
To Make And Kill A King

When a renowned lawyer wakes up as the villainess of a video game she'd played ages ago, she learns about the Empire's corruption and decides to destroy the emperor and his lackeys herself.

Gardenia_Sweet · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Something to Pity

Mina trusted Lady Lilith Seraphine about as much as she could throw her. Who was this noblewoman who stole her from her job? She had heard the rumors: that Lilith was cruel to her subordinates and kind to those above her were par for the course, but how many servants had gone through the revolving door of the Seraphine duchy due to this little princess?

And now Mina was one of them? The absolute gall of the woman, tripping her. All of this, breaking the teapot, spiriting Mina away from the place that had become her home-- all of this was Lilith's doing.

The insult upon the injury was the promise of money: all nobles made their fantastic little claims about compensation, and all Mina had received for her hard work thus far was a slap to the face and a prompt dismissal.

...And re-hiring, yes, but that hardly made up for the paltry pay at the Bennett estate, or the treatment.

Mina strongly doubted that her treatment would be any different here. More impossible standards and long hours, surely. Still, she accepted the tea poured for her in Miss Seraphine's palatial living quarters. Even Miss Bennett didn't have a separate space to host guests.

The tea was good, at least. "I'm sure you have questions, Mina," Miss Seraphine smiled, all pretend gentleness. No, Mina could read people-- Miss Seraphine was a snake waiting to strike. "Please, be comfortable."

Alright. Fine. "...Why me?" That had been the question that had rattled in Mina's head the entire way to her new workplace; as she was directed by a startled butler to set up her own room. Clearly this hadn't been anticipated by the rest of the Seraphine estate.

"I'm afraid that the answer isn't as satisfying as you'd like to hear," Seraphine admitted, at least having the humility to look guilty. "You happened to be close by, and I needed a new maid."

"You couldn't have just asked your father to replace her?"

Here Miss Seraphine's expression went... frosty. There was a coldness there, Mina could tell, even though her smile didn't change. "I told you that it's likely that someone will offer you high compensation for sharing private information about me."

Oh. Oh. "Your father?" Whoa. Nobles really were a different breed.

Seraphine placed her teacup on her saucer and placed it back on the table. "Likely on the orders of the Emperor."

Mina had no answer to that-- suddenly the stakes of this position felt so much higher. Was this what Seraphine's life was, then? Just... being monitored, constantly? "I see." Mina didn't necessarily sympathize with her, all considered, but... still. There was an unfairness to it that didn't taste right. "Would I... be going against the Emperor's orders, then?"

Finally a real smile from Mina's new mistress. "Not necessarily. You'd just be exhibiting proper loyalty-- which would not go unrewarded."

As Mina already knew. "You already told me about the triple salary thing."

"And you think that's all you'll get?" Lilith laced her fingers together, crossing her legs.

This felt like a trap. This couldn't possibly be a good idea, and yet... "What else is there?"

She shouldn't have asked. Lilith grinned, teeth bared. A cold shiver shocked its way down Mina's spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she'd signed a contract with a demon. "What can an Empress give you? Think bigger than just money."

Lilith leaned forward, and Mina couldn't help but notice herself doing the same. In a soft voice, barely above a whisper, "Think: land. A title. An estate of your own, if you play your cards right. I value loyalty, Mina, more than you know. This isn't just a position where you serve me-- you would be acting as an advisor. I need eyes and ears in the servants' quarters, and you have those and more."

Wait. "'And more?'"

An honest-to-goodness chuckle. Mina had never heard a noble deign to even look in her direction, let alone laugh with her. "You have a brain, clearly. I had my concerns when I chose you out of nowhere, but--"

"Hold on," Mina interrupted, knowing full well the usual consequences of interrupting her employer. She had to test her boundaries, see what she could get away with. "What would you have done if I weren't up to your standards?"

Whatever the answer, Mina knew that she could handle it. Maybe it would be terrifying, but then Mina would know exactly what the risks were, working for Miss Seraphine. Information was worth more than gold at this juncture.

Lilith only smiled, brows raised, that placid expression she had inflicted upon one of the girls at the tea party before she put her firmly in her place. Shoot. Mina remained still, staring into those chilly lavender eyes of Miss Lilith's, waiting.

"I admire your gumption," Miss Seraphine finally said, notably not an answer to Mina's question. "It takes courage to withstand silence. You'll need that going forward."

Right. Mina wouldn't get an answer, then. "Thank you," she replied, eyes back on her lap-- she hadn't noticed how her hands had clenched into fists against the fabric of her dress.

"You're very welcome. And should you actually spy on me against my orders, you may just find the answer you're looking for." Oh. No. Mina felt her stomach drop.

"Right. Yes, My Lady."

"I'm glad you understand," Miss Seraphine's smile grew warmer-- Mina had to check through her eyelashes, but it seemed that the Miss was pleased. "Now, today has been long for you-- go rest. Tomorrow may also pose a challenge."

Mina had the distinct feeling that every day would pose a challenge in this miserable estate. Regardless, she stood from her seat, silently wondering if this would be the first and last shared teatime with her new mistress. Going by the way the Bennett estate handled their new servants, it was likely. She left the room, and, upon closing the door to the Young Miss's quarters, heaved a sigh.

She could breathe again.

"You," came a deep voice from her left, and Mina turned to see a looming statue of a man, red-haired and bristling with some kind of quiet fury. Going by his age and his silk vest, this was the master of the house. "I need to speak with you."


Duke Seraphine's office was creepy at night. Lit only with sparse candlelight, it felt like a cavern-- one Mina didn't know if she'd be able to escape. Books were stacked on shelves that felt like they went on forever into the sky, and the room ended at an enormous wooden desk piled high with documents. A painting of a woman was hung behind it, overtaking the southern wall-- she looked almost like Mina's new mistress, but the cheekbones were sharper, her jaw more angular.

The late Duchess of Seraphine. She stared down at Mina through glistening eyes, beautifully rendered, and she could understand why this painting had been so prominently displayed in the office-- it was like the woman were still there, standing in the room. Breathing.

"She looks similar to your new master, no?" came the Duke's voice, and Mina whipped around to see him. He stood still next to her, candelabra in his hands, staring up at his late wife. The candle flickered too much for her to be sure, but he looked... sad. Heartbroken. He sighed. "This isn't a tour. I have a favor to ask of you."

Mina bowed. "Of course, Your Grace."

"Serving the future Crown Princess involves various responsibilities, as I'm sure you're well aware. I'll need you to provide me with details regarding her life--" Well, that was quick, "The things she reads, the people to whom she speaks, and above all--" he gulped, "Her emotional state. She's quite fragile."

Fragile? Had they met the same woman? The Young Miss that Mina had met was an iron wall. Still, it wasn't her place to comment. She bowed again, with, "I understand, Your Grace."

"You'll be reporting to me every evening at this time-- it will be your final duty for the day," Duke Seraphine instructed, before pulling a key from his pocket and unlocking a drawer in his desk. From it he handed her a bag, heavy with gold; more than Mina had ever held in her life. "And finally, please... make her happy to the best of your ability. That girl shoulders a burden no that no one should have to bear."

What, being married into royalty? A burden? Please. "I understand, Your Grace."

"No you don't," he admonished, voice gentle. "She's been dealt a truly pitiable fate. Treat her kindly."

Pitiable. The word rang in Mina's ears late into the night, as she clutched onto her sack of gold-- 60 entire coins. She'd bitten them and found them to be real. Pitiable. Her Ladyship was pitiable.

Why exactly was that?