
To reach the limit

Nick Devolver is a powerful ranger with a respectable team. After tragically dying on a mission he is sent back to when he first started. He decides to surpass his past self and reach a new height of power. But, there is something wrong… (Main fic is on fanfiction.net, go there for faster updates.)

Shizzza · Video Games
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15 Chs

The beast has awakened

The beast has awakened

(Warning: The following chapter might make certain readers uncomfortable if you are sensitive to violence, continue with caution)

Nick continued to stroll through Eterna city, and he caught a glimpse of Gardenia fighting off some of the gangsters, He didn't have many encounters with any of them, but he was still on high alert.

He didn't fully understand the c current situation, but he knows for sure that the gangsters he had just beaten, were not affiliated with the gangsters he fought in Jubilife.

"Everything about them was different, the ones at Jubilife didn't ooze the same malice, it felt like I was fighting ordinary people…"

Nick observed the city, the normal busty place was now empty, and the only thing roaming was violent gangsters, Nick had no intention of stopping them unless they got in his way.

But it was obvious that eventually, at least one group of gangsters would notice a lone, teenage, boy walking around.

Two dudes approached him, they both wore mohawks, grinning wildly.

Nick narrowed his eyes at him, and suddenly, the one to the left threw a right hook, without hesitation, Nick punched the man onto the floor, before swiftly dodging the other dude's rapid strikes, and throwing him onto the brick wall of a random house.

He hastily fled the scene, not wanting to attract further attention, as he doesn't know whether or not he can beat dozens of, violent, gangsters.

He entered an empty street, it was a dead end, so he promptly turned around and…


His eyes widened as Calvin stood there, eyes staring deep into him.

"I followed the path you took…"

"And I found multiple gangsters, all armed, bleeding, barely conscious," Calvin stated, narrowing his eyes. "Just what are you?"

Nick remained silent, as he simply walked toward Calvin, and when he attempted to walk past him, Calvin stopped him.

"I, as your rival, have the right to know what the hell did you do to those people?" Calvin shouted, Nick stared at him, before sighing.

"Before I answer that question," Nick said, "Just what the hell are you?"

Calvin stumbled slightly, "You approached me without me sensing you at all, if you explain to me that, I will tell you how I could beat those gangsters." Nick said, challenging Calvin.


"There is a reason I am called the moonlight walker." Calvin explained, "I was referred to that after I defeated many thieves through my ability to conceal myself, it started as just a random name a police officer called me."


"Now it's your turn," Calvin stated, Nick sighed before leaning onto the brick walls of the alleyway.

"What a pain…" Nick said, "You see, I unlocked my typing."

Calvin stared at Nick as if he was insane.

"Every person is born with a natural talent for a specific typing, while our talents aren't nearly as powerful as Pokemon, we can still awaken them."

"The fact you said that you could conceal your presence likely implies you have awakened a typing, the most likely one is Ghost." Nick explained, "I don't want to pry into your privacy by asking you how you awakened your typing."

"So, I hope you don't pry too deep also, all I am gonna leave it at, is that I am a fighting type." Nick said, "Happy?"

"How come I didn't know about this?" Calvin asked.

"Typings is still a pretty new concept, the reason it isn't covered is that the information in of itself is very uncommon, and it doesn't benefit most trainers, as they also have to go through a specific trigger."

Calvin nodded, seemingly accepting the explanation.

"Now, I recommend you go somewhere safe, if you need to, I will accompany you." Nick said, "this place has gotten dangerous, The only actual safe place is the gym."

"No, I want to follow you," Calvin said, Nick looked at me incredulously.

"Are you insane?" Nick stated, "This place is dangerous, those gangsters are violent, they won't hesitate to kill you!"

"Isn't that hypocotyl!" Calvin said, "just because you can beat them in a fight, doesn't mean you can beat their Pokemon!

"What happens if you encounter a trainer with a Pokemon that was powerful, Pokemon outclass Humans in everything when it comes to combat! Calvin shouted, Nick simply glared at Calvin.

"I can at least sort of fight back!" Nick said, "I have my own, personal reasons!"

"So do I!" Calvin argued, "What puts you above me, huh!?"

"Because I've done this before!" Nick shouted, "I've been in life and death scenarios with both humans, Pokemon, and trained Pokemon!"

"I've seen much more bloodshed, I am more experienced, I know how to handle these things!" Nick hollered, His heart dropped as he saw Calvin's eyes widen.

"Shit, I said too much…"

"The gym is not that far from here," Nick said, pointing at the Eterna gym.


Calvin nodded before nervously ran toward the gym.

"Time to actually fulfill the goal I set out here for."

Line Break

Bloz a matter of the STD force, and he prided himself in his position as one of the top members, He liked everything about the force aside from the name. He was well respected, the members were all kind, and he got ample opportunity to fight, and he was also one of the most powerful members.

That was also why he was tasked with the most crucial task, to stop the rage of a Garchomp group.

If the Garchomp group went on a rampage, it could spell disaster, it was his job to prevent The Radical's members from causing enough disruption to anger the Garchomp's laid dormant in Wayward cave.

The worst-case scenario is if the Alpha Garchomp appears, true Alpha Pokemon has been mostly exterminated, due to the alliance between the now Sinnoh and Unova, now, We refer to Alpha Pokemon as a Pokemon that is at the very top of their group, meaning they are the strongest.

A normal, adult Garchomp is already incredibly powerful, especially if it becomes hostile, but for Pokemon like Garchomp to be at the very top of the pack, they would need to have absolute dominance over the rest.

This puts Alpha Garchomp at another, terrifying, tier of power.

"Fucking hell…" Bloz cursed, he threw an ultra ball into the air as a Skarmory appeared, he then swiftly threw a Pokeball, and a Braviary quickly appeared near him, ready to battle.

His Staraptor defensively circled him, the entire cycling road was a mess, the previous glimmering roads were now dark, and he saw many gangsters causing havoc against the local Pokemon and environment.

Bloz quickly hopes onto his Staraptor, who then accelerated towards a group of gangsters west of where he landed, the gangster's eyes widened as he approached.

They hastily released two Pokemon, a Kricketune and Bibarel, before commanding them to leap at Bloz.

"Tch, they must be at a decent rank, considering they have actual Pokemon."

"Wing attack!" Bloz commanded, as Staraptor promptly hardened its wings before slamming into the Bibarel and Kricketune, the two gangsters' eyes widened.

"F-Fuck, this is horrible!" One of them shouted, he had a mohawk and wore full red, sweat dripping off of him. "What the fuck should we do, we are in the worst fucking scenario!"

"Shit!Shit! Shi-"

The other Gangster, wearing completely black and having orange hair, also seemed to be in a state of stress.

"Darvin, you dumbass!" The orange-haired gangster shouted, "I knew we shouldn't have joined this fucking…GANG!"

"I'm sorry Jar, I'm sorry!"

"Now we are gonna be sent to jail, OUR LIFE IS RUIN-"

"Shut up, will you?" Bloz said, "I recommend you stay here, I have much more important business to attend to…"

He hops onto his Staraptor and launches into the air, observing the current situation, a group of 4 or 5 could be seen destroying nearby surroundings, Bloz narrows his eyes in confusion.

"Why are there so many gangsters here?" Bloz pondered, "From our current information, The Radical shouldn't have enough members to have such a large amount…"

"Unless they focused the majority of the members on one area."

Bloz's eyes widened in realization

"The amount of excess property damage paired up with the unnatural amount of members on the cycling road, it could only mean one thing…"

"Their goal is to anger the Garchomps in wayward cave!"

Suddenly, an explosion happened…

A massive boom shook the road, Bloz hastily cocked his head around, only to see a part of the cycling road blown off…

"Fucking hell…"

He signaled his Staraptor to accelerate toward the area where the explosion happened, as he approached closer, another explosion shooked the cycling road.

When he arrived, there were two gaping holes, boulders, and pebbles slipping off of cycling road.

Amidst the chaos, stood two figures, both of them dressed in full black and wearing sunglasses, one of them having deep, jet-black hair, while the other had light brown hair, the two of them stared at Bloz, who immediately tensed up.

"It seems we have a government swine on our hands." The black-haired man said, before grabbing a Pokeball from a belt he was wearing, "Jezih, stay on your guard, he seems to be powerful!"

"I can tell, Mark!" The brown-haired man yelled, as he pulled out a Pokeball from a bag and released it into the air.

A magmortar and Electivire appeared on the road, roaring with power.

"Skarmory, tailwind!" Bloz shouted, "Starpator, Brave bird!"

"Braviary, Acrobatics!"

The Magmortar released a powerful blast of fire at Staraptor, who swiftly dodged the attack, the Electrivire launched a powerful thunder, which Staraptor avoided before building up momentum and crashing into the Magmortar.

Skarmory released a powerful gust of wind, boosting Bloz's flying Pokemon's aerial mobility, Braviary dashed at Electivire with Acrobatics, the Electivire attempted to counterattack with a thunder punch but was taken by surprise as Braviary used its superb aerial mobility to dodge the attack.

The Magmortar suddenly released a powerful wave of heat, the temperature severely rose, The Electivire took advantage of this, and launched a massive wave of electricity.

"Gliscor, Go!"

The scorpion-like Pokemon appeared on the battlefield, effortlessly absorbing the attack.

"Oho, this is getting interesting…" The Black-haired man said, "if only I had more Pokemon…"

"Fire blast."

The Magmortar launched a massive wave of fire, As the Electivire followed with a powerful thunderbolt.

"Gliscor, take the thunderbolt and retaliate with an Earthquake!"

"If only I had Swanna…"

"Well, as much as I hate using you, I have no choice, do I?"

"Typhoon, Wreck Havoc!"

In a flash of brilliant red light, a massive roar broke out, "Fucking hell, If only I had Swanna…"

The serpent-beast appeared, and it instantly deflected the fire blast with a smooth waterfall, before smacking the Magmortar with a powerful waterfall, the electivire attempted to fight back with a thunderbolt but was only smacked by an earthquake from both Gliscor and Gyrados. The Gyrados let out a roar of, terrifying power, before utterly decimating the two Pokemon with a powerful earthquake.

"Gyrados causes too much destruction, if I had Swanna here the-"

Bloz's eyes widened, as the entrance to the wayward cave was completely decimated…

Then, four Garchomp's appeared, with the biggest one, leading them, having red eyes of rage.


"Well, Gotta scram!" The two of them said, before Bloz could react, they had already disappeared.

The group of Garchomp suddenly flew into the air, before leaping at Gyrados, who gladly accepted the challenge with a roar.

"Well, might as well go all out…"

"Arch, It's time to fight!"

In a flash of bright red light, an Archeops appeared.

"Arch, you've been with me since the very beginning…"

"You are one of my strongest Pokemon…"

"Prepare for the hardest battle you will ever experience."

"Typhoon, Mega Evolution…"

Then, hell broke out.


Nick stood in front of a Warehouse, it was in the outskirts between Eterna city and route 211, it was abandoned but was still quite big.

Memories flashed through him, as he swallowed down the turmoil building up.

He knew what lay in there, the screams of an "innocent" girl, muffled…

He kicked the door open, narrowing his eyes.


"I didn't think anybody would be here."

Nick's entire bodied was filled with rage, as he saw the familiar woman, tied up…

"I was gonna use her as leverage over the police, but I presume you aren't the police?" The man stated, he wore a mask to cover his face and wore sunglasses to cover his eyes.

"I recommend you let go…"

"I have some business , with her." Nick said, anger coursing through his veins, "Am I right, Madison Vermont."

The woman's eyes widened in shock, Nick calmly approached the man.

"I decline that offer." The man said, "acting hero in this world isn't gonna get you anyth-"

"Who said I was gonna act hero?" Nick said, an orange aura surrounding him.

"Heh, interesting…"

"But, I still have to kill you." The man said coldly, before pulling out a gun from his back pocket.

"Suprised? The man said, "Shocked?"

Nick simply narrowed his eyes as he pointed his gun at him.

"Those are pretty rare, especially in Sinnoh…" Nick said, "But you've made one big mistake…"

"That girl behind you…"

"Is fucking terrifying."

The man's eyes widened, and he hastily turned his head around, only to realize a gun was pointed at his head.

The woman has long blonde hair, with pale skin, her eyes narrowed, in concentration.

Nick took this opportunity to leap at the man, before slamming his fist into him, knocking him down, and he quickly grabbed him and threw him onto the other side of the warehouse, where a loud thud could be heard as he collided with the wall and fell to the ground, amidst the many boxes placed around the warehouse.

"How do you know my name?" The woman said, pointing the gun at me.

"and that's for you to figure out, Ms.Genius," Nick replied, resisting the urge to kill her in the very place where she stands.

"I am the one asking the questions." She calmly stated, Nick simply grinned.

"Are you sure?" Nick said, before slamming the woman onto the ground, the woman's eyes widened as Nick swiftly took the gun away, and pointed it at her.

"What kind of freak are you…"

"That, I have no reason to answer." Nick said, "I am gonna let you off the hook this time…"

"But just know, you will never ever be safe, from now on."

As Nick exited the warehouse, he couldn't help but think about his past life, what he experienced…

With that bitch


The Mega Gyrados wreaked havoc, as it roared with mighty power before colliding with the Alpha Garchomp, The Alpha used a powerful Giga Impact, while Gyrados used a mighty waterfall.

The Alpha Garchomp completely overpowered Typhoon, who was knocked to the ground in a thud, and the other Garchomps continued to cause havoc toward Bloz's other Pokemon.

Arch the Archeops knocked one of them right onto the ground with swift acrobatics, but it was then slammed onto the ground by another Garchomp, Staraptor attempted to support the Archeops, but was only slammed with a Stone edge.

"Skar, Tailwind, again!" Bloz shouted, "Staraptor, retu-"

Before he could finish, Staraptor suddenly dashed at the Garchomp with a powerful Brave Bird, slamming it onto the ground.

Bloz's eyes widened as Staraptor stood amidst the smoke, atop the Garchomp, bruised and battered.

The avian turned its head around, before soaring into the air.

Bloz's mouth quivered in fear, but he continued forward.

All of his Pokemon gained a massive aerial mobility boost after Skarmory's tailwind, The Alpha Garchomp let out a terrifying roar soon after, before leaping at Typhoon, its claws sharpening, as it sent Gliscor flying to the ground with one clean strike to the head, it was then intercepted by a powerful brave bird from Braviary, who the Alpha then sent hurling towards the ground with a flamethrower.

The Alpha Garchomp sets its eyes on Typhoon, glaring daggers.

The two instantly clashed, as Typhoon whirled up a whirlpool, before slamming into the Alpha Garchomp with a powerful aqua tail, the Alpha Garchomp retaliated with a powerful flurry of slashes, Blood spewing from Typhoon.

Meanwhile, the four garchomps fought the rest of Bloz's Pokemon, Gliscor releasing multiple stone edges at the Garchomps, only to get hit by a powerful Giga impact from one, its shell cracking from the sheer force of the attack, blood spewing from the wound.

Braviary quickly counterattacked against the Garchop with a swift acrobatics, sending the Garchomp hurling towards a tree.

Suddenly, Braviary was pierced from behind, a sharp claw piercing through its thick feathers, The avian Pokemon's eyes widened as it was thrown onto the floor by another Garchomp.

Typhoon erupted with rage and power after the beating it suffered from the Alpha Garchomp, slamming the Landshark Pokemon onto the ground, but it was quickly hit by a full-force Giga impact, screaming in pain.

The bruised Staraptor attempted to support Typhoon, only to get intercepted by another Garchomp, She was then struck multiple times, before being incinerated by a fire blast, point black.

The Staraptor's lifeless body fell to the ground, Bloz was speechless, as he fell to his knees.


"Are too powerful!"

He could only stand to watch, as he saw his precious friends, torn to shreds…

The Alpha Garchomp repeatedly slashed typhoon with powerful slashes, also using its powerful bite to cause agony to Typhoon.

The screams of pain from his Pokemon, blood spewing from mega Gyrados, as he was slowly, brutally, murdered.

Gliscor's shell was severely damaged, as blood spewed from the broken parts, it could barely move…

A fireblast was sent its way, it was helpless…

Skarmory was pinned to the ground, being repeatedly incinerated by flamethrowers, not a single drop of blood, as it was made up of entirely metal…

The screams and pains of his, rare and precious Skarmory as it was slowly burned alive, with severe burn wounds and dents everywhere on its body…

"This is hopeless…"

Bloz wanted to escape, Bloz wanted to leave…

But it was too late, if he had escaped earlier it would've been fine…

He was a coward, his body was screaming at him to run…

He flinched as multiple, lethal, wounds could be seen on the scarred Gyrados, as blood continued to leak out of the serpent, and, with one last roar of power, it collapsed…


Braviary still remained standing, just barely hanging on…

It continued to fight, for its life…

And for Bloz's.

The Braviary was slammed to the ground with a Giga impact, and had, deep, burn wounds…

Its consciousness was fading…

No, its life was fading away.

As it was pinned to the floor, in its dying breath…

It signaled for Bloz to run.

Bloz's hazel eyes widened in shock, but he hastily ran, he ran for his life…

He turned around, and he saw one last grin, one last smile…

On his very own Braviary's face.

As he ran, only one thing was ringing in his mind…

"This is hell"


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Hopefully, from now on, chapters will be once every 2 weeks!