
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Aunty Li, the saviour

Chapter 77: Aunty Li, the saviour.

"Okay." Getting her response, Li Wei took her out of the room and helped her into the car. Though they escaped the silence in the room, it was not the same with Su Rong and Su Rui. Su Rong never expected Ling Yue to know about his forgotten daughter's death day. How? How did she know? Truly speaking, Su Rong didn't even remember his daughter's name anymore. What did they use to call her? Did didn't recall anymore.

"Ahem." Both the Su's blinked their eyes as Father Li cleared his throat and sat on the seat at a slight elevation. His grim face coupled with his freezing aura made him look like a raged lion watching it's prey who dared to harm his cub. This man standing in front of him was the reason why his little girl lost her precious childhood.

A childhood which can be lived only once in a lifetime. Once lost, it's gone, no matter how one tried to fill it. Uncle Shen too took his seat on one of the chairs a little lower than Father Li's since it was Li Mansion and not Shen Mansion. Looking at Su Rong, he really wondered what made the almighty send his pumpkin as this monster's daughter. His baby girl has built an empire in such a short time and made it stand at the top. And this Su Rong couldn't even guard his already built castle properly.

"So Mr Su. I heard my baby girl had been slandered because of your daughter. Though I wouldn't have interfered in these matters, since you already came to my pumpkin and successfully made your visit go into drain, do you want to say something?" Uncle Shen voiced out his opinion as his chilled gaze landed on Master Su.

Su Rong and Su Rui frowned. Baby girl? Pumpkin? Was Ling Yue Master Shen's daughter? As far as Su Rong knew, Master Shen only have one son who was always busy with military affairs? Since when did he have a daughter? Su Rui has completely other things going in her brain. How exactly did Ling Yue meet all these powerful people?

"I thought I have already made it clear about Ling Yue in the last Banquet Mr Su. Ling Yue is someone we hold very dear to our heart and our princess is not someone who would sit and accept other people's baseless accusations. And the lawsuit was very clear as far as I know. Your daughter's phoney remarks shows how the Su family looked down on our princess. Am I right Mr Su?" Su Rong broke into cold sweat hearing Father Li's comment. He wouldn't leave this Su Rui later.

"You have misunderstood my intentions Master Li. Looking down on young Miss Ling is not our intention at all. We know we have offended her and that was why we are here to apologize. I hope Miss Ling will be munificent and forgive us." Uncle Shen raised his eye brow at Su Rong's words. Forgive them? Be generous? To this monster who broke is baby girl? Never. His eyes turned sharp as he spoke.

"Unfortunately forgive and forget is not what I have taught her Mr Su. And neither is she aware of that concept. Make a public apology and get this thing settled soon. Even if my princess doesn't follow up this matter anymore, I have got a lot of time on my hands to waste. Don't drag this issue and make me handle it in my way." Su Rong felt like he has dig up his own grave by coming here. Though his ego has been badly hurt today, the fear of getting crumbled under the claws of Li's and Shen's conquered his pride, making him bow his head.

Su Rui too got the gist of the situation and apologized immediately to the two elders sitting. She couldn't let her image get tarnished in front of them. Soon they both left the Li Mansion and Su Rui was ow scared of the fuming Su Rong sitting in the car beside her. While there was a stifling silence in their car, it was quite opposite in Li Wei's car.

Ling Yue has found herself a comfortable position to it with pillows supporting her back and the driver was careful while driving since Ling Yue wasn't allowed to put on a seat belt. Even if it was a slow ride, the atmosphere was warm as Ling Yue and Li Wei encompassed themselves playing chess. No one was ready to lose and Ling Yue, though not prideful, but thought that she had an exceptional IQ was thinking of how to distract Li Wei and change few pieces. But alas, Li Wei wouldn't let her do it. He was having fun looking at those furrowed brows of President Xen.

"Urghh.. I give up. You win." Ling Yue threw her hands exasperatedly in air as she decalred his win. She always won against her Uncle Shen and Father Li. She thought she would be winning against Li Wei too. But who knew her record would be broken by him. Hmphh..

Li Wei chuckled looking at adorable reactions. He closed the chess game and leaned back in his seat looking at the passing scenery. There was nothing special about those passing shops and buildings, but to think that they have once walked on this very same land together and were again here to love another, it was all beautiful and a little sad too. He looked at Ling Yue sitting beside him and looking out of the window. She looked as calm and composed as ever, but he was scared inside. Even after few years, will she be here? Sitting beside him?

"Yueyue." Ling Yue slightly turned her head to look at him and Li Wei took this as a cue to proceed further.

"When was your last checkup?"

"More than a year ago?" More than a year ago? Didn't she go for a checkup after that?

"What did your doctor say about your condition back then?" Ling Yue scanned his face for a second before averting her gaze back to window. Her condition?

"Bad" Li Wei clenched his fists hearing this answer. So her condition was bad. And he knew it wasn't because she neglected her health. By now he knew how Ling Yue cares about her health and diet. It was just that she didn't have the medicine to treat herself and was forced to bear the pain. No medicine because of that poison. Which still didn't leave her.

"How did you get this injury?" Li Wei still had many things he didn't know about her current life. Not like they were hidden. Just that he stopped digging up about her since he believed her could make her open up to him and in fact she was. Ling Yue sighed hearing this question.

"It happened when I ran away f-from that sanatorium. It was a silent night and I thought finally no one is searching from me and I could come out of my hiding place. For a kid who spent most of the time in darkness, the eerie night was scary at all, but the predators out there were surely terrifying. I didn't have a place to go, but any place except this city which I barely knew, and that hell was no less than a paradise."

"I spent a whole day inside a trash bin to escape from those people. Excepting that I wouldn't be encountering at night when I come out. But it didn't go as I thought. Apparently they had more patience than me. One of those men hit me with a iron rod and that when this happened."

Li Wei's knuckles turned white hearing her narrate her accident. What pained him was that it wouldn't have been the only thing she might have gone through. His heart grew heavy as he thought of Ling Yue struggling to survive day by day and fighting to not let the darkness in this world break her spirit while he was completely unaware of her existence and living his life in bliss. Though it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"So you were taken back again?" Ling Yue sweetly smiled hearing this question. She looked at him with a warm gaze making him wonder what was so good about getting dragged back into that hell.

"No. I would have been completely broken had I been thrown there back. Probably I would have really turned insane. But who knew for the first time I would feel what it's like to get warmth." Her gentle looked at the nowhere but Li Wei caught the relief in her voice.

"I was unconscious, but might it was desperate madness to escape that I managed to get out of their van when they parked it on the outskirts. They didn't lock it thinking I wouldn't be waking up anyhow. But there bad luck, I did."

"Aunty Li.." Li Wei raised his brows suddenly hearing his mother coming into topic.

"Aunty Li was in that area and was probably returning back into the city after her movie shooting when she saw me on the road. She took me to the hospital and I somewhat got better. Though they even came to the hospital searching for me, I was able to escape as I entered Ji Jing at that time."

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