
To LOVE Ru - The Unknown Darkness


counterbloxpro19 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Shameless Events and Confession?

It's was morning at Rito's household where he was sleeping on the couch while the girls were sleeping in his bed from yesterday as the sun raised above the horizon and into the living room with the sleeping Rito, the sun awaken the tired Rito and brought him into a "Somehow" good mood (if you get what I mean -_-) which made him think;

″I should start with the breakfast for them″ Thought Rito for himself as he walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. He opens the fridge and grabbed what he needs for the different breakfasts for the girls & himself. While he did that the girls started to wake up in his room.

″Yawmm...″ Said all the girls at the same time as they woke up and looked at each other before saying good morning and looked around and remember that they were sleeping in Rito's room.

″That smell is very good as a breakfast smell″ Said Nana while the others nodded as they got out of the bed and walked down to the kitchen to see Rito preparing the breakfast as he noticed the girls coming down the stairs.

″The breakfast will be done in a minute!″ Shouted Rito as he did that the girls went to the table and soon after he comes out of the kitchen with the breakfasts to everyone.

″It's delicious, Rito!″ Said Lala

″Thank you, Lala″ Replied Rito looking at everyone while finishes his breakfast.

Moments later the others finished their breakfast and Rito did the dishes while the girls went to the bathroom to change clothes.

″Right time to start heading to school″ Thought Rito as he was nearly done with the dishes and the girls was done with switching their clothes and exited the bathroom.

″It time soon to head for school Lala, Momo, and Nana!″ Shouted Rito as they were heading upstairs to their room to grab the school bags.

″Ok, we are just gonna grab our bags!″ Shouted Lala back to Rito as he was waiting at the door talking to Mikan and Yami.

*Meanwhile in the Devilukes rooms*

″I got my bag, do you two have yours?″ Asked Lala.

″Yepp, I got mine″ Answered Nana.

″Same here, let's make Rito not wait longer!″ Said Momo and they walked out and headed to the door where Rito was waiting at.

″Ready to head to school?″ Asked Rito as the Devilukes nodded and they headed out towards the school meanwhile Yami and Mikan was at the house and talked about things like if Yami should transfer to the school the other went on and Mikan agree to that bc that way she can learn about Earth and it culture and more.

″You should transfer to their school Yami″ Said Mikan.

″You think I should?, if you say so Mikan″ Answered Yami as she got a nod from Mikan as an answer and she nodded back and left the house and flew towards Rito's school.

*Meanwhile at the school with Rito and the other girls*

″Well, it just gonna be another day of nothing excited″ Thought Rito as he saw Yui Kotegawa walking around the school on her *patrol* as she is the girl who keeps everything in order and no shameless things happen on the school ground. As Rito walked towards her, he heard 2 familiar voices, those were Lala's & Momo's voices.

″Ritooo!!″ Shouted Lala

″Rito-san!″ Shouted Momo

″What, Lala and Momo, why are you two shouting″ Asked Rito as he turned around which made him fall backwards and make his hand touch both Lala's & Momo's breasts, at the same time Yui heard the shout that Lala & Momo did and turned around to see Rito doing shameless things to them.

″SHAMELESS!!!″ Said Yui as Rito got help from Lala & Momo to get up and turned around to see Yui with red cheeks which made Rito confused why she was red.

″Sorry Yui, but it was, most not my fault..″ Said Rito, as he, Lala, and Momo joined by Nana, went to the classroom, ironic enough it was the same class Yui was going to too

*Meanwhile with Yami at the principal's room*

″So you want to transfer here?″ Asked the principal Yami as she nodded.

″You can start tomorrow and you will be in the same class as Rito and the three princesses″ Said the principal to Yami as she nodded and went out of the room and saw Momo, Lala, and Nana as she walked towards them.

″Hello princesses, is it ok I join you on the walk home?″ Asked Yami the princesses as they nodded.

″Why are you here?″ Asked Lala Yami.

″Ill be transferred to your class tomorrow″ Answered Yami which made the three princesses happy as they continued walking around the school till near the end of the school day.

*Later at the end of the school*

″Wanna walk home together Rito?″ Asked Momo who was joined with her sisters and Yami.

″Yeh why not?″ Replied Rito as they went home together as they went past the shrine where they saw Yui looking at it as she noticed Rito and the three princesses together with Yami.

″Hello there, Yui. Looking at something?″ Asked Rito Yui as they walked closer to her.

″Hello Rito, Nah I just remember something when I was younger and was here at this shrine″ Replied Yui as there was a meow from a cat in one of the trees.

″Oh, a cat stuck in a tree″ Said Lala Supprised as she found the tree with the stuck cat.

″Imma get it down″ Said Rito as he did those memories from Yui's childhood where she could not help a cat in a tree but a boy with orange hair did wich she noticed that it was Rito.

″There you go, cat, try not to get stuck again″ Said Rito as he got down from the tree and let the cat run to wherever it needed to run.

″Hey Rito?″ Said Yui while looking and slightly blushing as she said that to her childhood crush.

″What is it Yui?″ Replied Rito as he noticed she was blushing and still was confused by that.

″Is it ok I come over to your house? I want to talk to you about something.″ Asked Yui while still slightly blushing and waiting for a reply.

″Why not, join us on the walk to our home″ Replied Rito as they started the walk towards their home.

While they walked back to the house, Lala, Momo, Nana & Yami asked why Yui decided to join them on the walk home and she explained why and the reason to them while they explained that she would need to share him with Lala, Momo, Nana, Haruna, Yami, and Mikan after Rito married Lala so he can marry any girls that have feelings towards him which Yui agreed on while they talked so Rito could not hear what they were talking about as they arrived at the house with Mikan waiting.

″We are back!″ Shouted Rito as Mikan was happy about that but surprised when she saw Yui while Rito explained that she wanted to talk to him about something.

″Yui, I'm going to use the bathroom fast, meanwhile, head up to my room if you want to talk in private″ Said Rito as he headed to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, the other girls told Mikan the reason and she have to accept and share her brother with them which she agreed on as she did prepare the dinner.

What will Rito find out what Yui wants to talk about and how will he react and what will this affect his life and the unknown darkness inside of him?

Again I'm sorry for the very late chapter beacuse again it's the reason is due to lack of events with non-yet included characters, next I'm going probably include the school nurse Mikado and the ghost Oshizu event and then after I might create a poll or if any reviews include suggestions on which girl I should do next, like Mea, Nemesis or other (that could make it so I have to rework the event to link up with this ending)

End of Chapter 4