
At School

After her classes at THOMSON'S UNIVERSITY, on the way to work Eva remember what happened this morning and she still feel the uneasy feeling and chill rundown on her spins,it's been years she been trying to forget about it and try to be normal like the other young women of her ,it's for that she been studying psychology for three years now,she read every books she can find to help her to better understand the gift she have but for her it's a curse. It's been so hard growing up without her parents,the came to see her only three times a year in her grandfather house, she remembered they are always fought over her because she was different from the other kids, and they didn't want other people to find out her because they would think they are weird too and they probably get scare off me ,but she didn't feel absent because her grandfather love ,and it's been almost four years she moved in this city after receiving a full scholarship for college ,even of everything she always been a straight A's student

'"Ugh time to think of something else if don't want to be more depress"

"Oh I know professor David's new book: title Beyond human mind: that should get my mind of things.