
To The Beautiful You

In the Blue Planet, the people of The Kingdom Arizone; The Lorph, show their respect to Gyanemyade by wishing for something dear to their heart. There is a boy in his seventeens, Dylan Al'Xander, military captain who fall in love with a girl in an ordinary summer. There is a Girl Lena AyaBurg in her sweet seventeens, military captain. Who's lover is Dylan. Then there is Gibbs who is best friend of both of them. Belongs to race of Lorph. The people of Meges, for centuries hides in dark shadows living their eternal life's there. For centuries they were considered as Alien but during 5th evolution, the Kingdom of Arizone not only give them a place to live but also make them rightful citizens of Arizone. They are creature, neither living nor dead. They lives in lands given to them far away from realm of humanity in the forbidden land .... They surves as a special link Between... Life and afterlife..... For over a decade, the Kingdom of Arizone is in a war with neighbouring Empires of Aqua's... It's war with out any casualties.... During the final and last battle which decide the fate of Lorph and Meges. There happens a series of incidents which put the life of Dylan love in danger..... Ash is a captain of The Reaper unit, pilot of special equipment.... He belongs to race of Meges.... He is a good friend of Dylan and Lena...... In this world of The Blue Planet, there are not only humans; lorphs, Meges, Vampire, Warewolf, fairies, devil's and angels but also some sacred beings of light, the transparent beings.... Outside that wall that protects the humanity from high and extremely low temperature, there is a promised tree, a cherry tree... There is a memorial stone, black in colour made of some unknown earthly material... On the memorial stone under the promised Cherry tree, is a black and white picture of a girl smiling widely....... And the name written Lena AyaBurg. That one night's incident cause for ... Lena to be gone forever...... For Dylan to become cold and colder then winter...... For Gibbs to lose faith in Humanity.... For Ash to fight his Nine elders and Great Master....... Three young boys and a girl against whole wide world......... TO THE BEAUTIFUL YOU starting from this Thursday. You Author Butterflyqueen736 [Maria] My original work. All right reserved.

butterflyqueen736 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

1st October Stellar Year 2923 Ten Days Before The Final Battle

We talk about the things and everyone's role as back up then we get back. When we reached our base it was almost dawn.

"one last patrol and duty hours are over."

Cap. Ash nods to him as he completes report and goes away.

"See you tonight" Dylan says with a smile on his face.

"Yeah see you tonight." Ash look back and says with a bright smile on his face. Waving his hand in air before turning the corner of hallway towards his room..

[ Although Ash belongs to race of Mege's but still he is like a young boy... Like us,carrying the huge responsibility on his shoulders which cannot come alone... Like us.. This war has snatched away the time, our sweet time of sweet years. I will do anything to stop the war and bring peace back to Arizone. ] He thought to him self. Dylan remember the vow he has taken on the first day of him in Amry of Arizone. Before his eyes Ash; lonely back of Ash, Buried under deep and heavy burden, disappears into right corner of hall way to his room. In his room, Dylan takes off the uniform from him and enter the bath room. After fifteen minutes Dylan come back wearing loose black casual dress, with him little bit of mist from hot bath also travel in room for a while and then dispersed in the atmosphere of room.

Lena was still asleep so he lay down besides her carefully and turn to face her.

"Events of day have tired you a bit more Lena, more then usual." He whispers slowly as his hand caressed her face and slowly push hairs from her face to her ear.

"Ohh I almost forget about it." Dylan slowly sits and reach out his hand to alarm clock at side table. He set the alarm to a little bit late time then usual as they have prepared for final Battle already and their time now is going to be leading in luxury of not heavy duty that they have already done before the deadline, without much workother then to patrol the area.

He set the akram and lay down again. He looked out side from window for a while then sleep over coned his thoughts as his eyes start to turn heavy, he turn to her and close his eyes. Dylan was about to sleep when Lena suddenly move her body on him while sleeping . He smiles at her and her sleeping actions. He pull comforter on her properly and quietly place her head on his arm and hug her to sleep.