
To Serve a Cold Dish

Standing before the old unkempt building felt surreal. It was the only thing left in his name in this city. He remembered how his deceased father's best friend had kept him here within locked doors, comfortable furniture and making him delicious food all the while his father's side of the family together with some of his mother's side dismantled and divided the wealth into their own pockets. Julio couldn't help but think of their soft words and gentle manner that lasted until the very end. Even when they had stripped him of all, leaving him and his mother with a single three store building, a common car of the year and 10.000 reais on the bank accaunt. They discribed the goods and smiled at him. "In respect to your deceased father's last wish, you were left with a commoner's life. As your uncle I suggest you accept it with a meek lowered head. And keep on quietly living off the old building's rent. After all, a lot of people wished they could have kept their heads to do the same." The middle aged men's smile was gentle like that of a priest, his spilled words went through the air as weighless soft cottons. But it made julio's eighteen year old neck go cold and he became paralysed with fear. He bowed. Curving his back deeply he thanked this uncle of his with. Signed the documents offered and went quiet for time enough to slip away from the city unbothered. Remembering the feelings of that time julio released a nostalgic sigh. He was twenty- seven years old now. He had nine whole years to make sense of how that happened and learn how to get back at them. He grinned as the blue collar worker broke the rusted lock on the gate of the building.  He simply offered the man a handshake and slipped a hundred reais bill on the man's palm. Seeing that surprised gaze, he felt good. After all, he promised himself that his words would be softer and his manner much lighter than theirs had been back then. He chuckled out loud. "Being worse than them suits me well"

Stupid_villain · Urban
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1 Chs

Fated Encounter.

There were nights like these back then, hot, damp and with nowhere to catch a lungful of fresh air. The skin easily turns oily on such weather and the clothes stick uncomfortably to the body.

Still, Julio smiled.

He had paid three day's work to a few men and women to clean the dust accumulated over the years and fix the basic function of the building on that very day.

As the building is in the center of the great sãp paulo and two blocks away from a police station only some windows were broken by stones and alcohol bottles, no furniture were retrieved by his beloved relatives ou robbed by random drugged thugs, there weren't even signs that any homeless stayed here. They were swift throughout and everything was ready.

"Motivated people are a whole nother breed." Julio sighed in amusement.

The man behind him saw his expression witha weird flash in his eyes, Julio was rarely so carefree, he only ever saw him smile sincerely when talking with his mother and other subordinates. Shaken by the vision, the man decided to stop it.

"Still, Sir, the plumping system of the building, the paint and the air conditioner in the main bedroom are old, if you can stay in a hotel for a while I can get it fixed over the week-"

"No no, Robert," Julio turned and shook his head. "We're in Rome now… we should first see how the Romans are walking today."

Robert looked at his boss with a tilted head. Some of the smaller politicians were in Julio's pockets, even some of the popular people that frequent high class night-clubs would be able to give information on the notable figures of the city, he also certainly didn't need to ask himself. Unless...

Julio saw Robert's slowly widening eyes and nodded, "I'm going to meet my precious relatives Robert, take me to the São paulo theater, my Uncle is watching a play right now."

Julio gave his subordinate an open lipped smile that showed all his teeth. "I'm going to surprise him"


Julio and Robert stood in front of one classic restaurant, the kind that only took reservations. And if you're a normal wealthy man, you'll only get reservations from one to two months after.

But still, His Uncle came with a few dozen guests that normally would wait calmly for months, putting them inside with a smile and a pat on the shoulder of the overweight Italian owner.

Julio and Robert weren't seen yet.

Through the window he could see his uncle's well combed white hair and gentle expression, white sodical shirt and pants, his beige shoes shining bright.

"Sir, this is reckless." Julio looked to the side.

"Robert, why do you think so? And why are you sweating? I saw you in shootouts, cold and calculating. Why be like this in front of my uncle? He didn't even see you? Am I paying you too much?"

Rober felt a tug in his stomach, he felt the need to answer back curtly but he ceased his thought once they met eyes.

Julio was smiling lightly, a sincere smile on his face. But not one he would normally show his mother. The once known mercenary Robert closed his eyes, looked at the ground and adjusted his tie before clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry sir, is just, from what I heard of the Silva family, it makes me think that a direct confrontation is too harsh. We have yet to consolidate the seeds we've been watering on this city. We don't have a solid base in São Paulo."

Julio stayed his gaze on Robert for a few good seconds before walking into the restaurant. He felt no need to answer the excuse of a man ashamed of his blunder.


Marry and happy people entered the restaurant smiling and laughingm wearing good clothes and talking properly. They spread into groups of fives and sixes, though they talked amongst themselves, more often than not they took side glances at the Man with whitel hair, Carlos Silva. They all subtly competed to seat on the table nearest to him.

Carlos talked merely to the owner of ther restaurant until he sat down, his wife, Clara beside him, eldest daughter, middle daughter and youngest boy of fourteen.

They gathered two tables and invited another set of five over. They were ectatic at heart but showed only composure on the surface except for one, slightly tall overweight man whose face were flushed.

Carlos's expression didn't change but a light gleamed by his eyes.

"Haha, Tomas! You look a bit tired, are you okay?" Carlos asked nicely while the waiter set his table.

Tomas looked surprise for a moment, He and his wife were right about to sit down when Carlos spoke. Tomas wife felt a rush of cold on her stomach.

"Hahaha! No no Mr. Silva I'm completely fine, I just took a swig too many of my medicine hehe!" He waved a metal cantil from the inside of his suit and laughed.

Carlos smiled even more. "Oh, but you look so flushed I might just not be it, you should go back home and rest?"

"Ah! No need no need!" the man laughed.

"Tomas." Carlos said, the people on the restaurant looking his way in silence. "Isn't it better to be sure and rest for today?"

"O-Oh True! So True! Haha Carlos should know best you're doctor after all, come bella let's go home." Tomas and his sour faced wife took their single boy and walked out of the restaurant with red faces.

Carlos turned to his wife "His eldest boy is trying to get permission for that charity ball right?" She nodded while smiling gently.

"The charity ball can happen but not under his name, nor with his participation since he didn't come today, he shouldn't take the place of those who did. Edna you take care of it." He saidholding the hand of his eldest daughter, a woman of blonde hair and common brown eyes.

"Yes dad."

He chuckled and held the menu. His wife rolled her eyes. "You always choose the same pasta why look at it?"

He answered with a laugh and in an instant the whole restaurant were in a good mood, tomas wasn't even mentioned anymore.

Carlos took a look around the restaurant, the people were merry but always mindful of him, he gazed at his beautiful wife, daughters and son. Thought more hidden they too were mindful of him. Something gushed inside of him.

Carlos released a smile that resembled more of a grin. He was about to take a drag of wine before his wife held his hand. A frown came over his face.

She guided him with her eyes and he saw a man walking over from the Restaurant's entrance.

He wore a ligh but sincere looking smile, well combed black hair and clear brown eyes like those of his Daughter.

He recognized him right away, and saw the bouncer comin in rushed steps towards this new uninvited man.

Carlos stood up and clinked his glass with a fork. All eyes turned to him.

He laughed out loud.

"I wanted all of you here today for this guest of honor!"

The bouncer stopped, and the non-plussed Julio kept on walking.

"Today another Silva comes to the big city! My nephew Julio!"

Edna, the eldest daughter stilled. Carlos wife was surprised but instantly started clapping wich all other followed along, Julio barely managed to reach his uncle when every guest stood upe to greet him.

He was a few steps away and there were dozen people between him and his uncle.

But still, both eyes met and they smiled with sincere amusement and delight at each other.