
This Man, He Said It Really Naturally!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Qingsang was the illegitimate daughter of the Su family, as expected, her wedding wasn't very grand. Although Su Chenghui didn't care much about this daughter, there were still a lot of guests, because the bride was a daughter of the Su family after all.

The guests included relatives of the Su family, some friends in the business, some people with statuses that below the Su family's, and even people who wanted to build relations with the Su family. All those guests filled up more than 20 tables.

The wedding prelude began to play, and Su Qingsang didn't have the chance to turn back anymore.

"We are gathered here today for Wei…" the MC started to speak and met the groom's gaze.

"Huo Jinyao."

"Huh?" The MC stared back blankly.

"My name is Huo Jinyao," Huo Jinyao repeated. He had a calm smile on his face and had one arm wrapped around Su Qingsang's waist. He had a mighty aura that made it hard for people not to agree with him.

The MC took a few moments to come to his senses, then realized that today's groom wasn't the same man who came to set the wedding date previously. The MC was very experienced and immediately reacted. He awkwardly cleared his throat. "We are gathered today for Mr. Huo Jinyao's and Miss Su Qingsang's wedding…"

The light shone on Su Qingsang's face, and as she listened to the MC's speech and looked at all the people down there, she felt that this wedding wasn't very realistic. However, this unrealistic wedding was going very smoothly.

The smoothness of the wedding continued until the ceremony had finished and Su Qingsang went back to the dressing room to change her outfit. She was about to head back to the banquet hall when someone rushed in front of her.

"Qingsang, Qingsang." Su Qingsang was so surprised by Wei Lenan who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere that she took a few steps back.

"Why did you come?"

"Today is our wedding day, of course, I have to come," Wei Lenan said as if he was offended. He didn't sleep well the night before and wasted half a day talking, but he still couldn't persuade Li Rongrong to get an abortion. He was pissed and called the doctor early in morning to schedule the procedure. He didn't know that Li Rongrong had overheard his call and ran away early in the morning. He spent some energy to search for Li Rongrong and finally found her. As it stood, he had already sent her to the hospital to get the procedure done. He knew he didn't have much time, so he hired two people to watch over Li Rongrong to make sure that abortion was done before she could leave. When he rushed to the Four Seasons Restaurant and saw that the wedding ceremony had already begun, he finally began to panic.

Wei Lenan reached out to grab Su Qingsang's hand. With his scraggly beard, he appeared very tired. "Qingsang, it was my fault yesterday. It's my fault entirely. Marry me, please? We will go announce the wedding over again right now. Don't worry, I've already had people make Li Rongrong get an abortion, so there will be no one to affect us. Really."

Su Qingsang stared at Wei Lenan who was speaking and trying to persuade himself with his own words at the same time. For a second, she thought that she had heard wrong. How did she not know that Wei Lenan had such a shameless side of him?

"Move." Su Qingsang didn't want to continue talking with Wei Lenan anymore and walked past him. But that Wei Lenan had not given up yet and reached out his hand to grab her. Right now, the Wei family and all the relatives of the Wei family knew that he was going to marry Su Qingsang. This a marriage with Su Qingsang, and more so a marriage with the Li family, and he would never let Su Qingsang leave just like that. But before his hand touched Su Qingsang, someone blocked it. The person who pinched his hand had a strong grip, and it was strong enough to make him contort his face in pain.

"What are you trying to do to my wife?"

Su Qingsang thought that she would be grabbed by Wei Lenan, when she saw Huo Jinyao appeared in front of her, she sighed in relief for no reason. However, Huo Jinyao's next words made her choke on her own saliva.

Wi-wife? This man, he said it really naturally! Su Qingsang thought.