
To reach the limit

Nick Devolver is a powerful ranger with a respectable team. After tragically dying on a mission he is sent back to when he first started. He decides to surpass his past self and reach a new height of power. But, there is something wrong… (Main fic is on fanfiction.net, go there for faster updates.)

Shizzza · Video Games
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Annoying problems

Annoying problems

(Frick gangsters)

( I did not expect this story to have multiple favorites and followers when I woke up and almost 200 views, what an insane way to boost my Motivation.)

The sound of the bullet rippled through the air as I lept to the left at full speed. A wave of sharp pain coursed through my body as the bullet hit my shoulder and I rolled onto the ground

"If it weren't for my enhanced reflexes I would've got hit in my vitals, and my enhanced durability is also allowing me to move ."

I hastily leaped around the room as the enraged man shot two more bullets which Grazed my leg and hit a glass of wine on a shelf.

"W-what are these inhuman movements!" He screamed as he repeatedly pulled the trigger on the gun which didn't work as it was out of bullet."You must be one of those f-"

I bore the pain roaring from my shoulder as I swung my bat, the man somehow dodged the attack, it was obvious he was exceptionally well-trained to pull off such a feat.

I swapped the bat to my left hand as I punched him in the gut with my right hand before once again swinging my bat and hitting him in the face, blood spewed from his nose from the blunt force damage as he reared back, I then used both hands to swing vertically.

He managed to dodge the open-ended attack before punching me in the face, His eyes pounding with anger and visible sadness.

I retaliated with a horizontal swing of my bat which hit him in the cheek, blood dripped out of his mouth as he grabbed two sticks and used them as weapons.

I leaped backward as I grabbed another stick, upon holding it I found the texture to be especially specific and very clearly intended to be weapons.

He charged me with the two sticks, I threw the stick at him but to my surprise, he dodged it and charged at even higher speeds.

I swung my bat horizontally but my attack was blocked by his two sticks, "In a battle of power I won't lose!"

I used my force to overpower him as he distanced himself but I was chasing after him, I suddenly halted as a sharp pain shot through my body from the gun wound on my shoulder.

My opponent took this as the opportunity to charge at me swinging his stick wildly, I used my enhanced reflexes to dodge the attacks before leaping backward, I swapped to my left arm to not put any more pressure on my right arm.

"I am a right-handed person so this will likely put me at a disadvantage…"

"Where are my Pokemon!" I yelled before charging at him and swinging my bat, He caught my attack and we started to exchange strikes, each blocking and dodging the other.

"You fucking idiot we would've given your pokemon back!" He roared, "We don't sell them, hell once we get our money from the trainer's parents we simply release them with the trainer or into the woods!"

"We only say we sell it to pressure the trainer's guardian to give more money!" He shouted," this world isn't fun and games, we have to take drastic measures just to stand a chance!"

I suddenly swing my bat which hits him in the head, he drops the sticks as he tumbles back slightly from the pain.

"Why should I believe you?" I said calmly, "Just…check the room."

I dragged the man as I entered the room where my Pokemon were being held.

My eyes widened as I saw them, they were in perfect shape and were obviously being well-fed. Hell, even their cages were massive and spacious.

"People who are soft-hearted like me…" He said sadly, " Can't do many heinous things."

"We were simply unlucky."

I was speechless, This was the first-ever "gangster" group that was "good."

"No, situations like this are near impossible to predict and I did my best to react…"

"So why do I feel so pained right now?"

"All of them…the people I socialized with, the people that trusted in me…"

"Are dead."

My mouth was zipped tight, my throat was as dry as a desert. My heart ached and so did my injury, The despair I saw in his cruel eyes was genuinely painful.

"I don't know how to apologize nor do I think I have the right to…" I said, "But someone once told me to support those you have wronged terribly…"

I grabbed a piece of paper from the shelf and wrote on it, I took note of the Pokédex the man had and handed it over.

"If you ever need help, just call that number." I said, "this is the least I can do after all."

The man, eyes still as dark as the starry night simply nodded.

"My name is Nick Devolver…"

"What's yours?"

The man looked at me suspiciously, "I won't report you…I swear."

"You can call me Jade."

I simply nodded, "take this…you bastard." He said before throwing two keys at me.

"I am never going to forgive you…" he said angrily, I simply nodded sadly.

"I think you should get checked out." The both of them said at the same time, he looked at me in shock before turning away and exiting the room.

My eyes widened in shock, but after a few seconds, I simply smiled. A weak smile, but still a smile.

I walked towards the big cage as Sven looked at me worriedly, obviously fixated on my wound.

Bellator simply observed the wound with concern and quietly scanned my overall body. He also observed the room quite a bit.

I unlocked the cage and almost instantly Sven leaped out, hastily checking the room and Bellatorinstantly readied an attack.

"Relax, there shouldn't be anyon-"

I grabbed the empty gun and aimed it at the door, I knew there were no bullets but it would work as a bluff.

The door slammed open and the only thing I saw was a yellow blur as Bellator instantly sent a psychic blast, the attack itself was weak but it was near instantaneous

"Who's there!" I shouted, pointing the empty gun at the man in front of me. He wore headphones and was wearing a blue hoodie. He seemed to be in his early 20s and he held his hand up cautiously.

"Please don't point that at somebody." He said, "even if it's a bluff."

I remained calm, although a bit nerve-wracked by the statement. "I heard everything and figured out that the gun was out of bullets."

"What the hell do you want?" I said, letting go of the gun in favor of the bat, "no need to be so on guard…I have a proposal for you." He said, his voice calm and calculated.

"Speak," I ordered.

"You see, it would be highly suspicious if an ordinary teenager like you were to be able to fend off so many gangsters…especially considering there was one that was armed."

"Get to the point."

He pulled out a card, and upon seeing the ID card my eyes widened.

"That's an…"

"Yes, I am an officer of the specially trained defense." He said with a grin, "or in other words… I am incredibly skilled at using my "type" and are reserved for specific events that require such expertise."

"So, let's make a cover-up story about a normal teenager who gets kidnapped by gangsters and when he tries to fight back with a bat and gets shot. Then a magical STA officer just so happened to arrive at the scene and beat up the gangsters."

"I am sure you want to hide your fighting spirit and capabilities." The man said with a grin. I simply nodded hesitantly, "I accept this proposal."

"Good!" He exclaimed, "now…it's not every day you see a young teenager be able to fight with such skill, composure, and power."

"Since you interest me so much…"

"Why not take this!" He said, before handing over a small yellow CD-like disc.

"That is the technical machine for shock wave, I am sure that Ralts will make pretty good use of it."

"Thanks…I guess" I hesitantly thanked him.

The man then proceeded to walk around, calmly observing the surroundings. "The police and ranger forces have gotten a lot of cases like this and from our understanding,, all of it is led by one unified group it seems." He said calmly before sitting at a random table.

Suddenly, something clicked inside of me.

I clearly remembered when I first started ascending the ranks of the rangers. A very peculiar case that wasn't released to the outside public, the issue talked about how a new organization called team unity tried to gather trainers to rebel against the government, and due to their sheer power the only reason mayhem didn't spread through the entirety of the Sinnoh region was due to horrible luck on team unity's side, a series of misfortune caused their ultimate pitiful downfall.

As I processed the current information I suddenly heard alarm noises from a distance.

"Oh!" The person exclaimed, "I forgot to tell you I called the authorities before I entered the room."

"Well, I can't really tell my real name…"

"But you can call me Ray."


I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and tired. My body was fine but my brain was about to explode.

Me and "Ray" had to sit and talk with the authorities alongside reporting shit for hours and hours while Sven and Bellator simply waited outside.

I also had a gun wound and when they transported me to a hospital bed, they started lecturing me about how I should've told them sooner because the injury could've been fatal.

Sven lay next to me to the left while Bellator sat on the table beside me, quite comfortably. "I am sorry for dragging you two into this mess." I apologized, Sven simply remained quiet while Bellator nodded, eyes flashing a radiant blue.

Ralts are incredibly intelligent and unlike Riolu who, alongside other fighting types mainly goes by their instinct most of the time psychic types use their brain and logically think everything through, Bellator probably already recognizes what happened but Sven is likely blaming himself.

"Just remember, I am your trainer and that means I have the responsibility to put your safety over mine and to follow my pride as a trainer." I said, "Meaning that I will die for the both of you."

Sven blinked a few times, staring at me with surprise. Bellator had a brief expression of shock but quickly regained composure.

He simply nodded while Sven still had a worried look.

"I am telling you to keep that in mind…"

"Just in case it happens."

Sven hesitantly accepted, while Bellator simply nodded trying to hide his concern through an emotionless expression, but the subtle movements he had made it as clear as day.

After around 3 days I was finally released from the hospital, the staff was quite surprised they didn't have to do surgery to remove the bullet and called it a miracle. I was simply happy that I could finally go out exploring and doing what I wanted.

But not yet because apparently, I had a call from two specific adults that I used to live with.

"Ya fucking brat, I knew it!" I heard a familiar voice roar, "You somehow manage to get your hands on a RALTS and then resulted in a GANG fight and if you weren't saved at the last minute I would have to schedule a FUNERAL!!!!"

"Calm down Janice, He just recove-"

"Shut up REN!" Janice yelled, "If I don't teach him a lesson he will get into even more TROUBLE!!!!"

"Come back right now you little rascal shit!"

"I…don't think I will do that." I replied, "I am a free spirit now and I can legally roam basically anywhere in the Sinnoh region, so I have no reason to return!"

"You smug ass BR-"

"Janice, may I kindly ask you to s t o p swearing," Ren said, I could sense his passive aggressiveness through the phone.

"Actually, Why does Ren not like swearing? Sounds odd considering he lives with Janice of all people."

"Fine." Janice complied, "I will let you off the hook this time, Brat."

"But if I ever get another incident even remotely as severe as a GUNSHOT WOUND I am gonna find where you are and force you home."

"Alright." I said, "well I guess I am gonna hang up…"

"I appreciate what you've done for me."

"Hold on" I then hung up and then decided to exit the PokeCenter to find some new clothes as they sort of got a bit messed up.


After I changed into my new clothes in the trainer shop which had a discount due to me having a trainer's license and it being trainer season due to the League having just ended.

I bought a red, and black shirt, White pants and some winter clothes which I put in my PC just in case. I trimmed my hair a bit, my hair is dark black and gets messy quite a bit.

"Alright Sven, Bellator I think we've spent enough time here in Jubilife city!" I said, "Let's head over to Route 203 and make our way to Oreburgh city…"

"Where we shall fight our first gym."

Sven leaped into the air, it was obvious he didn't know what a gym was but the words "fight" immediately made him excited.

Bellator also cheered a bit, "Before we leave I want to give Bellator the technical machine for Shock wave.

Upon touch, I told Bellator to focus his energy on the disc. Then finally in a brilliant flash of yellow ligdarkBellator stumbled backward, "Now…use shock wave on that rock over there!"

The rock was behind the sign that said "Route 203."Bellator closed his eyes in concentration before releasing a wave of electricity that hit the rock, nearly destroying it.

"Good!" I said, "Throughout our journey, my goal is to have Sven learn the move called Force Palm."

Bellator and Sven looked at me confused, I then pulled out my PokeDex and searched for the move Force Palm.

The PokeDex allows you to search for moves and such online so that you have a solid way to know whether or not your Pokemon is learning the move.

The video showed a clip of Lucario leaping up into the air and an orange aura glowing around his palm as he then hits multiple large boulders, destroying them. Then at the end of the video, it gave basic instructions.

Sven looked fascinated at the sight while Bellator didn't pay much attention. "To master force palm you need to concentrate your fighting aura onto your palm, it will have either orange or redish glow if you did it correctly."

"But first, let's do some adventuring!"


After exploring for a while I decided to make a stop to train up Bellator and Sven.

"Bellator, I want you to learn Psybeam." I said, " it isn't hard, just focus on strengthening your psychic energy and you should be able to pull it off through concentration of psychic energy."

" I am sure you know how to strengthen your mind, right?" I said, Bellator nodded.

"Alright Sven, to use Force Palm you need to concentrate your body and use your natural fighting energy onto one palm," I said, Sven then closed his eyes in concentration as his entire body tensed up and a faint orange glow started to form.

But then the orange light seemed to fade and Sven opened his eyes in disappointment.

"Good start, now practice more!"

This went on for a while, around an hour or two. Bellator meditated for a while then swap to constantly firing confusions and other training to strengthen his mind.

We then traversed through Route 203, fighting multiple trainers that didn't stand a chance. Then alas night set in and I took out some of the hot dogs I brought along in my traveling bag, which we all happily munched on, even though it wasn't warm at all.

Then the next day, we explored and fought some more trainers. Sven did great in these battles, completely overwhelming the opponent with vigorous strikes. Bellator also did great as he played a more passive battle, launching confusion from afar and the occasional shock wave which caught the opponents completely off guard.

Sven started pushing himself even harder during training, I could see genuine sweat as he attempted to gather the orange energy in his palm.

In one attempt, he managed to have it form around his palm completely. That was his best attempt by far and he is getting even better at it. I must say I am quite proud.

Bellator has also been practicing hard. His confusion became more powerful and I had him attempt psybeam and he did decent, the attack at its current stage is weaker than his refined confusion but it would only get better.

I also had them practice double team a bit, they had nearly mastered the technique so I didn't pay much attention to it.

I am also training diligently, Training my body and also my fighting spirit alongside Aura. But my priority is still my Pokemon.

"You guys have been improving at a good pace." I praised, "Better than I thought. I may be able to teach you some extra before fighting the gym leader when we arrive at oreburgh."

Two days later and we have just arrived at the entrance of the oreburgh gate, I have to get past the cave to enter the city. I probably could've arrived here much earlier if I didn't spend so much time training. I had enough food on me and other rations so it was fine all around.

Throughout the past two days, Sven has made leaps and bounds at Force Palm. He can use it to a decent degree in battle as shown through the fights with trainers along the way and Bellator has gotten a fantastic grasp over Psybeam.

"Now, Sven I still want you to train your force palm but the majority of that is going to be through fighting other trainers from now on." I said, "Instead, I plan on teaching you to be able to mix your fighting energy with techniques like chain strike.",

, I am going to train your control over fighting energy to the point where you can use it on the get-go and to the level where you can mix it with quick attack or chain strike." I explained, "This training is going to be very difficult."

"You need to train very diligently to gain proficient control over your usage of fighting energy." I said, "the first step to do this is very simple, you have to gather as much fighting energy as you can…

"Until you collapse completely."

Thus, as we traversed through the oreburgh gate we stopped many times to train and each time I worked Sven to the absolute limit, if he could continue on I would allow him. I trusted that he would be able to pace himself.

"Sven, You are making decent progress," I said, A part of me is saying I am pushing him too hard but at the same time I know that Sven can handle it, I know how determined and powerful he is.

"Sven, If you think you can't handle it anymore just stop." I said, "If you push yourself too far it might negatively affect your body."

Sven nodded before once again concentrating fighting energy and desperately trying to bring forth it, fighting energy surrounded his hands and hind legs. He tried to balance and strengthen his fighting energy before leaping into the air and bouncing off of boulders. The force of his attacks was much more powerful but each movement drained him. Sven however l continued despite the drawbacks and stamina drain.

After a while of this, he fell to the floor completely exhausted from the training session. He still had leagues to go to, but for now, he is doing fantastic and moving at a decent pace.

Bellator was also improving at a rapid rate, his psybeam became more powerful and it also took less time for him to gather the psychic energy needed to pull the move off.

I recognized a subtle but still visible boost in the power of the trainers in Oreburgh gate compared to previous routes. It seems weaker and less experienced trainers didn't dare enter the oreburgh gate, Which is good for me because it gives Sven and Bellator trainers that stand more of a chance.

I thought of catching some Pokemon here but the majority was just Geodude and Zubat which are powerful but very common and none of the ones I encountered seemed to have much potential.

I also decided to have Sven and Bellator practice mini sparring matches, their fighting styles were very different with Bellator being a more range-focused fighter, yet he wouldn't hesitate to fight close-range if needed. He was still very defensive, Unlike Svven who was very much a rushdown fighter and excelled in overwhelming the opponent.

The two of them were complete opposites, Which made their sparring matches so much more beneficial for each other/ I took note of their habits and how they function when in a tight spot.

Bellator several times was met with normally overwhelming attacks, yet he always kept his composure and mind clear. He also counter-attacked effectively and used his moves to his advantage mobility-wise.

Sven's instincts were superb and his reaction speed was far greater than Bellator's. He is naturally able to fight insanely well. His ability to keep up the pressure through rapid attacks is fantastic. He has also gained enough control over force palm to where he can use it in battle, and can even use fighting energy to a certain degree during sparring sessions, although sparingly.\

Overall, Bellator alongside Sven has made leaps and bounds since we depart for Oreburgh city. I am very proud of them and admire their hard work to get this far.


Not much happened the last few days before we arrived at Oreburgh city, we just very simply trained and refined the techniques and moves Sven and Bellator have.

The moment I stepped into the city, I was immediately met with an incredibly distinct smell, I didn't know what to call it exactly. But it was probably a mix of some kind of minerals and I didn't like it.

When I exited the Oreburgh Gate, it dawned on me how messy I was. So I decided to head to the Pokecenter and take a nice…long shower.

It felt pretty damn good to be clean again, I took some of my more comfortable clothes from the PC to wear, and I decided to call Janice and Ren so that they don't think I died or something.

I heard a ringing sound and then loud, banging noises.

"Oi, Brat!" Janice yelled, "It seems ya made it to Oreburgh City huh?"

"Yes, Yes I did." I responded, "I plan on taking on the gym."

"Well, I hope ya don't get demolished." She said," send the fight to me if ya can when you're done, that way I can either laugh at you for losing or praise you for winning."

"Ok, I will be sure to do that." I assured, "If ya get yer butt kicked without even putting up a fight I won't even laugh, I would personally beat you."

"I don't like the way that sounds…"

"Well anyways, Ren wants to speak with you." She said before handing over the phone.

"I hope you do well, Nick." Ren said, "I am excited to see your Ralts and Sven in action."

"Good luck, I wish you success."

"Thanks, Ren," I said, happily.

"I assure you that I am going to get this gym badge," I assured.

"I like the way that sounds!" Ren said, before hanging up.

"Well then." I said," Oreburgh gym badge…"

"I am coming for you!"


I am very surprised to see how many favorites, follows and views this story gained. I can't appreciate and thank y'all enough, Here's the new chapter!

(P.S I am talking about my ratings on Fanfic.net, Not a03.)