
To-Love you: Add up system.

I am having a second life. This thought of mine changed the way I see the world around me. I was once a common boy who grew into a common man and lived a happy life, or so I thought until the end of my previous existence. Just how everyone is born! At the end of their lives, they must also face death on their own terms, and I had nothing to gripe about. If not for how I saw them dying, as I could only helplessly look at their tired faces as they closed their last breath. Consequently, I committed suicide in the end so that my last heir would receive my life insurance and be able to take care of himself. However, the brutality of society prevented him from receiving even 1% of the money I had been saving, and as a helpless soul, I watched him sob to death. Nevertheless, I was given a chance because their souls had reincarnated into different worlds along with mine, and they were enjoying their lives. As a result, I chose to exchange all of my memories—aside from those of anime—for a system in this life. As I began my new life in this world as Yuki Rito, follow me on my journey.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


Mahiru experienced this level of closeness with a friend from her school for the first time, and her brother was also a very nice and kind person.

Although there were some strange moments, she remembers how Rito pulled the bike gangsters behind him on the day he had saved her from the bike members and the day he had sent her back to her house.

She came to understand that Rito was silently defending her from them while doing so without telling her.

'From that peculiar moment on, I began to feel a little close to him and realize that I was able to open up to him without any issues.'

"Yeah, he is just way to idiotic for me to look away from him."

Looking at her friend talking about her brother, Mikan felt a little happy and a little weird about it, although for the most part, she was thinking of supporting her and Haruna for their love.

In a single room! The three girls laughed together as they sat with Mikan and the others on their beds, their eyes closed and their voices low.

As the three of them gradually became exhausted, they all shut their eyes and fell silently to sleep.

Rito, in his room, had just finished his work when Mikan's room caught his eye, and he smiled.

He therefore drank some water as he descended the stairs to quench his thirst, gave it some thought, and then resumed writing.

After all, his third volume was already nearing its conclusion, and he was planning to start writing another light novel, titled "Your Lie in April," soon.

Even though he was unsure if it would enjoy the same level of success as his current book, "Re:Zero," he was still motivated to publish another book with such a strong emotional impact.

"Let's wrap this up!" As Rito walked toward the stairs, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs and found that Mahiru was awake and was walking down the staircase.

"Yuki-san..." Like Rito, Mahiru was taken aback to see her awake and grinning.

Rito nodded and inquired as to what she needed, but when Mahiru replied that she was only looking for the bathroom, Rito laughed because it was on the first floor, close to the end of the gallery.

"You could have asked for Mikan's help!" Rito spoke while escorting her to the restroom, while Mahiru merely shook her head. Despite having had the same thought earlier, she was unable to wake Mikan up after seeing her face as she slept.

"It's alright, I once was told by Mikan, but I had forgotten myself, so I am to be blamed for this one." Rito sighed as she observed Mahiru criticizing herself, remembering her true nature from how they had first met in this life. Rito believes Mahiru is very hard on herself for one reason or another.

Next morning!

Even though it was only four in the morning, the city was being quietly swept by a cool breeze that carried a faint sea and tree scent.

"Hmm!" Rito awoke as usual and opened his eyes to discover a blond-haired girl sitting next to him, covered in silence and in the shadow of the room, but with her blond hair and smooth skin shining under the dim light.

Rito instantly recognized her and smiled, as she always does.

"Good morning, Alpha; it had been a while since I had seen you." Rito's soothing voice reverberated throughout the space as Alpha nodded at her master, rested her head on his shoulder, and lay next to him.

"Hmm! It has been times, Rito!" Rito tilted slightly and patted Alpha's head as he stood up from his sleeping position after sensing the soft sensation on the right shoulder and the warm feeling from the side.

"All the seven shadows have decided to be back in this world, master Rito! I had heard that you had been attacked, and your family was also in danger."

There was silence as Rito observed that Alpha appeared to be extremely concerned about it and had made the decision to send all of their soldiers to this world in order to examine the power infrastructure here.

Although, at this fact alone, Rito was also not against it, given that he was also worried about it and wanted to know more about this world power system if possible.

"Alright, but this world power system is really beyond my recognition, so I hope all of you will try to be as restrained as possible."

Rito spoke to Alpha, who nodded at his words and smiled while silently pulling her hair behind her earlobe and pulling the soft nightgown clothing to cover her shoulder bone that was exposed due to her lying posture.

"Yeah, right, Eta and Delta were both missing you, so they might be here soon enough, although their mission is taking them a long time before they can finish it."

Rito blushed a little as Alpha stood in front of him, adjusted his clothes, and gave him a light hug.

Rito found it difficult to ignore the soft sensation on his chest given the combination of Alpha's figure and her nice body smell, which was quite alluring.

"Hehe! I will be back!" After saying that, she kissed Rito on the lips before separating and instantly merging with the shadow before vanishing from the scene, leaving Rito speechless as he pondered how much stronger Alpha had become.

'She has become strong again; if not for the sword style I had learned from the system of Sword God Style, I might end up losing her in terms of number of skills.'

Rito left his room with a fresh outlook and the determination to become even stronger than he was at the time. He thought as he touched his lips.

[Name: Yuki Rito] [Level 27: Un-assigned points: 2700]

[Magic: 290] +++ Skill: Appraisal, Creator, Item-Box, Rejuvenation

[ATK: 286] +++ Title: Otherworlder, first-time traveler to a different world

[DEF: 285] +++ Skill points: ***

[AGI: 286.6]

[INT: 289]

[LUCK: 285]

[Guild active (Currently)]

[Guild point: 7K]

Passive System-Skills: Sword God Style (Master) || ********************************** ||

P-Mathematics Level 4 (127/250) || P-Social Studies Level 5 (34/500) || P-Science Level 5 (120/500) ||

P-English Level 7 (225/1500) || P-Japanese Level 5 (560/1500) || A-Hairdresser Level 3 (700/2000) ||

A-Dash Level 4 (674/2000) || A-Jog Level 5 (700/2000) || A-Instant-Sprint Level 3 (128/2000) ||

A-Kendo Level 5 (200/1000) || A-Mix-Martial Art Level 6 (580/7000) || A-Boxing Level 6 (1200/7000) ||

A-Pianist Level 3 (500/700) || Mana Step Level 3 (5000/10000) ||

"Hmm, I need skills to make up for my weakness, but those skills will be hard to get from the system, given that they are mostly obtained from doing quests."

Rito muttered as he studied the system from where he was perched on the bench.

Rito eventually made the decision to give the system's quests some thought, but before doing so, he still had the seminar award for his novel from the day before to attend and prepare for.

"Dad did say that someone he knew would be there to pick me up, but I am rather not sure about his forgetting himself."

Rito made a note to write down the phone number of the other person who would be picking him up so that he could directly contact them and confirm whether they would be present at the ceremony or not in light of his father's careless attitude.