
Purpose of life

What is the purpose of my life?

The sound of the cars moving and the traffic light flickering. This is my everyday view.

I am surrounded by the people, yet I find the streets around me cold and distant. Everyone is walking in their own pace. Some are happy, while others are sad. Some are surrounded by their loved ones, while others are like me, all alone.

The older I get, the more I think about my purpose in life. What am I supposed to do? Do I have a purpose? Is there a reason why I'm alive? What should I possibly do?

*beep! beep! beep!*

"You stupid blind idiot, don't commit suicide in front of my car! I don't want to be responsible for taking a life."

I realized that I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even noticed that I walked in the red light. I quickly left the scene.

Should I have just died? Is it easier for me to fall into eternal sleep or to stay here to keep on finding my purpose.

As I was lamenting and contemplating about my life decisions.

A stray cat came up to me. It was a typical Garfield cat.

He would always come to me and act all cute.


I opened a can of tuna and bought a bottle of water.

He started to eat the food that I brought.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck comes right straight at the cat.

I hurriedly picked up the cat and tried my best to avoid it.


It was too late, I couldn't avoid the hit completely. I could feel my vision becoming more blurry.

My final thoughts were I will finally get my eternal sleep.

However, I could still hear sounds.

"Aiden, my son don't die! It's alright if you don't want to be a doctor. It's fine if you want to be a musician or an artist. I won't stop you!"

"Aiden, please don't die on us! You are our only child. We love you."

"I am forever grateful to you! During my worse days, you were the only one who believed in me! Your music saved me! You were the reason why I can become this successful. Your songs made my voice come back to life."

"Don't go! Who gave you the right to leave us? I know that you have hated me all your life, but I still like you. I know I have bullied you or looked down on you. I know I'm a scum but I just couldn't help but be envious of you and your talent. Your aura was too bright! So....do come back. I really....love you.... you idiot!"

"Please...wake up! You told me you will come and cheer me for my football match! Older brother remember you told me that I can do anything in my life. You told me that I can make it, so I believed in your words. The boy back in junior high is now a professional football player beloved by the world. You promised me! So please wake up and watch my match!"


I could hear countless amount of people voices. I should be in eternal sleep right?

I want to sleep, I don't want to wake up!

"OMG! Doctor! My son!"


I felt a wetness in my cheek.

*meow, meow, meow*

What is going on? Why can I feel sadness? What is my purpose in life? Why? It feels like my cold heart is finally melting.

I decided I will find it out by myself.

I slowly open my eyes. The light is too bright, I faintly see an orange hue.


I felt a soft paw on my face.

I felt so many gazes at me.



After I woke up, I realized that I was in coma, luckily my injuries were not life threatening and I could easily recover from my wounds.

I also found out that the orange cat would stay with me in the hospital and never leave me.

My parents accepted me for who I am.

I received an apology and also a confession.

I guess I wasn't that useless after all.

So...my life went on

I realized that the purpose of life.....