but we had many common friends, so I accepted his request on Instagram.

He was a funny guy, as far as I know he loved animals and valued his friends and family.

He started out the conversation with me, I was little wary to talk to a strange man at first, but he never made me uncomfortable.

Strange as that was, I started to enjoy chatting with him.

I only have a close group of five people who know me in and out. And now it was six, considering how Jake made his way in, within a few months, even before meeting.

And today finally I was going to meet him. I was a little nervous, having never met any other man except Edward.

A part of me was feeling guilty, I felt as if I was betraying Edward's love for me.

But it was just a friendly meet right? But then again I have never met any man alone. Would Jake count this as a date?

No he shouldn't I'll make it very clear.

I was sweating, weird thoughts came to my mind...

What if Edward saw me with Jake?

What if Jake turned out to be bad guy?

My thoughts were interrupted with a sudden husky voice, "Bella"
