
To reach the limit

Nick Devolver is a powerful ranger with a respectable team. After tragically dying on a mission he is sent back to when he first started. He decides to surpass his past self and reach a new height of power. But, there is something wrong… (Main fic is on fanfiction.net, go there for faster updates.)

Shizzza · Video Games
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15 Chs

Interlude 1: the tale of a genius

Interlude I: The tale of a genius(beginning)

Calvin Reschizer was the son of John William Reschizer, the owner of the Beast co. a company based around breeding and creating specialized starters that are friendly, but also energetic, for newbie trainers.

So, to the surprise of no one, ever since a young age Calvin wished to be a trainer, and, due to his family being filthy rich, he was able to be enrolled in a prestigious trainer academy.

He put his utmost effort into everything, such as memorizing the type chart, reading copious amounts of textbooks on different Pokemon, their habits, survival tips, and acing every test, whether it be physical or written.

So, when he hit the age of 15, his rather overprotective mother finally allowed him to get a trainer license, which he obtained with ease.

Now, he was standing in front of his father, who was going to reveal the starter he was going to get.

"Cal, today is finally the day, huh." The gruff man said, tiding up his tie and patting down his suit, he had a slick white mustache, alongside straightened brown hair.

"I remember the nights where you would stuff your face into those textbooks made by famous professors, especially Professor Oak." The man said nostalgically. "Cal, I know you can take this world by storm, even if you didn't have the privilege to go to such a high-class trainer academy, I am sure you would be just as capable as you are now, I can tell from my days as a trainer."

Calvin simply nodded, his deep brown eyes staring intensely.

"You will face many difficulties, all I wish is for you to stay safe." The man said, with a cough, "Enough of this old man's nonsense, shall we get to the main part?"

Calvin nodded, with a grin.

"I will be happy with whatever Pokemon you give me, father."

"Well, I had to contact Silph co from Kanto for this, but…"

"Meet your starter, Calvin."

In a flash of brilliant scarlet light, an oddly shaped creature appeared, it was light pink and it instantly hovered around curiously.

Calvin grinned, he was at a loss for words.

"Porygons are naturally mischievous creatures, as I am sure you already know." The man continued, "They serve as a great combatant while also having plenty of utilities, alongside having no food maintenance needed."

Calvin nodded, "Thank you…so much."

"It's nothing, now, get out there and start exploring when you're done packing things!" The man said, "It will be a great experience for you, and you will benefit a lot from it!"

Line Break

Calvin wandered the wilderness in route 202, looking for trainers to battle, and hopefully catch some Pokemon.

He had quite a bit of Pokeballs and potions, alongside plenty of rations and other resources.

He decided to research some of the moves Porygon could learn and found out that Porygon could learn thunder shock and Psybeam with minimal difficulty, despite being a normal type.

As he was scrolling through the moves, quite intrigued by the variety of moves the Porygon line could learn, he remembered he could give Porygon a nickname.

"Hey, buddy, do you want a nickname?" Calvin asked, he had one in mind, but he didn't know whether or not the digital Pokemon would like it.

Porygon looked at him curiously, before hovering around for a while, and then ultimately nodding.

Calvin grinned, "How does Omnis sound?"

Porygon nodded, seemingly fine with it.

"Well, Omnis, why don't we start training, maybe battle some trainers along the way?" Calvin asked, he was pumped to have an actual battle against a trainer, as he wanted to test his capabilities.

After a while of skirmishing around, he finally found a trainer in the dense grass, surrounded by vibrant trees.

The trainer wore plain jeans and a white sleeveless shirt, which was odd, considering this time of year, while not very cold, was still fairly chilly.

The moment their eyes met, it was almost as if the both of them knew what was on the mind of each other.

In a flash of brilliant scarlet light, the young trainer's pokemon appeared.

"Shinx, It's time to battle!"

"Omnis, prepare for your first-ever battle!"

The thrill of battle coursed through his veins as Porygon became battle-readied, and then the battle began with the Shinx leaping into the air with a swift bite.

"The jump is flimsy, allowing me to take advantage of the Shinx's exposed stance!"

"Omnis, tackle the Shinx's abdomen!"

Porygon easily dodged the attack, before hovering under the Shinx and slamming its head into the Shinx's underside.

The feline Pokemon was sent flying by the impact, crashing onto the floor.

"Good job, Omnis!"

The Porygon smiled innocently at the praise, before diverting its attention back toward the battle.

"Shinx, get up and attack again!"

Calvin frowned, the younger trainer had not changed strategy at all and was just mindlessly giving orders.

"Omnis, dodge and tackle again!"

Omnis swiftly dodged the pouncing attack from Shinx, who quickly leaped at the Porygon again, but this time, Porygon dodged to the left and smashed the Shinx onto the floor with a tackle to the side.

The younger trainer groaned as Shinx fell to the floor, but the feline Pokemon was tough enough to continue fighting.

"Omnis, time to go on the offense!"

The Porygon swiftly charged at the Shinx, who hastily dodged, and tried to use the same tactics against Shinx, but Porygon dodged it by simply hovering in the air, before crashing down with another tackle, which sent Shinx rolling through the grass.

The Shinx wasn't able to take any more, and thankfully the younger trainer recognized that, as he hastily returned Shinx.

Calvin still had adrenaline pumping through him, as he was amazed at the sheer thrill of battle.

"Omnis, great job!" Calvin praised, and the Porygon happily circled happily.

He battled a few more trainers, all of which he easily defeated aside from one that had an Hondour, which quite easily defeated Omnis but even so, Calvin was still in a great mood.

He decided to start having Omnis work on Psybeam, and to his surprise, in just a few hours, the digital Pokemon have learned it. He knew that Psybeam was the most basic move aside from the basic tackle that Porygon could learn, but he was still shocked.

So, he started having Omnis work on thundershock, which he had a bit more difficulty with, but due to it being a pretty simple and low-tier electric type move, he was starting to get the hang of it.

As he was scurrying through some bushes, he heard some rather frantic footsteps, and he hastily cocked his head around, only to see a rather curious-looking Shinx.

"Hey, buddy, I don't know if you mind me asking, but would you like to join my team-"

To his surprise, however, the Shinx growled and pounced on him, but Omnis quickly shot him away with a weak Psybeam, glaring at the Shinx.

"Alright, it seems I need to do this the rough way, huh."

The Shinx growled, clearly looking for a challenge.

"Well then, Once I beat you, I will recruit you onto my team!"

The Shinx seemed fine with that, but he wanted to have Calvin prove his worth first.

"Omnis, Psybeam!" Nick ordered, "Stay alert for any potential sneak attacks, he's a wild Pokemon, so you may never know!"

The Porygon quickly launched a swirling beam of Psychic energy, which the Shinx dodged easily, it instantly pounced at Omnis, swiping with its feral claws, Omnis narrowly dodged the attack, but was shocked when the Shinx instantly bounced off of one of the trees and slapped Omnis onto the grass.


The Porygon instantly recovered from the attack, launching a Psybeam at the Shinx, who growled and pounced again, Omnis dodged the attack by hovering in the air and was forced to dodge several attacks from the highly flexible Shinx.

"Psybeam, use your aerial maeunverbalitiy to your advantage!"

The Porygon hovered in the air, before striking the Shinx in the side, and continuously slamming the feline with several Psybeams, the Shinx growled and groaned in pain, before finally conceding.

Calvin grinned, before grabbing a Pokeball from his bag and largening it, before throwing it at the Shinx, who simply accepted the capture.

"Let's go!" Calvin shouted in glee, at his first-ever capture.

Line break

The Shinx wasn't aggressive, he decided to nickname it Eize, which the feline Pokemon didn't mind.

It was calm and subdued most of the time, but in the few times Calvin used it in a battle, he saw the sheer ferocity of it when its in battle.

It favored slashing with its claws and biting when the opponent was constricted, which was a strategy only wild Shinx favored, as specially bred Shinx has lost the natural brutality the Shinx line possessed.

Calvin studied both of his Pokemon through the night, and in the day, he trained them against trainers and have them practice techniques, Eize was starting to learn quick attacks, which would allow him to more easily use his brutal strategy, and thunder shock, which was a basic electric type move that would allow the feline to get a basic grasp over electricity.

Omnis was making staggering progress over thunder sock, and he could help Eize with thundershock, even if it wasn't needed as Calvin was confident that Eize would be able to easily master thunder shock.

He saw some Staravia flying over him, and was curious to know whether or not he could catch a Starly.

So, he trotted through the bushes and tall grass and found a lone Starly.

The Pokemon looked at him with confused eyes, as he slowly enlargened a Pokeball.

He hastily threw it, but the Starly dodged, and now it was angry.

Eize instantly sharpened its claws at the prospect of fighting, and sure enough, the Starly dived at him in the plain grass, Omnis instantly fired a Psybeam, which the avian handily dodged, but it didn't expect to be suddenly grabbed mid-air by Eize, who grinned maniacally, as it sharpened its claws, the Avian was tough though, as it pecked at Eize, and escaped.

Eize glared at the bird, but the Starly was too busy to care, asit expertly dodged Psybeams from Omnis, but it got overconfident as Omnis managed to rapid-fire multiple Psybeas, although it drained him quite a bit.

The avian lost balance after getting hit by one of the Psybeams and plummeted to the ground.

Eize prepared for a pounce, but before he could, Calvin quickly threw a Pokeball, and after three shakes, he caught his second Pokemon.

Calvin grinned in accomplishment, as Eize simply glared at the Pokeball, before slowly trotting over toward Calvin.

Line break

He finally arrived at Oreburgh city, he was instantly met with the smell of…what is that?

He suspected it was something like industrial emissions, But shrugged and carried on.

He trained in the Oreburgh gate quite a bit, Eize had mastered thunder shock and quickly mastered Spark, and Calvin noticed the subtle difference in his behavior, he was growing more aggressive, especially towards Starly, or Sora, as he nicknamed.

Calvin has a suspicion that it meant that Eize was nearing evolution, which made him excited.

He had also been strengthening his bond with Eize, as he was the most problematic, usually, the feline Pokemon would listen to him without many issues, but when he is in the thrill of battle, commanding him properly when his wild instincts kicked in has grown increasingly difficult when added onto the effects caused by him nearing evolution.

Omnis had mastered thunder shock and thunder wave, but he still needed work on agility, as while it was usable in battle, its proficiency could be much better. He had served to be the main peacekeeper, and wouldn't hesitate to fire a Psybeam, or thunder wave if things got out of hand between Eize and Sora.

Sora was a problem at first, but ever getting smashed around for a bit, she finally listened to Calvin, She was the fastest and had the most agility, and during her training, she could easily dodge Psybeams from Omnis, and due to her stubborn nature could take hits well.

She was already a superb user of quick attack, So Calvin had her master wing attack and double team, Wing attack was very easy for the avian to learn, so she spent most of her time practicing double team.

Calvin is confident he is ready to take on the first gym, so, after some resting, he was already standing in front of the gym.

As he walked in, he saw a rather peculiar person, the man had deep black hair, and seemed to be quite gloomy, he had 2 Pokeballs on his belt, and Calvin couldn't help but notice the…strange aura he radiated, it was intoxicating.

Calvin snapped out of his thoughts, before approaching the woman at the front, who told her the gym leader had just gone through a pretty costly fight so he needed a bit of time to have his Pokemon recover.

After a few hours, he was told that he could battle Roark now, after fighting a few gym trainers.

Calvin easily defeated the gym trainers, frowning at how easy it was. The gym trainers' Pokemon were strong, the Archen from that one girl could've been a big threat, but Sora easily matched that Pre-historic's bird, and through some clever uses of double team, and some knockdowns with wing attacks, Sora easily defeated it.

He approached the battlefield, and he saw Roark on the other side.

"What is it with me and facing prodigies today?" The gym leader sighed, "well, anyways, judging by your fighting style, you are obviously above that of a typical first gym battle, so let's get it rolling, shall we?"

Calvin's curiosity peaked at "facing prodigies", but he decided to not let his flattered expression show.

In a flash of brilliant scarlet light, both sides released their Pokemon.

Sora let out a squawk, staring down the massive Onix in front of it.

"Stealth rock!"

Calvin groaned, but he knew that stealth rock was an advanced move so there was no way that Onix should be able to pull it off very quickly.

So, he needed to intercept it.

"Onix's vital points are in the cracks between its hard armor, older and more powerful Onix can easily make up for that weakness, but young Onix like the one Roark is using have no counter!"

"Attack its cracks with a skydive!" Calvin roared, "Use double team to avoid getting hit!"

Multiple mirror images of the Avian appeared as it soared to the very top of the gym, before crashing down at max speed, as the Onix charged up the stealth rock, but roared in pain as it was struck directly in its weak points, "Sora, Double barrage!"

Mirror images were created, all barraging the Onix with wing attacks, distracting the Onix as Sora went for another skydive.

"It's not gonna work a second time!" Roark shouted, "Onix, use your size to shake off the double team and use rock tomb or tail slam!"

The Onix suddenly twisted its body, destroying the clones, before raising its tails, and suddenly, boulders were hurled at Sora, Calvin's eyes widened, knowing that Sora could be seriously injured if any of those boulders connected.

He reached for Sora's Pokeball, and as he held his breath, in a flash of brilliant white and blue light, Sora shrieked.

She accelerated at speeds Calvin have never seen her reach, she expertly maneuvered through the boulders, dodging the massive stone tail that was about to slam into her.

And, in an explosion so bright, Calvin could clearly see her, her build was larger, including her wings.

"Double team and wing barrage!"

The multiple mirror images attacked the cracks, As the Onix screamed in pain, and finally, Sora flew high up into the air, as mirror images created it.

"Skydive, Barrage!"

"I need to come up with better names"

Mirror images all came crashing down with incredible force and velocity, as the Onix roared in pain, before finally collapsing onto the ground.

Roark was stunned, as the rock gym leader was at a loss for words.

"This kid…"

"Compared to that previous kid's Pokemon, they are weaker, but he is dominating this match through sheer technique and strategy!"

A wide grin spread across Roark's face, "It seems I need to take this a bit more seriously!"

In a flash of brilliant scarlet light, A quadrupedal Pokemon appeared, it had a big oval-shaped stone on its head…or is that its head?

Calvin frowned, he couldn't do much towards the Shieldon who didn't have a very blatant weakness.

"I need to have Sora chip away at the Shieldon as much as possible."

"Sora, Skydive, and wing barrage!"

Mirror images of the Avian appeared, each attacking the Shieldon with wing attacks, but the Shieldon retaliated with a clean head bash, destroying all of the clones.

But, only a few seconds later, Sora was already slamming down with as much velocity as she could, going at her top speed.

However, the Shieldon brushed the attack off, as Sora was sent hurling towards the wall with a swift takedown to the side.


He frowned when there was no response, and returned the Avian.

"Tch, that darn thing is much bulkier than I thought."

"Eize, go crazy!"

The Shinx appeared in a flash of scarlet light, eyeing the Shieldon aggressively, growling at it.

"You can ravage this thing as much as you can!" Calvin shouted as the Shinx grinned manically.

"Thundershock into Spark!"


A faint green barrier protected the Shieldon, as the thunder shock dissipated on the shield, Eize pounced the fossil Pokemon, electricity coursing through its claws, shocking the Shieldon.



In an instant, Eize leaped to the side, and as the Shieldon narrowly missed the takedown, Calvin grinned.

"Thunder wave!"

Before the Shieldon could react, it was already Paralyzed, Eize grinned as it pounced the Shieldon, electricity sparking through its claws as it slashed the Shieldon repeatedly.

Roark grimaced, "He baited me into using Takedown by purposefully allowing that Shinx to get in close so that he could Paralyze Shieldon, a risky strategy…"

The Shieldon managed to shake the Shinx off, but it was now much slower thanks to the paralysis from the thunder wave.


In a swift motion, the Shieldon was electrocuted before it could even dare react, "Bite!"

Eize pounced the Shieldon, biting down on its softer abdomen, before shocking the Shieldon again.


The green barrier stopped Eize's beatdown prematurely, which caused him to growl angrily, he was suddenly sent flying by a full force Takedown.

Calvin grimaced, That Takedown was powerful…

But it didn't matter, as Eize suddenly leaped at the Shieldon, fury evident in its eyes.


Thundershock managed to stun the Shieldon just in time for Eize to launch a flurry of attacks, causing the Shieldon to collapse.

Roark returned the Shieldon, before releasing his next Pokemon…


Before Calvin could even call out commands, Eize was sent hurling with a swift Headbutt from the powerful Dinosaur.


Thankfully, the stubborn feline Pokemon remained standing, furious.


In a swift movement, Cranidos moved at incredible speeds before slamming the Eize into the wall with a Headbutt.

Eize was still stubborn, however, and bit down the Fossil Pokemon, but was finally sent flying into the air and onto the ground, unconscious.

"Eize, return!" Calvin said, "You did great."

"Omnis, it's all up to you now!"

In a flash of radiant scarlet light, Omnis the Porygon appeared.

"Omnis, that things fast!" Calvin said, "Use your aerial superiority and chip away with Psybeams!"

"A simple strategy, but effective!"

The Cranidos growled at the Porygon, who fired Psybeams and Thundershock which the Fossil Pokemon easily dodged.

"Shit, at this rate, Porygon might tire out faster than Cranidos, scrap that horrible plan!"

"Magnet rise!"

Roark's eyes widened

"Whether or not Omnis has completely mastered this move is questionable, but this is the best option!"

Magnet rise is mostly used to allow the User to be above ground, but, it can also be used to allow the opposing Pokemon to be lifted into the air.

Omnis is naturally used to it…

But Calvin can't say the same about Cranidos.

The Fossil Pokemon stumbled, as he was met with a barrage of Psybeams.

The Omnis laughed at it, which caused the Cranidos to charge blindly, but due to the magnetic forces, the Cranidos had a lot of difficulties.

"Agility, Psybeam!"

Thanks to agility, Omnis could now move at even quicker speeds, solidifying his dominance over Cranidos in the situation.

"I need to end this quickly, Omnis can't maintain Magnet rise for too long"

Omnis dodged the Cranidos's pitiful attacks with ease, as he fired Psybeams and thunder shocks, as the Cranidos were quickly overwhelmed by the constant barrage of attacks.

And, after a while of Cranidos getting beaten down, The Cranidos finally collapsed.

Calvin let out a sigh of relief, as the thrill of battle slowly dissipated, Omnis was tired and strained from the constant usage of Psybeam and thundershock, alongside maintaining Magnet rise.

Calvin was approached by Roark, who congratulated him and gave him the badge, Calvin grinned as he had just obtained his first gym…

All in all, let's just say he had a great day.


Make sure to leave a review, it helps me a lot, oh yeah, first Interlude chapter, Most Interlude is just gonna be for extra development like this, this isn't gonna be the only Calvin-centered Interlude, there will be one more.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day!