
Chapter 1: Fishing

A few days later, Li Yan celebrated his birthday. When he went to Li Yan's house to drink in the evening, the gate of the mansion was crowded. You Miao was still swaggering.

He passed by the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion and saw several servants hammering a sack with sticks. Blood oozed out of the sack, dyeing the snow in the yard red, and painful roars came from the sack.

It was cold at that time. You Miao stopped and watched with his sleeves in his hands. The servant just wanted to go back and drink some liquor, and kept urging the young master to go in because it was cold outside.

You Miao asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

A servant smiled and said: "The young master ordered that this guy be beaten to death today."

The sack was quiet.

You Miao asked again: "Why beat him to death?"

The servant said: "He offended the young master."

Prime Minister Li was powerful in the court and it was common for him to kill someone. No one could do anything to the father and son, especially a slave. You Miao was just a little curious. Li Yan didn't seem like a petty person. He bought the dog slave with money. He could give it away or resell it when he got tired of playing with it. Why would he beat him to death?

You Miao entered the hall. Li Yan was having a birthday party. A lot of people came and it was noisy. There was also a stage. Many people recognized You Miao. They were joking with each other. You Miao put down the gift and asked, "Why beat that guy to death outside?"

Li Yan was drinking and said indifferently, "I am happy to do it."

You Miao didn't know why he was still a little concerned about the sack. He just said casually, "It's unlucky to beat someone to death for a birthday party."

Li Yan said, "I told them to beat them slowly. We'll kill them tomorrow and bury them outside the city."

You Miao taught him a lesson, "Look at you, why did you make such a fuss? If you don't like him, won't you let him go?"

Li Yan's face was already a little ugly, and he said angrily, "I am happy to do it!"

"Okay, okay." You Miao surrendered and didn't plan to say anything. Li Yan glared at him again and said, "What did he yell at you?"

You Miao said: "What did you shout?"

Ping Er came over again and said: "You Miao, do you want one? Next time I'll take you to the Jiaofangsi to buy one."

Li Yan said: "Him? It's good that he is not sold to the Jiaofangsi."

You Miao said: "What does this guy do?"

Li Yan stretched out his finger and hooked it, leaned close to his ear and said: "That guy is a bedmate, a man."

You Miao blushed instantly, not knowing whether it was because of the wine or the heat in the hall, his face was red all the way to his ears. All the young men at the table were laughing at his tender face. You Miao looked at Li Yan with ill intentions and said: "You actually like this."

Li Yan: "What's wrong with liking this? I'm the birthday boy today, do you want to be my bedmate?"

There was a lot of laughter at the table. Some people had dirty thoughts. They were jealous of You Miao, hated the rich, disliked that he was getting along well with Li Yan, and were jealous, so they said something to provoke.

"We don't know who will sleep with whom!"

As soon as he said this, everyone laughed again. Li Yan blushed, and You Miao was very proud of himself. After three rounds of drinking, You Miao was listening to the opera. He saw a martial artist and a young man singing and turning in circles. He remembered what Li Yan said just now, so he put his arm around Li Yan's shoulder to watch the opera.

He curiously asked in his ear: "I know women, but how can men sleep with you?"

Li Yan was impatient.

"Are you done yet? Do you really want to sleep with me?" Li Yan said.

You Miao said: "Lend it to me for fun, I want to try it too."

Li Yan: "I disfigured the Quanrong slave. Next time I'll take you to buy a more lively one."

You Miao: "Why is he called Quanrong slave?"

Li Yan: "A Quanrong man, captured from the north."

You Miao asked again: "Why was his face disfigured?"

Li Yan: "I beat him."

You Miao: "Why did you beat him?"

Li Yan glared at him, but You Miao just laughed. He was always the best at this trick. When he laughed, he looked shameless and no one could take him seriously.

Li Yan: "He didn't say anything. I asked him to talk, but he didn't. I stuffed my shoes into his mouth and made him lie on the ground with his butt sticking out. He actually dared to fight back. I hit him with a vase and locked him up."

You Miao understood that Li Yan must have been beaten. He was afraid that the dog slave would beat him hard. After a long time, You Miao was just curious about how Li Yan and the dog slave played. Can men play that? So he wanted to ask for it back so that he could ask Li Yan how he acted with him. On the stage, one person finished singing and the other took the stage. After half an hour, You Miao said, "Hey, Li Yan, lend me that dog slave to play with."

Li Yan: "It's dead. I'll take you to buy a new one in a few days."

You Miao: "Maybe it's not dead? Didn't you just say that you will beat it to death and bury it tomorrow morning?"

Li Yan: "It's not dead either."

You Miao: "Why buy a new one? It's a waste. I'll just play with it casually. I'll give it back to you after I'm done. You can beat it and bury it if you like."

Li Yan: "No."

You Miao: "Lend it to me for a few days."

Li Yan: "You really want to argue with me, don't you?"

A man next to him heard this and teased: "Master You has a rich family, he can just go to the Music Bureau and buy a house worth hundreds or thousands, why would he need a broken house?"

You Miao just said it casually, Li Yan was unhappy again, saying: "He? He can't afford it!"

You Miao said: "Why can't he afford it?

Yangfenglou only has that little money for one night..."

Li Yan said: "Two hundred taels of silver! Can you afford it? If you can pay two hundred taels of silver, I'll give it to you."

The boys saw that You Miao was talking about wealth with Li Yan as usual, so they started to make a fuss. You Miao said: "It's just two hundred taels of silver, do you think I can't afford it?"

Li Yan squinted at him, thinking that he should have paid more earlier.

You Miao said that, but he really couldn't afford it. He only had 300 taels of silver left this year, and that was after paying the rent for the year of Mao in the year of Yin. He just said it casually and didn't mention buying it, but when Li Yan glanced at him, he got angry again and said, "You beat him half to death, and now at most there is only 100 taels left."

Everyone laughed, and Li Yan mocked, "If you can't afford it, don't bargain. Look at your cowardly look, you are so depressed." You Miao couldn't stand the provocation after all, and took out the silver note from his arms and threw it on the table, saying, "I'll buy it!" Li Yan didn't expect him to do this, and was stunned at first, and then angry. "Did I say I would sell you?!" There was a complete silence.

Everyone saw that You Miao was really rich. Two hundred taels of silver notes could buy a magnificent mansion in the capital now, or buy hundreds of acres of fertile land. The redemption price of Yang Fenglou, the famous top prostitute in the capital, was only 120 taels of silver. Spending 200 taels to buy a male slave? How could it be possible? Li Yan stared at You Miao like a bull.

The playboys saw that the situation was not going well again, and they were afraid that they would quarrel, so they hurriedly tried to smooth things over. Some said, "Why bother? Why bother? A male slave in the Jiaofang Bureau is only five taels of silver. Others said that today's birthday boy is the most important, and everything should go his way...

You Miao was impulsive and threw the banknote out. He knew that there was no reason to put it back. First, it was embarrassing, and second, it was difficult to get off the tiger. After a moment, he returned to his rogue look and said with a smile: "What? Can't bear to part with it again?"

Li Yan: "If you take it back, I wonder where you can put it. Won't your cousin beat you to death? And spend two hundred taels of silver, what a fool."

You Miao was too lazy to talk to him. Seeing that the birthday banquet was about to end unhappily, and someone took the opportunity to curry favor with Li Yan, You Miao stopped talking. They sat down separately, and the atmosphere was very tense.

You Miao left early without saying goodbye to Li Yan. He came out with a servant and saw the sack lying motionless in the snow. He didn't know if he was dead.

You Miao was immediately nervous. The two hundred taels must not be wasted.

You Miao: "You are not dead, are you? If you are dead, you must compensate me with two hundred taels of silver! This is real money! I bought it from your young master!"

Who of the servants could afford the compensation? They were all trembling with fear.

You Miao ordered: "Untie the sack, let me see!"

A brave servant came over, untied the hemp rope at the sack, and explained.

"Mr. You, you are wise. It's not my fault. No one said anything. I didn't know..."

You Miao: "Forget it, let's see if he is dead. If he is dead, I don't want him. Damn it, I will go to Li Yan to get the money back."

The servant held a lantern, untied the sack, and dragged it slowly. A head first appeared in the sack. The man was beaten with blood from all seven holes, but his muscles were hard and strong, with long arms and legs. As the sack was pulled out, the blood under the man had turned purple and black, and he was beaten so hard that he was pissed.

The servant leaned over to check the man's breath, and You Miao asked, "Is he dead?"

You Miao remembered something else - Li Yan said he would sell him the man, but he didn't say whether he was dead or alive. If he went back to collect the debt, Li Yan would deliberately ridicule him, and the two hundred taels of silver would never be recovered.

Whether the man was dead or alive, he had to accept the whole deal.

It's a tricky situation... You Miao exhaled a breath of hot air, knelt on one knee, leaned against his chest, put his ear against his chest to listen to his heartbeat, his body was still a little warm, not stiff.


You Miao said: "Come a few people, take the cotton quilt on the chair in the car and wrap him up, take him home, what's his name?"

Seeing that You Miao didn't make trouble again, the servants hurriedly answered: "His name is Li Zhifeng, a dog-barbarian slave."

You Miao gestured to set off, and the servants followed him.