
Chapter 3

"How is he?" You Miao asked as soon as he returned to the room.

Shi Qi said: "The doctor said he's okay, it's just flesh wounds, there are a few internal injuries, let us prepare a Tianwang Life-saving Pill for you to take. You caught a cold and haven't recovered yet. I'm afraid it hurts your lungs. I prescribed this medicine. If it doesn't get better after a while, call him to see you again."

You Miao nodded, and Shi Qi said: "But this Tianwang Life-saving Pill is really not cheap, it also costs ten taels of silver..."

You Miao couldn't stop the pain, but two hundred taels had already been spent, so he didn't care about this. He took out the silver and gave it to him, saying: "Go buy it."

That afternoon, Shi Qi brought the medicine back, You Miao fed the life-saving pill to Li Zhifeng, and then took a clay pot, sat in the room by the stove, and boiled the medicine for Li Zhifeng. As he boiled, You Miao suddenly felt something was wrong. He was originally a young master, how come he bought a slave and became the one serving him? !

"I did it for you this time." You Miao said depressedly, "It's not easy. You lose money. Take the medicine quickly and get better. I'll do anything."

Li Zhifeng took the Tianwang Life-saving Pill and his face looked better. He just stared at You Miao. You Miao said, "It's really weird. How come I serve you? Drink it."

You Miao handed him the medicine bowl without cleaning up. After a day of tossing and turning, he was exhausted and went to bed.

That night, Li Zhifeng's appetite improved a little. He could eat chicken porridge cooked with thick rice. You Miao just wanted him to get better quickly, so he asked the kitchen to cook a big bowl of it. He also sent Shi Qi to buy ginseng, ganoderma and other medicinal materials. He gave Li Zhifeng all the supplements he needed to avoid the trouble of lying down. Before going to bed, he boiled a big bowl of thick ginseng soup for him to drink, and then went to sleep.

You Miao was awakened by the sound in the middle of the night. At first, he thought there was a thief. When he looked up, he saw a figure and knew it was Li Zhifeng.

He probably wanted to steal something and run away. You Miao didn't dare to move. With the help of the white light from the window, he could see more clearly and found that Li Zhifeng was packing up the medicine bowls and rice bowls used during the day and put away the hand warmer. When he was in front of the desk, he paused, as if he saw his indenture, and then put it aside as if nothing had happened.

The next day, because of Li Yan's incident, no one came to You Miao, and it was even more impossible for You Miao to pay for it. Jia was bored at home all day. Sometimes he went to see if Li Zhifeng was okay, and sometimes he talked to him. Li Zhifeng said very little, like a piece of wood. You Miao was very curious about his life experience at first, and asked again and again.

You Miao: "What is the Quanrong?"

Li Zhifeng: "People."

You Miao: How did you get sold to the capital?

Li Zhifeng: "I lost the war."

You Miao: "Do you want to go home?"

Li Zhifeng shook his head.

You Miao: "What do you do in Jiaofangsi?"

Li Zhifeng just looked at You Miao without saying anything. When the medicine pot boiled, You Miao said, "Go drink the medicine yourself."

Li Zhifeng went to drink the medicine in silence. You Miao said, "Hey, Quanrong slave, how are you going to repay me?"

Li Zhifeng: "From now on, I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you let me live, I will live. If you let me die, I will die."

You Miao was a little moved. He didn't expect this guy to speak long sentences. You Miao couldn't think of how to assign him for a while. He asked, "Can you work? Can you serve people? Can you comb hair?"

Li Zhifeng nodded. You Miao asked again, "Can you wash clothes, cook, clean, and do rough work?"

Li Zhifeng stared at the medicine bowl and nodded slightly. You Miao: "Can you fight?"

Li Zhifeng: "Yes, a little."

You Miao: "What else can you do?

Li Zhifeng drank a mouthful of medicine and replied: "Accompanying the bed."

You Miao remembered and asked: "Have you slept with Li Yan?"

Li Zhifeng shook his head. You Miao thought for a while and said: "When you recover from your illness, you can serve me. If you serve me well, I will let you go home in a few years."

You Miao didn't know how to play with a man in bed, but looking at Li Zhifeng's appearance, his body was probably not as good as hers. Now he couldn't mess with him. It would be too uneconomical if he died again.

You Miao sat in front of the desk and asked again: "Can you accompany me to study? Come and grind ink for me."

Li Zhifeng drank the medicine and came to grind ink for You Miao. He lifted his robe and knelt on one knee beside You Miao's desk. The action was very majestic. He rolled up his sleeves and held the ink stick with his bony fingers, grinding it repeatedly on the inkstone. You Miao took a look and felt that this man was different from the servants. He had an indescribable temperament.

"Do you know how to read?" You Miao asked again.

Li Zhifeng nodded.

You Miao was shocked. There were slaves who knew how to read?

Li Zhifeng ground the ink, got up and went to pack up his things. After a while, he came over and sat down beside him. He put his fist to his nose and held back a few coughs. You Miao scribbled something and scribbled on the paper. He couldn't read the book. He was just very bored. When he lay down, he was thinking about Li Yan and others. It was boring to stay at home. However, it was not good to offend Li Yan.

What's more troublesome is that the money is almost spent again. The last five hundred taels of silver were spent in less than three months. I have to think of a way to ask for it from my family.

You Miao glanced at the culprit who lost money. He saw Li Zhifeng looking at the things he scribbled on the table with an indifferent expression. Li Zhifeng saw You Miao looking at him, so his eyes moved to You Miao's face and looked at him.

Not only was Li Zhifeng's posture of grinding ink strange, but his kneeling action was also strange. Others just knelt casually or sat down, but Li Zhifeng put his hands on his knees and held his back straight, like those soldiers in the court, with a vague aura of solemnity.

You Miao waved at him and said, "Come here."

Li Zhifeng stood up and took two steps over, then knelt down. Even kneeling like this, he was still a head taller than You Miao. Looking down at him, You Miao always felt that there was an indescribable taste in his eyes.

You Miao held the pen in his right hand, and with his left hand, he opened his collar and picked out the jade pendant, saying, "This life-saving talisman is really useful. My mother left it to me. Look, your half-dead character has been cured in two days."

Li Zhifeng did not answer.

You Miao asked again, "How can men do that?"

Li Zhifeng did not answer.

You Miao said again, "Speak."

You Miao finally understood why Li Yan wanted to beat him up. If You Miao had bought someone back by himself and acted like he was worth 2.58 million, and didn't even answer, You Miao might have wanted to beat him up, but fortunately he had been prepared before, so he didn't care at the moment.

Li Zhifeng: "I can't explain it clearly."

You Miao said: "Then you can sleep with me some other day and teach me how to play. I haven't played this game with a man yet. It's a waste to buy you back with two hundred taels of silver and just let you serve tea and pour water."

Li Zhifeng nodded and looked at You Miao for a moment. You Miao just felt that this man was really boring.

"Turn sideways." You Miao motioned him to turn sideways. Tired of sitting, just looking for something to lean on, so he leaned on his arms and lazily flipped through the book. He heard the wheezing sound in his lungs, as if he had asthma.

You Miao gradually fell asleep in the afternoon, and Li Zhifeng didn't move at all, like a piece of wood for him to lean on. When he woke up in the evening and got up, Li Zhifeng staggered, obviously his feet were numb. You Miao laughed and let him boil the medicine himself.

For several days, every morning when You Miao got up, Li Zhifeng would help him dress and put on shoes, comb his hair and put on his hat. Every time he knelt down to help him adjust his robe, he would kneel on one knee, never showing any sign of servility. You Miao gradually felt that this slave had an indescribable sense of elegance in every move.

Li Zhifeng took two doses of medicine, and within ten days, his health gradually improved. However, he never left the house. You Miao also sent the servants out of the room and let Li Zhifeng serve him.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhifeng was not only willing to work, but also very tacit.

As long as You Miao had a thought in his mind, Li Zhifeng would come over with a cup and put it beside the table as if he knew what he meant. When he wrote a few words, a towel would be put over for him to wipe his hands. When You Miao stretched his body, Li Zhifeng would collect the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to wash. For several days in a row, You Miao found that this guy was very easy to use.

Except for not trying to accompany him in bed, Li Zhifeng could do everything else without him asking. The only shortcoming is that he is too silent. Sometimes when You Miao is reading at home, Li Zhifeng hugs one knee and looks out the door. He doesn't know what he is looking at, but he can look at it for the whole afternoon. When he hears You Miao making any noise, he turns his head to look and then gets up to come over.

Li Zhifeng is the person You Miao likes to serve the most so far. In the final analysis, You Miao concludes that Li Zhifeng cares about his affairs. The servants and servants around him are lazy if they can, but Li Zhifeng is grateful because he saved his life and repays the favor.

Very good.

You Miao is very satisfied with him. He even sent Shi Qi away and left him alone to serve. He put a few layers of mattresses behind the screen and let Li Zhifeng sleep in that small area, which is like a nest surrounded by a quilt. Li Zhifeng is like a dog that comes when called and leaves when waved away. No, it's not appropriate to say dog. He doesn't even need to be called. As long as You Miao notices him and they look at each other, Li Zhifeng can tell whether You Miao is calling him over or just noticing him and looking at him casually.

He was so comfortable, but he didn't talk much. If he could talk more and have fun with him, it would be perfect. You Miao hadn't gone out for almost half a month. He was studying at home, planning to make up for the missed lessons. He was a little more obedient. You Deyou came to see him several times during this period. Every time there was a noise, You Miao told Li Zhifeng to hide behind the screen.

You Deyou thought that his nephew had changed his nature. Only You Miao knew it best. He had no money. There were less than sixty taels of silver left, which would take until he asked his father for money next time. It had only been three months. After the New Year, he had to find a way to coax some money to spend. However, when You Miao was bored at home, Li Yan came to the door himself.

"You Miao!" Li Yan stood in the yard and shouted. He didn't care whether You Miao was at home or not. He brought a book boy and swaggered in. You Miao went out with his clothes straightened. It happened that You Deyou was not at home, and his concubine Yanhong was peeking in front of the corridor.

It was a nice winter day today, and it was strange that Li Yan came to visit. You Miao was a little flattered.

"What's wrong?" You Miao asked.

Li Yan stepped forward and pushed You Miao, saying, "I want to ask you what's wrong, why are you hiding at home all day?"

You Miao laughed and said, "I'm reading."

Li Yan sneered, "I believe you, your family is so rich, but I've never seen you read a book, what kind of book are you reading at this time?"

You Miao knew that Li Yan had also put down his lordly airs and came to apologize, so he put his arm around his shoulder affectionately, and the two brothers walked towards the backyard.

"To be honest, I only spend money and don't study, the old man will be angry." You Miao said with a smile: "If you don't study, I will be deprived of food."

Li Yan thought of something, took out the two hundred taels of silver notes from his arms, threw them back to You Miao, and said: "Here, I'll give it back to you."

You Miao was really touched, but knew it was difficult to take it, so he hurriedly said: "No, no, how can I take the money from the iron business?" Li Yan grabbed You Miao's collar and pushed him into the room: "Just take it!"

You Miao: "My family does business and never takes the return money!"

Li Yan: "You want to be scolded again?"

You Miao: "The person is alive, even if I really buy from you..."

Li Yan and You Miao pushed and shoved each other. Li Yan couldn't help but wanted to press You Miao under him and rub him.

Suddenly, the door opened and You Miao felt that he was leaning against someone. When he turned around, he saw that it was Li Zhifeng.

When Li Yan saw Li Zhifeng, his face suddenly darkened.

Li Zhifeng just didn't say anything. He let You Miao stand behind him. His lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something. You Miao liked this person and was easy to use.

He was afraid that Li Yan would take him back and beat him to death. He hurriedly said: "I've bought it, so this person belongs to me."

Li Yan was angry and shouted: "You are so bold! You are a dog! Why don't you kneel down!"

Li Zhifeng was indifferent. You Miao saw that Li Yan's face was not right, and hurriedly said: "Kneel, kneel, Li Zhifeng, kneel down."

Li Zhifeng knelt on one knee without saying a word, pressed his knee with his left hand, supported the ground with his right fist, and bowed slightly to You Miao.

You Miao said with a smile: "Or let's do this."

You Miao took the 200 taels of silver notes from Li Yan's hand, took 100 taels for himself, and stuffed another 100 taels into Li Yan's arms, saying: "His surname is Li, is it you who gave him the name?"

Li Yan snorted coldly, and You Miao said again: "I won't change the name, as for the Quanrong slave, just think of it as a gift from you, this money is for you to drink, okay?"

Li Yan said: "I am your slave now, can I beat you?"

You Miao said: "Of course, you can beat me."

Li Yan kicked Li Zhifeng to the ground, picked up a vase and smashed it on his head, with a sound of broken porcelain, the vase shattered all over the floor, Li Zhifeng's forehead oozing blood, and staggered and barely knelt down.

You Miao's face twitched, and he put his sleeves in his pockets.

Li Yan said, "This bastard, he got it for free."

You Miao said, "It's done, isn't it?"

Li Yan said, "I'll give you face, so forget it."

You Miao didn't know what grudge Li Yan had with the Quanrong slave, but after talking it out, Li Yan couldn't embarrass him in the future, and he could take him out next time.

Li Yan turned and walked towards the courtyard. You Miao was very happy. This matter was over, and Li Yan's matter was also talked out. He asked again, "Where are you going to play today?"

Li Yan: "The Lin family kid got a good horse from the Western Regions. Let's go and see it. Let's go."

Li Zhifeng was still kneeling in the room, motionless. You Miao and Li Yan walked out through the corridor with their arms around each other.

After Li Yan and You Miao left, the concubine Yanhong came out from behind the corridor column and looked curiously into You Miao's room. She saw Li Zhifeng with blood all over his head, kneeling on one knee, picking up the broken porcelain pieces on the ground and putting away the broken vase.

"Are you someone close to Master You?" Yanhong asked, "Why haven't I seen you before?"

Li Zhifeng looked up at her.

Yanhong asked again, "Are you mute?"

It is said that You Miao and Li Yan were talking and laughing that day. They went to the house of the Minister of Rites to see the pony that their playboy friend had gotten. You Miao didn't know how to ride a horse, so Li Yan said he would teach him to ride.

When they were about to go out of the city to ride a horse, a servant from You's mansion came to deliver a letter, asking him to go back quickly.

You Miao was very bored, so he had to temporarily leave his friends and go home.

When he entered the mansion, he saw Li Zhifeng kneeling in the hall, his indenture on the table, and You Deyou was furious, lying on the chair and trembling like a mountain of flesh, and You Miao knew what was going on.

"This guy..." You Miao said, "A friend gave him to me. He's a slave."

You Deyou: "You can keep a slave?! You think he's an ordinary slave? This slave is very difficult to raise! You don't know! Send him away immediately! Send him away, send him away, don't cause any trouble!"

You Miao's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Li Zhifeng and asked, "Did you get into trouble?"

Li Zhifeng neither nodded nor shook his head.

You Miao chuckled and said, "Uncle, let me keep him. This guy is less troublesome than Shi Qi'er."

"No!" You Deyou roared like thunder.

The wife sitting next to him was startled and spilled tea all over her body. She hurriedly said, "Master, calm down, Master, calm down... Miao'er, this is not an ordinary slave, he is a Quanrong! We can't keep Quanrong slaves in our house, it will cause trouble!"