
To revolt

It’s the time of the atomics(like the gen z) they are said to be the last that they will finish the world but all they dream of is finding a better would to REVOLT from there old one

Sayde_Jade · Teen
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4 Chs

To Explain chap. 1

"At this point in this world,it's not worth living, i here story's of the world before the war and that's the world we need, that we don't get."~008

Hi I'm 008 I am one of the first born of this generation. Our generations name is atomic like those gen Z kids, but we are supposed to be the end. No one after us, and Barely anyone before us survived the war. World War III ALL the children where taken and were taken care of by the government.

We live in housing the government supplies and the only room in the houses not being watched are the restrooms. We get told what to eat what to do and we have a curfew. Do we follow it? No...

But we don't get caught either. Last time that happened was with Tyler; one of the few of us with a name and not a number, but he never came back. So. Now where EXTRA careful.

My friends 006 and 007 call me penny,because of my copper hair and strange eyes;but it's better than being called a number. Anyways you'll find out more as we go on let's move on.