
A Stronger bond

A/N I recommend that you read this book on wattpad for the best read as they get the first updates, they get character guides and multiple photos throughout every chapter and some are absolutely mouth watering I promise! Here's the link https://my.w.tt/Nfo3ToyJHbb

Once dinner rolls in I have no choice but to see him, he sits right across from me after all.

He seems as tired as me, his eyes look heavy his hairs not styled like usual, dark circles gather under his eyes and he sits quietly as if not hearing the conversations go on around him.

Laura for a change is sat in her own chair while her and Stephan are talking about something they did when they were younger, something about a secret tree house hideout.

She looked cute as ever, she wore some grey skinny jeans with a crop top that showed cleavage finishing with a white knit cardigan. Pinned to her cardigan was a birthday girl badge.

I talk to Lee about what he's doing for his birthday next Tuesday but he insists on nothing as he doesn't like to make a fuss.

We'd soon all be skipping to get ready for Laura's party which was being thrown at Elijah's House of course.

I text Stephan to see if he wanted to skip earlier.

'fancy going now, we can bake the cookies you wanted to for Laura?' I text him.

A minute of so later he replies.

'sounds good to me but your baking! ' he replies making me laugh.

'of course the last thing we need is you burning the house down so we have to bunk up with Laura and Elijah ' I text to him knowing he cant cook to save his life.

'hmm that doesn't sound all that bad ' he replies making me laugh again.

Instead of replying to him I walk the short distance to him. Yes we really were just texting while in the same room.

"come on hotshot" I say to him grabbing his arm and leading him to his car.

Once we reach the house I make him get all the ingredients out, and I start mixing the cookie dough I've made.

Stephan try's to pinch a bit out of the mixing bowl but I throw a pinch of flour at him.

"oh that's how it is" he says grabbing the bowl of leftover flour throwing a handful at me.

My hair, face and clothes where all coved making me look like a ghost.

"you didn't!" I yell trying not to laugh.

I grab the egg box and look at him with a wicked smile.

"no, no let's me reasonab-" splat the first egg landed on his chest coving his shirt in the sticky egg as the shell fell to the floor.

The second hit his shoulder and the third his face as he stormed to me snatching the box out my hands.

He grabbed one him self smashing it on my head. Surprisingly painful, do not try at home.

I use the last egg in my hand to smash into his face with my palm then smearing it in with my hand as we laugh and scream at each others attack.

He throws more flour which clings to dripping egg in my hair and down my face.

He turns around to try grab the remaining eggs which he'd placed down and I take this as my opportunity.

I run and jump on his back piggy back style just as he reaches the eggs, I smash his face into the bowl of flour he was holding, I keep his head in the bowl holding him there with all my strength.

"what the hell are you two doing" Elijah's voice echoed from the other end of the kitchen.

Stephan turned us so we were facing him or at least I was his face was still in the bowl.

Stephan's hand shot up into my face with another egg, making me fall from him but I still had the flour bowl which I quickly put over his head leaving the bowl there like a hat as flour created a cloud around us.

I took a step toward Elijah's direction but quickly skidded and fell flat on my back.

"you fucking idio" Stephan laughed but was soon stopped when he also fell ass first on the egg yolks scattered across the floor.

I look over at him as he hold his elbow which hit off the floor and can't help but laugh. We look ridiculous and we stink of raw egg. Gross.

Elijah clears his throat grabbing our attention as he walks around to us.

"I don't think you two should come tonight" he says flatly, wiping the smiles and ripping the laughter right from mine and Stephan's faces

"and whys that, scared I might steal ya girl" Stephan spits while attempting to wipe egg from his face.

I don't say anything just simply stare up at Elijah. He may be bloody beautiful but he sure was an ass.

"I don't want anything to ruin her birthday that's all" Elijah says letting his eyes drop to me.

I can't imagine what I look like right now but if it's anything like Stephan then it's not great.

He smiles at me lightly but then looks back to Stephan.

"fine whatever, you can go now" Stephan says standing up and walking away assumedly to his room.

Elijah walks over to me holding his hand out to help me up.

I take it but almost slip again on my way up until he place a firm arm around my waist steadying me.

He looks at me and chuckles to himself picking egg shell out my hair.

"I think you need to clean up a bit love" he says laughing a bit more at my current state.

I laugh too "yes I think your right" I say before quickly grabbing him in a tight embrace wiggling my body on his as I hold him then I quickly pull my hands up one running over his face the other ruffling through his hair so he too now is covered in egg and flour as if he'd been apart of the food fight himself.

"oh no would you look at that, I think you too need to clean up too doodlebook" I say giggling.

He shakes his head at me trying to dust away some of the flour to no avail. He laughs a little before saying "I'd only just had a shower"

"I think you missed a spot" I say tapping his flour covered nose.

He smiles at me which I didn't expect, i had thought he'd be mad but he seems to find it as amusing as me.

"have a good night little Tinkerbelle" he says giving my arm a squeeze before walking away.

His word made me sad as I stood still for a moment, they reminded me that he has just uninvited me and Stephan to his girlfriends birthday.

I go upstairs getting a much needed shower then throwing on some cozy clothes which was a blue tie dye effect crop jumper and shorts set. I brush my hair while drying it ensuring it goes straight without having to style it.

Once I'm done I knock on Stephan's bedroom door.

"come in" he calls to me

"are you decent?" I ask not attempting to open the door yet.

Instead of replying he just opens the door himself with a confused look "I wouldn't shout come in if I wasn't decent silly Billy" he says to me teasingly.

"hey I don't know what your into" I say back laughing walking past him into his room.

We sit on his bed and play video games together but that's short lived.

"I refuse to play with you, you suck!!" I say to him annoyed that he made us die every time.

"I'm just out of practise, besides your a rubbish teammate" he says back.

I throw a pillow at him which he easily catches "should we go over and give Laura her things at least" he says in a sad voice.

"hell yeah, we should probably redo the cookies first though" I say holding my hand out to him then leading him into the kitchen.

I finish the cookies then box them up ready to take over, Stephan drives us over the Elijah's house where he let's himself in I shake my head at him following.

Firstly we place the present on the kitchen counter then I hold both vases of flowers while Stephan holds the box with the cookies and red velvet cake in.

We sneak into the living room where we can hear the TV playing I'm assuming that where they are though I can't smell them over the strong smell of the fresh cookies wafting from the box in Stephan hand.

When we walk in we freeze, Laura is straddling Elijah's lap on the sofa with a blanket coving there nakedness. Our timing was impeccable as Laura was just lowering herself down on him.

Stephan puts the cake box down on the table to the side of him then we both feel it.

My knees go weak and the vases fall from my hands, leaving a mess of glass, water and flowers spread across the floor.

Before I fall however Stephan has caught me he seems a lot me tolerant or this pain then I am yet he's still clearly hurting with his distorted face.

He sweeps me up off my feet as I see Laura quickly jump up off Elijah while they try shouting back to us I can't hear a word though my brain had gone to mush.

It was one thing feeling them have sex but it was another entirely seeing it first-hand.

Stephan walks us to his car before driving we don't look back as we drive silently to the woods.

Once there we both get out and walk into the woods separately, I consider Stephan a good friend now no scratch that one of my best friends but some times you just need to be alone this was one of them times.

I run into the wood and before I even have time to undress Tink explodes from me fury cracking over her fur.

She runs and then hunts ripping apart a deer that never stood a chance as she furiously feasts until only a carcass remains.

Eventually I'm able to fight Tink back as I shift back very much naked. Shit.

My phone was still in the car so I couldn't text or call any body, so I just swallow my dignity and walk to the car naked as a new-born.

Once I reach the car a see Stephan is there waiting for me already when he sees me he doesn't question my nakedness.

He takes his tip off quickly throwing it at me "thank you" I say pulling it over my head.

Being naked for wolves was common and basically inevitable so it wasn't a big deal and Stephan was respectful as he gave me privacy until I was covered.

We both got back into the car driving back home I grab my phone just to send my mum a quick text to say I loved and missed her.

Once we reached the house I cleaned up the kitchen with Stephan but once that was done there was nothing to distract us from the image that I'm sure was burnt into both our minds now.

"I want to make them hurt too" he says in a unrecognisably shallow voice.

He turned to me pulling my face to his stopping with only and inch between our lips as he looking into my eyes for approval. What ever he saw there was clearly enough as he closed the gap.

His lips were on mine in a sweet kiss a gentle one, full of sadness and our heartbreak, most different from the fast, passion driven kiss I'd shared with Elijah that kiss was enviable two people who couldn't hold back any longer and the kiss showed that. This kiss though was a choice two people choosing to fill a void just like my parents.

Stephan deepens the kiss flicking his tongue in my mouth as it danced with my own unlike Elijah who demanded dominance Stephan shared it.

He bent down a little tucking his hands on the back of my tight before hoisting me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist locking them in place.

My back hit the cold fridge making me shudder and Stephan chuckle huskily.

We both stare at each other and burst into laughter as he brings me down to my feet.

"if all else fails at least you're a good kisser" he says winking at me with a chuckle.

I throw a spoon and his head "shut it you, we have a party to crash" I say with a wicked smile.

"you sure you want to do that" he questions me.

"I'm gonna go get ready" I say already walking off towards my room.

I wore a long black skin tight silk dress that had mesh cut-outs on both sides that ran down the full length of the dress meaning knickers were a nono.

I wore some black heels and straightened my hair then did my make up with a nude lip.

Once I was done I headed downstairs and outside where Stephan was already ready and waiting for me. He looked sexy as hell in tight plaid pants and a white t shirt that hugged his muscles. Laura was sure in for a treat.

We headed over to Elijah's which was already fill with drunken people and music was blaring out.

We parked up and walked inside holding hands so we didn't get separated.

"look Danielle and Ryan are over there" I say dragging him to the spot.

"hey you two sexy singles" Danielle said clearly drunk as she slurred her words.

Ryan laughed at her attempt to speak shaking his head "I left her for two seconds and she plays beer pong missing every shot" he says laughing picking her up "I'm gonna take her to lay down" he says carrying her away.

"that girl is checking you out over there look" I say tilting my head in the direction of the girl swooning over Stephan.

"gooooo, its a party, what happens at a party stays at the party" I say pushing him away.

And now I'm left alone, I wonder around grabbing myself a bottle of wine off the rack.

I walk upstairs and to one of the spare room, there were plenty of rooms up here yet Elijah had made me sleep in one downstairs ever the gentleman.

I open the door and walk in closing it behind me, I see a pair of legs peaking out but can't see who they belonged to as they sat on the floor covered by the bed.

They were crying? I could hear the sniffles and sobs "go-go away" they cried.

But I knew that voice it was jade.

I walked over to see her there sobbing to herself hiding behind the bed.

Me and jade hadn't gotten on but I'm not heartless. I lower my self onto the floor too.

"do you want to talk about it?" I ask in a therapeutic voice.

"no now go away" she sobbed loader.

But I don't I won't leave someone like this.

"no, I'll just sit with you" I say getting in a more comfortable position in the floor beside her.

It's quite for some time before she sighs "I found my mate, but he-he doesn't want me" she sobs again "he said that I was a horrid person and he couldn't be with someone like me" she cries more.

"well lucky for you if anybody knows a thing of two about stupid mates it's me" I say to her placing a reassuring hand on her arm.

"it's different though, Elijah actually likes you he just pretends he doesn't my mate hates me" she says her crying easing.

"Elijah doesn't pretend and I'm sure hate is a strong word"

"no he does I've know him all my life he likes you I can see it but he-he has Laura and Marcus my mate god you should of seen the look in his eyes"

"give it time you seem to think Elijah likes me but you should of seen the look he gave me when we first found out" I say trying to comfort her.

"really?" she asks

"really!" i say. We talk a bit longer then I help her clean her face so you can't see she'd been crying then we head downstairs.

I've finished my wine at the point so go to get another drink. On my way to the kitchen I see Stephan and Laura who looked gorgeous in a pink long sleeved dress that had a low V cut and a pretty tutu skirt.

They seemed to be to caught up in each other to notice as I walked past so I didn't say anything, I didn't want to interrupt their moment Stephan deserved time with his mate.

Once I reached the kitchen I mad myself a drink not looking what it was I poured in then topped the glass up with lemonade.

I took a mouthful and it tasted like coconut it was nice but god I'd made it strong, I look at the bottle to see what id used and read 'Malibu Caribbean rum' this aught to do the trick I think to myself as I drink my rum and lemonade.

"here I was thinking you'd actually listened to me for once" that all too familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around coming face to face with Elijah "I don't know what your talking about" I pretend.

"you agreed not to come tonight" he said sounding annoyed now.

"technically only Stephan did and by the looks of it" I say gesturing with my head to Stephan and Laura who were stood very close together whispering into each others ears smiling "he's not ruining her night at all" I say with an innocent smile.

"it's not him I was worried about" Elijah spits back.

Wait what? "how am I ruining anything" I spit back annoyed.

He takes a step closer to me "because-because" he sniffs the air then sniffs it again as if not believing what he smells "Stephan's scent is all over you!" he says his eyes going dark almost black.

"well of course we do live together" I say playing the idiot.

"don't lie to me Tinkerbelle" he says stepping closer to me again.

"I'm not do you not remember I moved in with him when you kicked me out doodlebook" I say smiling slyly.

"you and I both know that's not what this is" he says scrunching up his face as if the smell made him sick.

"and you stink of Laura but you don't hear me crying about it" I say pinching my nose for effect.

"is this about earlier? Look I'm sorry" he said sounding genuine, not that it mattered.

"you need to accept my rejection, then we'll both be free of this, that's what you want right? To not feel bound to me, drawn to me when you really what another woman? " I ask bitterly

"is that what you want" his voice was pained.

"what I wanted was a mate who wanted me, now I don't have that so we might as well cut our loses" I say though my voice had lost its dominance.

"dance with me" he says grabbing my hand and walking out the kitchen.

He pulls me into his chest and lifts my face up to look at his with his hand under my chin.

He places his hands around my waist as I put mine on his shoulders "you're so hot and cold it's giving me whiplash" I say to him as our bodies gently sway amongst the drunken people though we pay them no heed.

"I'm sorry little Tinkerbelle I don't mean to be.. Not with you" he says in a tired voice.

"what does that even mean, your so confusing Elijah" I say huffing.

"it means I'm trying, this whatever this is, it's new to me too" he says as I rest my head against his chest.

"trying what trying us?" I ask hopeful though I know better.

He looks at down at me before sighing and kissing my forehead "this is why I was afraid of you coming tonight love" he says resting his chin on head.

We don't speak anymore just sway together peacefully ignoring the party around us.

Once most people have left he pulls away from me bowing to me with a cheeky smile making me laugh.

"goodnight Elijah I need to find Stephan" I say kissing his cheek goodbye.

"goodnight love, I'll see you tomorrow"

I walk around the house until I find Stephan who is still with Laura, when he see me he gives Laura a kiss on the lips goodbye.

"goodnight then?" I ask him grinning

"hmm I don't know what your talking about" he says grinning too.

We drive home filling each other in on the nights adventures smiling at each others happiness.

A/N what do you guys think trinity should do? Would you like pov from Elijah or anyone else? And have you just checked out this story on wattpad if you what do you think of the characters I choose do they match what you had envisioned? Check it out here https://my.w.tt/Nfo3ToyJHbbhttps://my.w.tt/Nfo3ToyJHbb